1/4 We @HCIBremen@UniBremen also want to spread the joy 🥳that we have some papers conditionally accepted at @sigchi@Chi2021Yokohama with help and input from many colleagues around the globe🌏
2/4 What is more important than sharing #numbers, is that we have the opportunity to #share our #research with a large and vibrant community (even so just virtually)🌏
3/4 In the past, our @sig_chi papers 📰 had some impact and inspired technologies & society, whereas others are still a sleeping beauty 🌹(and may sleep for another 100+ years).
1/8 Our paper in a #nutshell 🌰The prevailing view is that dryland areas like the Sahara or Sahel are largely free of trees and shrubs 🌴🌳. However, we find that’s not the case!😯🤓🤖the relatively high density of isolated trees challenges prevailing narratives #desertification
2/8 Although the overall canopy cover is low, the relatively high density of isolated trees challenges prevailing narratives about dryland desertification (see photo below) 🌴👉