The #Balkans play an important role for #ISIS, which sees them as a buffer and a future battleground. The region already has established networks that can be used to transfer people and to raise support for ISIS.
ISIS has popped up in all corners of the globe, not being contained in the territory it physically controls in Iraq and Syria. Its goal is to create a Caliphate, an Islamic state which holds religious authority over the ENTIRE global Islamic community.
The Rock knew about the death of Osama Bin Laden before the MSM. He tweetet about it 45 (!) min before it was announced.
Why did he know?
Because his cousin is a Navy SEAL.
#Italy: Lacking respiratory equipment & medical supplies during the first stage of the #COVID-emergency, Italy been refused ventilators & face masks from EU
Coincidence? 🤔
Amount of intensive care beds available per 100,000 inhabitants in each country: 2/5
Some old people in Italy died because they had no access to artificial respiration due to poor clinic equipment in their country. 3/5 euronews.com/2020/03/12/cor…
Stiftung, die Kindermissbrauchs-Gegner als Nazi bezeichnet, fördert zusätzlich 10 Mio Euro von der Bundesregierung
zur "Eindämmung verschwörungsideologischer
Radikalisierung im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie"
1) #AmadeuAntonioStiftung möchte "konspirative Hass-Communities mit höherem Verfolgungsdruck durch
Netzwerkbetreiber und besser geschulte Sicherheitsbehörden auflösen".
2) #AmadeuAntonioStiftung:
"Der Ankündigung, rechtsextreme Straftäter auch online stärker in den
Fokus zu nehmen, muss endlich die kompetente Besetzung der in Aussicht gestellten 300
zusätzlichen Stellen beim Bundeskriminalamt folgen"
I've been digging around Surrogacy in the Eastern Europe. Almost everything creepy stuff with connections to #Childtrafficking
Except one video proclaiming Surrogacy brings happiness.
I checked the organisation⏬that's what I found
Compare these 2 Videos: the same plot, town, agency, the same characters, but not same the narrative.
Made by ABCNews
There are some essential "mistakes" in the video, but I would like not to emphasise them here in order just to compare the narrative.
The 2. one was filmed by CurrentTimeTV and posted by RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty