#JoeBiden turns 78 today.
Wiki claims he will be the #oldest POTUS ever and tells us a heartbreaking story of his presidential transition.
For Details check the Thread below ⏬ 1) presidential transition of Joe: Trump alleged widespread fraud "without providing ANY evidence", wich have been "almost universally denied"
Vienna attacker was born and raised in #Vienna
He also had "Albanian roots" (parents from North Macedonia)
The gunman shot dead in the Vienna attacks was also one of 90 Austrian Islamists who wanted to travel to #Syria
Why is it relevant?
The #Balkans play an important role for #ISIS, which sees them as a buffer and a future battleground. The region already has established networks that can be used to transfer people and to raise support for ISIS.
The Rock knew about the death of Osama Bin Laden before the MSM. He tweetet about it 45 (!) min before it was announced.
Why did he know?
Because his cousin is a Navy SEAL.
Land of the free.
Home of the brave
Oct 12, 2020 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
#Italy: Lacking respiratory equipment & medical supplies during the first stage of the #COVID-emergency, Italy been refused ventilators & face masks from EU
Coincidence? 🤔
Amount of intensive care beds available per 100,000 inhabitants in each country: 2/5
Oct 6, 2020 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
Stiftung, die Kindermissbrauchs-Gegner als Nazi bezeichnet, fördert zusätzlich 10 Mio Euro von der Bundesregierung
zur "Eindämmung verschwörungsideologischer
Radikalisierung im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie"
#AmadeuAntonioStiftung1) #AmadeuAntonioStiftung möchte "konspirative Hass-Communities mit höherem Verfolgungsdruck durch
Netzwerkbetreiber und besser geschulte Sicherheitsbehörden auflösen".
I've been digging around Surrogacy in the Eastern Europe. Almost everything creepy stuff with connections to #Childtrafficking
Except one video proclaiming Surrogacy brings happiness.
I checked the organisation⏬that's what I found
Compare these 2 Videos: the same plot, town, agency, the same characters, but not same the narrative.
Made by ABCNews
There are some essential "mistakes" in the video, but I would like not to emphasise them here in order just to compare the narrative.
1) [Thread]
Almost one month ca. 50 babies born from surrogate mothers were held in a hotel-room in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Their new parents could not pick them up due to the closed borders during Corona-Lockdown. #ChildTrafficking#StopSurrogacyNow#Weltkindertag20202) 46 (according to various sources up to 76) babies stayed nearly a month in ONE room at the Hotel Venice.
⏬Video was published by the BioTexCom Center for Human Reproduction for surrogate parents from the USA, Italy, Spain, UK, China, France, Germany...
Sep 18, 2020 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
wow..😮 just noticed smth special about this account 😮
Please check the thread 1/1 Notice how many accounts he follows.
Compare with others ⏬