This #news was broadcasted live by the Swedish public tv @SVT on the 12th of April morning show.
The headline: “Theory: mafia stirs part of the vaccination plan”.
But how Sveriges Television could mislead his public stating the mafia control @Palazzo_Chigi's vaccination campaign.
Correspondent from Italy @JenniferWegerup answers this is no news to Italians, because they largely expected it.
As they all live in the Godfather's Corleone.
Wegerup claims: “In a tapping one of the regional medical staff say ‘We can vaccinate even your cat if you want’ to a person connected to the mafia”.
Is it true? No. That's an old news of a doctor who vaccinated family, friends and "cats".
And charged with everything but #mafia!
Then @SVT argue "2.3 million people who are neither old nor medical have been vaccinated in Italy. At the end of March, more people in their 20s than in their 70s were vaccinated".
On @Twitter a man starts disbelieving the news and asks Wegerup about her source.
She replies:
The journalist falls into infamous “others” category mistake.
The same article she quotes is pointing out that in the 2.3 M “others” category there are legitimate over 70s serious disease patients.
Moreover where could the eldest Europe nation find 2.3 M people in their 20s?!
The only clue of this scoop can be found in Italian Antimafia Commission request of data to analyse every possible disturbance.
No news, just the commission doing is job.
And far from hit the news claiming mafia control on Italian #Covid19 vaccination programme as @SVT just did.
«Genova, 118...»
«Presto, incidente gravissimo. Porto di Genova, la torretta... della
capitaneria... e dei rimorchiatori è crollata!»
«Allora, siete nella torretta della capitaneria? Mi dica cosa è successo».
«Una nave. Eh... Ha sbagliato manovra...»
«Una nave... (1/7)
...ha sbagliato manovra e ha picchiato den... Madonna!
Ha picchiato dentro la banchina?»
«Sì, sììì! La nave dei Messina. Nave dei Messina, durante la manovra
per partire, eh... non so cosa sia successo, è andata a picchiar
dentro». (2/7)
«È andata a picchiare in banchina. Ok. Benissimo. La nave adesso
è ferma in questo momento?»
«Non lo so. È crollato tutto! correte!»
«È crolla... Io adesso allerto tutti, ma devo capire quello che succede.
Mi stia a sentire...» (3/7)