@lukemenzel from @EECouncil reporting back from Electrification of Everything working group. ‘How we bring low income households along the electrification journey.’ Eg. Stimulus investment initiatives in VIC. #CleanTechJobsSummit@SmartEnergyCncl
Taylor Rundell @AWUnion reporting back from Renewable Hydrogen, Ammonia, Metals & New Export Opportunities. ‘AUS current status as climate laggard is a major risk. For OS markets.’ #CleanTechJobsSummit@SmartEnergyCncl@Bowenchris
5 global public health emerg. since 2008. Didn’t rate a ‘massive pandemic drill’? #Insiders@KKeneally
27 Apr “If we didn't have the cruise ships," Professor Collignon said, "our curve would have looked a lot better, a lot sooner." Prof Peter Collignon #RubyPrincess abc.net.au/news/2020-04-2…
Interesting who’s in charge of what:
‘NSW Health..advising Australian Border Force and NSW Police on..the crew, but..to disembark.."they need the approval of the NSW Police Commissioner" t.ly/l7B1
'The example of the Ruby Princess — where a decision to let 2,700 people disembark from the ship in Sydney two weeks ago, despite cases of COVID-19 on board, led to almost 200 cases *across the country* — is considered a textbook example of how not to handle this situation.’