There are no genuine nations, just mercenary #PatronStates deceitfully posing as nations, in order to legitimise themselves, their ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
Whereby climate change is just a SYMPTOM of the CANCER that is our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious, driven, & thus inherently unsustainable global economy.
We were warned about the inherent non-sustainability of a global economy (the household of man) being given priority over ecology (the household of our planet) in the early 1970s, as I recall, but our leaders & their academic advisors ignored these warnings.
And they didn't just ignore them, they put this same, inherently unsustainable, economy into super-global & turbo mode, thereby putting us on course for #CivilisationalSuicide, which we are NOW in the initial phase of.
If humanity is to survive, it will be in kinship groups, which I refer to as #NationRaces, as opposed to #NationStates, which are Orwellian constructs, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
The USA never became a genuine nation, but just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain, which was & still is a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse.
The founders knew that forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race would be challenge enough, without trying to include other races, which is why, in the 1790 Nationalisation Act they restricted citizenship to Whites.
@BretWeinstein & @HeatherEHeying, As evolutionary biologists you must appreciate more than most that evolved human nature is TRIBAL. But in misconceived #NeverAgain response to Nazi abuse of German tribalism for their own evil purposes, academics demonised it. @BenjaminABoyce
It's like demonising male sexuality in response to a series of brutal rapes - a huge mistake. We need to understand human tribalism, so that we can learn to harness it for good, rather than for evil, as the Nazis did.
This is key to creating just, humane & sustainable societies.
The English & Scots were not asked if they wanted to form a Union in 1707. It was simply imposed by their elites.
The same with mass immigration & the creation of a multi-racial & multicultural society. Native Britons were not asked. It was simply imposed by their elites.
This contradicts the assumption of Britain being a democracy, from which I conclude that British democracy is something of a farce. We continue to be ruled by our elites, who are betraying us.
Why is this not recognised by the academics we look to as authorities in understanding society & the state?
Academics are privileged clients and employees of the state, to which they are beholden. That's why.
That should, of course, have read, "than a 3rd world citizen".
This is how a mercenary #PatronState like Britain operates, via lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation.
Immigrants are rewarded for abandoning their roots & ancestral homelands with British citizenship.
Native Britons, on the other hand, are intimidated by accusations of RACISM if they dare object to being joined & displaced by migrants & refugees of a different race from their own.
#Ashkenazi Trauma at the hands of Nazis & other Europeans caused them to deny & despise their own European Race, which they are now playing a central role in destroying.
It's the #FrankensteinSyndrom. The monster Frankenstein created just wanted to be accepted & loved, but Frankenstein, rejected & despised him.
So it was with European Jews, esp. those who had abandoned Judaism. They just wanted to be accepted by their fellow Europeans.
And so they were, by the vast majority of Europeans, who couldn't tell them apart from other Europeans anyway, because they were the same race.
But then came the Nazis, with their insane "racial" ideology & antisemitism, which ended in the #Holocaust.
The West was dominated for centuries by moral supremacists organised in the Catholic church.
The West in now dominated by moral supremacists much more loosely organised behind the secular ideology of Post-Racial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism.
This ideology pre-dates but is embraced by #CriticalRaceTheory. It began in overreaction to Nazi racial ideology, which it goes to the opposite, but equally insane extremes of.
While #WhiteGuilt, White racial self-denial & self-contempt have replaced Nazi racial supremacy. Any expression of #WhiteIdentity is equated with #WhiteSupremacy.
All opposition to this ideology is countered with accusations of RACISM.