Received an interesting email today. This was the “header“ in my email inbox. If you saw this, you’d react instantly to it wouldn’t you?
@jdpoc Turns out of course it was just another begging letter from Republicans in America. I get these because I want to donated $1 to a #Trump PAC to see what they were posting out. Little did I know I’d end up getting 30 emails a day.
@jdpoc But what is interesting is the misrepresentation in the header, the suggestion that I have a “membership“ and indeed an “account number“.
@jdpoc As confirmed by US legal cases a few years ago, this constitutes ‘misleading applications for data or for financial gain’ under FCC regulations. A Federal Offence.
Democrat groups in the USA have reported it under fraud regulations.
Due to 'unexpected flooding' 'unspecified unforeseen delays' and 'engineering challenges' the main Kent Lorry Park for post-#Brexit Customs clearances will not be ready for operations until end of February or early March. (Local Kent source)
Multiple sources on this, by way, from local community, several engineers on site, contractors, local estate agents (handling rental of properties to the engineers and expected Customs Staff) and a Kent Messenger journo.
It's a puzzle why the Tory-leaning KM haven't run it yet.
On-site engineers have said that they expect "probably next week" to be told to focus on getting *one part* of the site operational in time, about 1/3rd of the total acreage, to at least be able to claim 'It's up and running."
The potential use of O365 as an employee surveillance tool is substantially true.
It's a feature that has to be switched on and set up correctly to function, which smaller businesses will either have no ability to do so - or will have to bring in a contractor to set up.
Larger companies will have their own IT section to set it up, but it's in a grey area as to it's legality. (It's apparently legal in USA, unsure of status in UK)
I'm advised that it will be "contrary to work contracts and working arrangements" UNLESS permission is obtained.
A failing #Brexit has so far cost us the equivalent of the total of every payment we've made, ever, to the EU, since we joined.
Some economic comparisons: (2)
A failed Track&Trace / Test&Trace has cost us the equivalent of four aircraft carriers.
Some economic comparisons: (3)
An already-failing #Moonshot#Vaccine scheme will cost more than our entire annual Education Budget and is based on technology that has yet to be invented.
#Brexit : 29 lorry parks constructed, and a construction or planned. 39 further lorry parks under proposal or consideration. £1.75 BILLION annual cost of paperwork. Drivers required to have a permit to “Enter the county of Kent”, enforced by ANPR.
@jdpoc The “Kent Access Permit“ has been confirmed by Gove in his communications with the Hauliers Association, but few further details are as of yet available.
ON THIS DAY in 1941, Civil Rights Activist Joan Trumpauer Mulholland was born.
Unlike most White Christians, she decided that #Racism and #Segregation did not, and never would, fit her Christian values.
Her grandparents owned slaves.
In 1961 she joined the Freedom Movement for Civil Rights, and was arrested for refusing to get off a bus, and jailed.
Today, the Joan Trumpauer Mulholland Foundation is dedicated to educating youth about the Civil Rights Movement and how to become activists in their own communities.