1/Allow me to highlight this nugget from the new #abed curriculum: “Freedom of religious practice is encouraged, but acceptance comes less easily - in part, because newcomers bring new and unfamiliar religious faiths and practices.”
2/Newcomers bring with them similar hopes & dreams for their future in our city, province or country. They wish for their family to thrive & give back to community. They have the same understanding of kindness & compassion as “us”.
3/It’s when governments in 2021 write that newcomers are somehow bringing unfamiliar beliefs to “our” land... that’s when willful othering becomes blatant. “They” are not bringing strangeness to “us”. “We” are not different from “them”. Stop trying to divide us.
4/The reason we face increased racial tensions in this province can be tied directly to this type of ignorant perpetuation of the “us” & “them” rhetoric that polarizes people and leads to violence. Stop fanning the flames #ableg. Especially in a curriculum document.
5/Between this & delayed focus on residential schools (contrary to the recommendations of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission), this new curriculum serves to set us back in our progress towards inclusion. They’re robbing our kids of the opportunity to be good, informed humans.
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1/With the Guidebook for Great Communities coming to #yyccc on Monday, I have worked with several councillors & Admin to address what we’ve heard from communities. Attached is an amendment we will propose to clarify location of single detached homes & the engagement process.
2/With so much misinformation being circulated, we also worked on a one-pager to demonstrate the evolution of the Guidebook over time. Please see below.👇🏼
3/For further clarity, there is also a myths & facts sheet to assist in dispelling the misformation that has been circulated. See here.👇🏼
1/Calgary’s public high school education system gets hit again, with the proposed cancellation of an International Baccalaureate (IB) program. The savings? $16,600. Apparently, our kids aren’t worth that kind of money but $12 million to fight Bigfoot on Netflix is a fine idea.
2/March 17 is the last public opportunity for feedback on proposed programming cuts for public high schools in Calgary. These cuts are aimed at popular “alternative programs” like IB, French Immersion, Spanish Bilingual & Arts-Centred Learning.
3/The proposition is that these cuts will save money & maximize space in schools bursting at the seams. By removing “alternative programs”, high schools can warehouse more kids from growing communities for the general program. Allow me to unpack the issues with this plan.
1/Why would you hobble the ability of post-secondaries to nurture talent, encourage innovative thinking and produce a skilled workforce? I have no idea. But that’s exactly what the provincial government is doing. By draining funds away from advanced education, our future suffers.
2/Now is the time to properly fund post-secondaries in our province, to encourage the draw of local schools during a pandemic when many families rely on access to affordable education for their young adult children. Now is not the time to limit enrollment through massive cuts.
3/Moreover, think of what’s happening with the move to measure university success through job placement & income levels. There is a preconceived notion that certain jobs are valued, both from an income perspective & as a university funding tool. That’s inertia, not progress.
1/Let’s think for a minute about what’s going to happen between #yyccc & #AbLeg in the coming days. The province - responsible for health policy & related decisions - is wavering on how to deal with the steady increase in pandemic numbers.
2/They’re not keen on making mandatory restriction decisions & they haven’t allowed the fed contact tracing app to be deployed in AB. The number of cases continues to rise everywhere, most evident in places with larger populations like #yyc.
3/While the province treats @CMOH_Alberta like another bit player in the drama they have created around the pandemic, #yyccc treats @iceTyyc with respect for his expertise & evidence based recommendations.
1/This week, our provincial government managed to dismantle a globally recognized emergency dispatch service, destroy parents' confidence in the public education system & obtain their #yyccc fiscal policy updates from a faithful scribe at the Sun. Can't accuse them of being lazy.
2/Terminating the contract for EMS 911 dispatch with the City of Calgary is a headscratcher. The existing service provides call response in 6 seconds, less than half of the 15 second standard. Dispatch time is 45 seconds, also well below standards. Why "fix" something not broken?
3/On the education front, I agree that the old curriculum needed some work - getting back to basics with times tables & phonics for example. But by focusing on literacy & numeracy with no critical thinking or exploration, what's the end game? And that press conference... oof.
2/I’ll start with some facts, then get to opinion. Fact: the supposed “tax freeze” and even the proposal to cut taxes 7.5% are not actually freezes or cuts. Why? Because the system is set up to start with an operating budget, which then guides distribution of taxes.
3/To clarify, it means that Council is not advised of the actual revenue we stand to make off property taxes if you calculate mill rate multiplied by assessed values. Instead, we use the term “revenue neutral” to say we will collect only enough tax to cover operating budget.