The discussion to potentially wait with the 2nd dose, is to increase the number of individuals, who are vaccinated with 1 dose, thus slowing the spread of the virus. Especially, in light of the concerning new data on mutated variant B.1.1.7/N501Y
"I am still a proponent of 2 dose vaccine but given the urgency, we can delay the 2nd dose until more vaccines become available. I know many others have been saying this all along, but it was the B.1.1.7 variant transmission rate that did it for me." 7/x
"These concerns might work out OK. But they might not. We simply *do not know*, and human immunology is very much capable of dealing us either high cards or low ones here. It’s a gamble. No other word for it." 10/x
Overall, there seems to be a high risk associated with changing the dosing regiment, as increasing the rate of escape mutations, potentially lose vaccine efficacy, would be a bad start to 21. On the other hand, fast vaccine rollout might be the best way to control the spread
I have tried to collect input on the subject for decision makers to have easy access to top-experts opinions on this difficult subject.
Follow up #1
More caution on delaying the second dose, from someone with has on experience on developing viral escape mutations
Den spanske syge, influenza pandemien i 1918-1919, kom i tre bølger.
Det menes i følge bogen "The Great Influenza", at den første bølge var en mildere form, og efter mutation og "passage" gennem flere personer, blev mere dødelig
Looked into COVID-19 Population Fatality Rate (PFR), which is how many individuals have died of the entire population.
At least 12 countries have now passed PFR = 0.1% and 5 countries are between 0.09-0.1%
For comparison, the the average PFR for seasonal influenza is ~0.01% 1/6
The 12 countries with PFR >0.1% are:
Belgium 🇧🇪
Slovenia 🇸🇮
Bosnia 🇧🇦
Macedonia 🇲🇰
England 🏴
Bulgaria 🇧🇬
Italy 🇮🇹
Peru 🇵🇪
Montenegro 🇲🇪
USA 🇺🇸
Czech Republic 🇨🇿
Spain🇪🇸 2/6
These estimates are without taking excess deaths into consideration, which is how estimates for influenza deaths are derived
(Note: the red line in the first graph, is DK’s 2017/2018 influenza season, which seems to be a very large outlier, compared to all other countries) 3/6
Below refs show that there are an additional 50-75% asymptomatic cases, thus indicating 6-44% flu cases (incl asymptomatic) in total pr year 3/x……
Man kan nemt blive snydt af tal. Denne graf bliver delt på sociale medier, og bliver brugt som argumentation for ikke at vaccinere <65 årige.
Jeg har set lidt på det, og hvorfor det er helt forkert @henrik_ullum@SSTbrostrom@Heunicke 1/x
Hvis man regner med at virus bliver endemisk over tid, og vil smitte de fleste på et eller andet tidspunkt, samt bruger O'Driscoll aldersjusterede dødeligheds-data (IFR) for Europa og USA, så vil det klart være at foretrække, at vaccinere de fleste, inklusiv yngre under 65 år
I Europa vil man regne med at >600.000 vil død under 65 år, hvis alle blev smittet på et tidspunkt.
Her vil man kunne redde mange liv, ved at vaccinere yngre personer, måske helt op til ½ million mennesker <65 år alene i Europa og USA. 3/x
With a potentially more infectious variant lurking around
Rate of transmission of the variant (B.1.1.7), estimated to be 71% (95% CI 67% to 75%) higher than for other variants, and pontentially it may also have a higher viral load. 1/5…
If the new variant in more infectious, that means R0-value will also be higher, which means a higher threshold for herd immunity, which means more than the original 60% of the population needs to be infected/vaccinated. 2/5…
As R0 increases, the proportion of the population that must be immune to generate herd immunity increases
(1 – 1/R0).
Graf som viser sammenhæng mellem overdødelighed og Covid-19 dødsfald.
Lande med lidt smitte har også haft lav overdødelighed, mens lande med megen smitte har haft stor overdødelighed.
Det indikerer at restriktioner dræber markant færre end Covid-19