#Adenovirus affects epithelial cells in GI GU & respiratory tracts. In immunocompromised hosts: wide range of clinical presentations, including pneumonia, hepatitis, nephritis & hemorrhagic cystitis with a case fatality of 50%.
#adenovirus IC host acquired by 1)reactivation of latent infection secondary to immunosuppression or 2)primary adenovirus infection; acquired from either ill contacts or from donor organ
#adenovirus dx
-positive serum adenovirus PCR with clinical and laboratory findings of hepatitis favors a probable diagnosis of adenoviral hepatitis.
-Definitive diagnosis requires a liver biopsy demonstrating viral inclusions.
#adenovirus treatment supportive care & decrease in immunosuppression. The use of antiviral therapy is not supported by prospective RCT. However IV cidofovir is considered standard practice for severe, progressive, or disseminated adenovirus disease in most transplant centers
#idboardreview 45 F w/ 1 cm nodule located near a scar from a previous mastectomy. +travel to several western & central European countries within the past year. The nodule was removed and tissue sections shown. Dx? #medEd#idmedEd#IDtwitter
-definitive hosts include primarily wild and domestic canids, and occasionally felids
-various mosquito vectors from the genera Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles
#idboardreview 30 MSM PLWH Cd4 800 VL<20 on ART presents w/ 2wk abd cramps & watery diarrhea. Blood agar: translucent, flat bacterial colony that appeared to spread across plate. Dx? #medEd#idmedEd#IDtwitter
#Shigellosis acute diarrhea, vomiting & abdominal cramps. (1) Stools often contain blood, although some have watery diarrhea. Rarely, severe shigellosis may be complicated by rectal prolapse, intestinal obstruction & colonic perforation. Post infect Reactive arthritis 1-2 wks
#IdBoardReview 30 pt w/ RA on TNFblocker non-healing lesion of finger x several months. Original trauma cut by stone in pond. no improvement w/ courses of cephalexin or clindamycin. S/p I&D growth in 14d. Dx? #medEd#idmedEd#IDtwitter
#Mycobacterium#marinum slow growing #NTM in fresh or saltwater environment. Cutaneous infect due to direct inoculation of a cut w/ organism & subsequent exposure to contaminated water. can be nodular, pustular, or ulcerated & infection of deeper tissues, joints, & bone can occur
immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome #IRIS exaggerated atypical inflammatory response following initiation of ART either paradoxical worsening or unmasking of a infection
#IRIS memory T cells are redistributed from lymphoid tissue to organs, and the number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells increases faster than that of regulatory T cells, resulting in an imbalance in the immune system
#Histoplasmosis-associated #IRIS rare with an estimated incidence rate of 0.74 cases per 1000 HIV-infected person-years and may present months after initiation of ART
#idtwitter 30 M on beach vacation now comes w/ rash progressive x24h, fever, headache, myalgia x3d. PE: sun exposed areas scattered confluent raised erythematous & pruritic red plaques w/ vesicles & plaques most at same stage. small ulcers+lip. Dx? #medEd#idmedEd#idtiwtter
actinic #varicella post sun exposure. needs airborne isolation
Actinic #varicella is a rare presentation of primary varicella zoster virus infection. Lesions may be arise in same stage unlike typical varicella