I'm a humanist. My faith is in human beings, so I don't pray: I hope.
That we have been through this before gives me hope.
I further hope that enough people are listening to the lessons of history and watching the Donald Trump method bring nothing but disaster and disgrace.
We have a choice of entering a brutal world where your only path to justice is an appeal to anyone who remains famous in a world where lies can and do end careers, or we can be brutally honest in the face of a virus that cannot be outmaneuvered with a lie.
We can't steer a country properly by constantly reacting to disasters of our own making and forcing these lying thieves to occasionally steer in a humane direction; we need competent governance under a #CaretakerGovernment that cares if we live or die.
There's only one way this can end, and it's in violence.
The evidence is before our very eyes, but our lying Prime Minister (in league with the far right) pretends the threat of violence comes in the form of criticism & opposition from the centre & left.
That the Tories dare to pretend any risk of this in the UK comes from the left should sicken and alarm you.
Lies led to this violence. Lies and mobs that believe them.
FBI Vetting Guard Troops; New Footage Goes Inside Capitol Siege | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Whitmer: This Has Been Going On For 10 Months And We’ve Been Asking People To Take This Seriously
Months before the #CapitolRiot, 'Michigan’s top democratic lawmakers tried to warn us that the siege on their capitol in Lansing was just the beginning.'
Experts Say Trump, Congress Members Could Be Targets Of Capitol Invasion Investigation
'...units assigned to the investigation indicate it could involve members of Congress' (and) 'investigators may scrutinize Trump’s inaction during the insurrection. '
Back when Michael Gove and Dominic Cummings were personally sabotaging education for the lower classes, they ran an abusive anonymous Twitter account called 'toryeducation' where they praised their own genius and savaged anyone who dared criticise them: bit.ly/toryeducation
One of the last messages published on the account read as follows:
"It’ll take all you Blobbers a lot more than 4 yrs to glue pieces together & by then computers will have fired you! #Won#MissionAccomplished"
Students: Tories are destroying your future & laughing in your face
But, all of that said, you got off comparatively lightly, and you should count your blessings before joining the fight.
The party of government is little more than a criminal gang in disguise.
This is a thread for everybody who is shocked about what Janet Street Porter published about Carrie Symonds today.
I am going to tell YOU a story about a woman who has worked in media and has much to be ashamed of.
Trigger warning: thread links to details of child sex crimes.
This woman does not deal in politics by engaging and helping people. No, her whole job here was handling media. Deciding what got coverage & what didn't.
3 times in 2018 she decided it would be better that news of convictions for child sex crimes stayed out of the news. 3 times.
She did this all to protect one organisation. The SAME organisation that paid her quite specifically to influence what got coverage & what didn't.
Instead of protecting young people from harm, she chose instead to ignore the issue and downplay or mute coverage wherever possible.
Paul Staines aka Guido Fawkes is also the kind of person who will exploit racism for political gain, and he has always been this way. In 1986 he proposed a secret alliance with the BNP to disrupt leftist meetings. Staines claims there is a retraction for this story: that's a lie.
'Guido' lost his rag with me one day when he threatened legal action, but I didn't blink and he had to fold.
Paul Staines vowed to me in one call that he would tell everyone in Westminster I was a nutter, and it turns out he busied himself with this task for quite some time.
Two Tory mayors & a deputy have been convicted for child sex offences inside of a year, but the Tories are neglecting the issue, so we're asking VERY POLITELY for a safeguarding inquiry and trying to be SUPER NICE about it.
3 Tory mayors have been convicted for child sex offences inside of a year!
Their names:
❌ Simon Thornton, Tory mayor of Godalming
❌ David Boswell, Tory mayor of Pembroke
❌ David Jackson, Tory deputy mayor of Horley
Brief details about each case to follow:
Simon Thornton groomed a 13-year-old girl, raped her for 3 years, then went on to become Tory mayor of Godalming like it was nothing. We're expected to accept nothing is amiss when a man like this passes party candidate vetting procedures without a blip: mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/e…