Research from China points to Ireland being very high-risk for virus spread in winter months. This study linked Spring hot-spot outbreaks (yellow zone) at 5-11°C & low humidity 1/…
another study: ‘meteorological factors play independent role in #COVID19 transmission.. Local weather (low temp, mild diurnal temp range & low humidity) likely favor transmission.. each 1°C increase in [temp] related to decline of daily confirmed cases’ 2/…
‘Air temperature & humidity indicated to significantly influence transmission of COVID-19’.. the weather two weeks ago was correlated with confirmed new case counts.. epidemiological data were correlated with weather data 14 days ago’ 3/…
& the weather also strongly influences human behaviour (more time spent indoors), more heating of buildings, less ventilation & poorer indoor air conditions 4/
if epidemiologists are ‘surprised’, blaming surge on anecdotal ‘bad behaviour’, it strongly suggests epidemiological models are incomplete/mis-interpreted, & model needs to be interrogated more rigorously by a multi-disciplinary team. #NPHET model has no environmental data 5/
HSE mask policy is ~not~ in accordance with current international scientific evidence, & is unsafe
🦠covid is airborne past 2m
🦠15 mins is not a safe time #TodayCB@TodaywithClaire@HSELive@hpscireland@HIQA
[Thread] Protecting yourself from viruses ‘is not just about ventilation, it’s about humidity in rooms’ -Dr @laoneill111 on @NewstalkFM#Covid19
& here’s why... 1/
In autumn conditions, as across Europe now, temperatures have dropped (10-15°C) people have moved indoors, heating is on & windows closed. #Covid19 cases have risen 2/
It’s similar to last Spring when the hot-spot #Covid19 outbreaks were in yellow zone (Wuhan, New York, Seattle, cities in Iran, Italy, Spain, France, UK & Ireland) at 5-11°C, low absolute humidity 3/…
[Thread] Last night the Chief Medical Officer finally said #covid19 is spread “indoors in poor ventilation”
This is HUGELY SIGNIFICANT, & here’s why.. 1/ #Covid19
..Ireland’s public health message is not in step with international scientific community & has not kept pace with 9 months of research.. so no warnings have been given about ~airborne~ virus spread that happens ~beyond 2m~ 2/’s now known this respiratory virus is caught from inhaling when breathing; risks from surfaces were over-stared so perspex screens & deep cleaning have distracted people from the most important prevention- ‘clean air’ (take 5 mins this is worth it) 3/
#NursingHomes important to know #Covid19 builds up & spreads like cigarette smoke; so closed windows in cold weather is making conditions high-risk for super spread- it can be easily mitigated by airing rooms (ventilation), air purefier fans (filtration) & checks with CO2 monitor