Not just MDs but:
- health econ (@healthecon_dan)
- behavioral health (@abuttenheim)
- literally wrote the book on "nonmaleficence" (Jim Childress)
- tribal health (@echohawkd3)
et al
In contrast, every #ACIP voting member (exc 1 community member) is a MD/DO/RN. Couple w/a MPH. But no health econ. No ethicists. No behavioral sci. No tribal health experts.
Great group for indiv patient care & virology expertise
Not for managing trade-offs in a pandemic
There were warning signs
For vaccine allocation recs, #ACIP drew on outside ethics consultants. Not there yesterday
Overlooked several of NASEM's good equity recs, like CDC social vulnerability index
Best questions about tradeoffs yesterday came from the nonvoting members
I wholeheartedly agree with @ashishkjha@thehowie and others that sadly #ACIP failed us yesterday by deciding not to decide
But I also think their composition set them up to fail, by depriving them of relevant expertise to deal with hard tradeoffs
Point that rotavirus pause had a *very* different background context than pausing a vaccine in a pandemic nicely made by someone with relevant expertise here:
We have enough supply that we could send MI more vaccines. Only Jeff Zients’ bizarre burden-insensitive conception of “fairness” prevents this
Or we could let MI extend dosing intervals by 2 weeks to get first doses to more people
But apparently sticking w/an ethically ungrounded Trump Admin holdover policy of giving vaccines only proportional to population (which many states aren’t doing intra-state), & an arbitrarily selected dosing interval, is more important than letting people in MI protect themselves
For those following #ACIP vaccine prioritization debate - proposal to have 75+ alongside frontline workers in phase 1B is interesting, and different from prior discussion. But there are still pitfalls with any age cutoff, whether 75 or 65, as I explained in a comment to ACIP /1
Down Syndrome deaths are disparately high and happen before 75. 54%, 61%, and 69% of Black, Hispanic, and AI/AN deaths (respectively) happen before 75. I haven't seen US data on income x age at death, but a similar gradient is plausible, and may help explain the race data. /2
So I continue to think #ACIP should encourage states & localities to look at overlapping risk factors like housing+age as LTCF priority did and @CDCDirector suggested, rather than using age cutoffs that sweep in ppl at very different risk & exclude some
Last (grumpy) thread about #ACIP vax prioritization before bed. Sure, there are some hard tradeoffs, though looking for overlapping risk should make it easier, & ACIP could have had better framing. But critics have been a real mess. Exhibit A, dishonest quoting (aka lying): 1/6
Redfield: need to"demonstrate that we as a Nation also prioritize the elderly (>70 yo) who reside in multi-generation households. Often our Hispanic, Black and Tribal Nations families care for their elderly in multigenerational households and they are also at significant risk."2/
Here, current @CDCDirector Redfield (hardly "Mr. Woke"), after endorsing long term care priority, is sensibly arguing for another multi-factor (age+housing risk) priority similar to LTCF, which would also address disparities for "Hispanic, Black, and Tribal Nations families" 3/6
Thread on interconnected #bioethics problems in #COVID19 vaccine allocation: (1) the Stanford med center allocation debacle, (2) Rupert Murdoch, and (3) high-profile calls for age-only (“oldest first”) allocation policies. If you like (3), unfortunately you get (1) and (2). 1/7
People are right to be upset w/Stanford: see @CarolineYLChen excellent piece
. But it’s not “algorithms”, it’s inputs. If your inputs are too simplistic (age-only, ignore exposure or medical risk), you get bad outcomes, e.g. no residents, senior WFH 1st 2/7
. People are right to be upset. But age-only priority like the UK (start w/85+ or 90+), ends up prioritizing Murdoch over a 60 yo bus driver. Who lives to 90? We know the answer: more often, wealthier people. Need to consider other risk 3/7
This op-ed by Harald Schmidt @PennMEHP is a hugely valuable contribution to the #bioethics debate over ventilator allocation, & would have applications to other scarce resources as well. Some thoughts /1
Modifying SOFA score w/"weights" based on race would be struck down in federal court (& certainly by this SCOTUS) under #ParentsInvolved precedent…. Not endorsing that precedent, but crucial to recognize it. Area Deprivation Index is better approach /2
Rather than using Area Deprivation Index "weights" to adjust SOFA scores, it would be better to use the Area Deprivation Index as a tiebreaker within each SOFA-score group ("red" to "green"). Would likely save more lives of disadvantaged patients /3