The motor features of #Parkinson’s disease are hard to miss. This video shows the complete motor examination of people with recently identified Parkinson’s disease. #WorldParkinsonsDay
Currently, no therapy can slow down or stop the progression of #Parkinson’s, but promising disease-modifying strategies are being tested, informed by new insights in genetic causes & mechanisms of neuronal death.
Migraine affects over 1 billion people worldwide, is the 2nd leading cause of disability, and a major source of losses to the 🌍 economy—yet professional and political awareness is lacking. Read a new @TheLancet Series on #Migraine by @MessoudAshina et al.
In 2011, migraine cost Europe an estimated €50-€111 billion. Evidence suggests primary care could meet the needs of most #migraine patients, where available. Read an overview of migraine epidemiology, global burden, and migraine care challenges.
Migraine diagnosis is based on clinical criteria—criteria that do not capture migraine’s heterogeneity. Read about recent progress in disease characterisation, biomarkers of #migraine, and precision medicine for affected patients:
63 million lives have been saved since 2000 by global efforts to #EndTB—efforts at risk from #COVID19. Achieving @WHO's #EndTB Strategy targets requires urgent action and investment.
On #WorldTBDay, access related content from across The Lancet titles 👇
Every day, nearly 4000 people die from #tuberculosis. Although considered a public health emergency for over 25 years, only modest progress has been made.
An estimated 568,000 missing childhood #tuberculosis cases in 2019 were neither diagnosed nor adequately treated. With childhood TB cases on the rise, the case detection gap must be narrowed, writes @Esinofils, @TogunToyin, and @BeateKampmann. Read how:
Maternal & child undernutrition remains a major health concern—the last decade saw little progress despite proven interventions & recent gains may be offset by #COVID19. A follow-up #LancetNutrition Series calls for global recommitment.
From 2005-15, nearly 5% of children had concurrent stunting & wasting in LMICs. For maternal nutrition, prevalence of undernutrition ⬇️, but anaemia & short stature remain high.
Previously highlighted interventions continue to be effective at reducing stunting, micronutrient deficiencies & child death. Delivering nutrition interventions within the #first1000days of life if key.
NEW—COVID-19 causes more severe disease than seasonal influenza, confirms a Study of French national data from over 130,000 hospitalised patients published today in @LancetRespirMed: (1/4)
Nearly twice as many people were admitted to hospital for COVID-19 at the height of the pandemic than were for influenza at the peak of the 2018/2019 flu season; (COVID-19, 89,530 patients vs influenza, 45,819 patients) (2/4)
The death rate among COVID-19 patients was almost three times higher (number of deaths: COVID-19 15,104/89,530 [16.9%] vs influenza 2640/45,819 [5.8%]), and a greater proportion of COVID-19 patients experienced severe illness requiring intensive care. (3/4)
Designed in 1948, the #NHS pay structure has not kept up with the changes in women’s position in society. The medical #genderpaygap in England has worsened as a result of #COVID19, and does not narrow until aged 65. Jane Dacre et al. Comment:
A recent review shows that the total medical #genderpaygap in England is 24·4% for hospital doctors, 33·5% for general practitioners, and 21·4% for clinical academics.
A severe reduction in child-care provision during the #COVID19 pandemic will have disproportionately stalled the careers of women in medicine; it is likely that most accommodations to adjust to the shortage of child-care will have been made by female doctors.
NEW—First full results from interim analysis confirm that the Oxford #COVID19 vaccine is safe and efficacious against symptomatic COVID-19 disease: (1/6)
The vaccine protects against symptomatic disease in 70% of cases – with vaccine efficacy of 62% for those given two full doses, and of 90% in those given a half then a full dose. (2/6)
The first clinical efficacy results of the vaccine are based on a pre-specified pooled analysis of phase 3 trials in UK and Brazil (11,636 people), alongside safety data from 23,745 participants in 4 trials in the UK, Brazil and South Africa. (3/6)