Do you live in England?
If so, have you had a first dose of the #COVID19Vaccine
If you have, you will have been given a card stating which vaccine, when and where.
Could you please check the box 👇🏼 and RT - saying roughly which area you live in would be good too.
The reason I ask is partly because of the government proposal to approve a second dose of a #COVID19Vaccine that is a different brand to the first. Call me paranoid but IMHO there is usually an agenda when diverging from the status quo.
Keep going...
Check out this thread👇🏼 It applies to all the #COVID19vaccines not just the Johnson & Johnson #vaccine
I posted this #ProlePoll from personal interest - but it could be useful to others to know which #COVID19Vaccine is being given in which areas - and how the stock of vaccines interacts with specific brands in specific areas - and how/ why gov might favour one brand over another.
The brand of #CovidVaccine is very relevant - So I’m ‘Fav’ ing every post/reply that gives info on #Vaccines in different areas - and RTing posts that include the brand of vaccine. It may well be good to know later.