Nicotine is beneficial for people with #ADHD. Research on adults and adolescents with ADHD shows that nicotine patches improve focus and attention, and reduce hyperactivity & impulsivity.
RESULT: Young adult use of "flavored tobacco products" did not drop "sharply." E-cigarette and cigar use dropped a bit. And cigarette smoking increased.…
I'm sharing these 10 online surveys with permission. Assume they may be biased because we, in the #VapeFam, self-select in (we had positive experiences switched from smoking to nicotine vapes). Still very interesting!
93% of nicotine vapers say their health has improved.
90% of nicotine vapers say they have fewer and less severe lung infections (consistent with peer-reviewed research).…
1/5 How does @FDATobacco portray a 29% drop in US teen vaping, in just one year? To begin with, it ignores the fact that NYTC doesn't ask what kids are vaping (YRBS showss half is THC, not nicotine). It claims teen vaping is still alarming.
2/5 Let's see what that actually looks like when the Y axis is set at 100% instead of 30%. And we add the latest survey finding showing ANOTHER 32.4% drop in teen "regular use" (which includes even one puff in the past 30 days).
Then add YRBS data: Half of that is THC.
3/5 Now we see the full extent of US teen "regular use" by late 2020 (during pandemic).
Frequent use is much less of course. Daily use is even lower. And less than 1% vape nicotine daily and never smoked (the "whole new generation addicted")...