5G Comes to Paris? Ecologists ‘Shocked’ at Mayor Hidalgo’s Haste | March 5, 2021
- Now, probably genuinely-motivated ecologists are wondering why their mayor is pushing out health-threatening, untested military technologies ahead of schedule like #5G. thelibertybeacon.com/5g-comes-to-pa…
Scientists and doctors call for a moratorium on the roll-out of 5G
- 5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields RF-EMF, that has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment. graviolateam.blogspot.com/2018/10/scient…
#5G In UK; Latest 5g Coverage Map UK
<meta property="article:modified_time" content="2021-02-05PKT15:36:48+05:00"> 5gtechnologyhub.com/5g-in-uk/
(NYSE:CCI) Crown Castle is the largest provider of wireless infrastructure in the US. It has constructed more than 40,000 cell towers and built 85% of the cell towers in the UK. CC leases its towers to wireless carriers. seekingalpha.com/article/424175…
Bill Gates Owns 5.3 Million Shares in (NYSE:CCI) Crown Castle (valued at $627.5 million)
In 2016, the Finnish Patria sold illegally 40 AMV 8x8 armored personnel carriers to the United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates is involved in the war against the Houthi rebels in Yemen, which has caused great suffering to civilians.
SUOMEN ASEVIENNEISTÄ KANTELU OIKEUSKANSLERILLE | 23.1.2018 #Valtioneuvosto myönsi Patrian AMV-panssariajoneuvoille vientiluvan Arabiemiraatteihin 25.11.2015 ja jatkoi vientilupaa 11.1.2018. web.archive.org/web/2018012316…
Made in France
The leaked DRM report:
For the first time in public, the list of French weapons used in the war in Yemen
- The CAESAR gun is a star product of the French weapons industry
- The population concerned by potential artillery fire: 436,370 people made-in-france.disclose.ngo/en/chapter/yem…
Powerful quake hits off New Zealand | Mar 4
- One of the biggest earthquakes to hit the South Pacific in modern history forced thousands of people in New Zealand to evacuate and triggered tsunami warnings across the world Friday. jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/2…
3 powerful earthquakes struck off the coast of New Zealand, exceeded by a magnitude of 8.1; Hawaii tsunami threat canceled | 59 secs ago in TV
-The most powerful was an 8.1 earthquake that struck about 620 miles northeast of New Zealand on Friday morning oltnews.com/3-powerful-ear…
US agency cancels tsunami watches in Hawaii and Am Samoa, where warning system was broken | 58 min ago
- The mag 8.1 quake struck the Kermadec Islands region. It forced thousands of people to evacuate in NZ but did not appear to pose a widespread threat tvnz.co.nz/one-news/world…
"- A gym entrepreneur who demanded #Ivermectin packaging from her customers started to succeed and celebrated briskly at karaoke restaurant with her customers. - Everyone got healthy."
#Ivermectin#Valvira: lle osoitettu kantelu ”harhaanjohtavan tiedon antamisesta #COVID-19-taudin lääkehoidossa” ja valituksen kohteen, Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus, #Fimea: n siihen antama vastaus. tinyurl.com/b3urr55p
Yhdysvaltain terveysvirasto (NIH) on korjannut ohjeistustaan #Ivermektin :in käytössä #COVID19-potilaiden hoidossa, ja sen käyttö on luvallista tinyurl.com/b3urr55p
#Covid, tuo hilveä #korona#pandemia -ihmeiden epäjumala, on VÄHENTÄNYT sairauksia, v. 2019-2020.
- Tavallinen kausi-influenssa A- ja B-virukset ovat kadonneet kokonaan. - Sairaalat tyhjillään. @Vapaavuori@RitvaViljanen@KjMakela
#BioNTech ja #Pfizer#mRNA -rokotteilla on ehdollinen #EMA -myyntilupa, ts. 2 vuoden 'trial phase-3' tulosten on osoitettava 'rokotteen' teho ja turvallisuus.
- Nyt hoitokotien vanhukset tietämättään koekaniineina. ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/h…