@MondayNightIBD@DCharabaty 1/ Thiopurines are associated with an increased risk of NMSC (non-melanoma skin cancer)
Which of the following is true about this risk relative to non-exposed IBD pts, duration of thiopurine use , and after thiopurine cessation 🛑#Back2Basics#MondayNightIBD
@MondayNightIBD@DCharabaty 32 y/o M with UC here for f/u. In remission x7 yrs on AZA 75mg/d. He is here to discuss his concerns about his risk of lymphoma associated w/ AZA. (HSTCL= hepatosplenic T cell; EBV-L= EBV assoc lymphoma) Which statement is true? #Back2Basics#MondayNightIBD
🧬Typically in areas of🔥 (endo or histo)
🧬Mean age < sporadic CRC (4th-5th decade vs 6th)
🧬Historic incidence: 18% >30 yrs of colitis
🧬Recent↓risk w/improved medical Rx & CRC surveillance
🧬accounts for ⅙ deaths in IBD
@MondayNightIBD@SobiaMujtabaMD@JasonHouMD@DCharabaty 1/ 65 y/o M new dx #Crohns ileitis after he presented w abdo pain,diarrhea, wt loss, anemia. CLN: deep linear ulcers in TI. He has an active lifestyle,stable CAD. Symptoms recur when prednisone<15 mg. What is the LEAST effective strategy to keep this pt in remission? #Back2Basics
@MondayNightIBD@ibdnaik@SobiaMujtabaMD@ibdleuven@DCharabaty 2/ Let’s talk #Crohn’s intestinal complications
CD can present w stricturing/perforating complications
50-60% CD will develop strictures, fistulas or abscesses over time
70% require surgical✂️by 15yrs of dx
Surgery not curative, most pts will have endo recurrence 1 yr post-IC✂️
@MondayNightIBD@SobiaMujtabaMD@NabilQuraishi@CholestasisDoc@DCharabaty 1/ 35 y/o M presents with fatigue & generalized pruritus x 6weeks. No skin rash, No abdo pain, diarrhea or 🩸 in stool. AST 62 ALT 64 ALP 435 Tbili 1.3. MRI/MRCP: multifocal strictures & areas of dilatation of intra +extra hepatic ducts. What’s the next step?💡 #Back2Basics#B2B
@MondayNightIBD@SobiaMujtabaMD@FezaRemziMD@DCharabaty 1/ 35 yo F panUC on IFX 10mg q4wk, admitted with abdo pain, hematochezia, malaise. T 39 BP 95/63 HR 110 FCP 900 mcg/g. Abdo distended, TTP; CT: colonic wall thickening+edematous mucosa. Cdiff neg; WBC 15, Hb 6. No improvement despite IVCS+Abx. Which surgery is indicated #B2BPoll
@MondayNightIBD@SobiaMujtabaMD@SchwartzbergMD@DCharabaty 1/ 27 yo F, crohns colitis on AZA, presents w 2wk perianal pain. One week ago a “boil” developed adjacent to the anus, painful to touch and draining cloudy fluid. PE: Perianal fistulous opening tender & draining pus on palpation. What is the next best step ? #B2B
@MondayNightIBD@SobiaMujtabaMD@SchwartzbergMD@DCharabaty 2/Recap #Crohns:
📌Transmural inflammation involving any part of GIT
📌B for Phenotypes: inflammatory/stricturing/penetrating
📌L for location: UGI,SB,Colon
📌Penetrating Behaviors:
Intra-abdominal abscesses(IAA)