What do you think the local families who lost their loved ones by #COVID19 would see in you with the #Olympic medals? Do you think they will be overjoyed and ‘happy’ for you?
Not really.
In Japan, we’ve run out of beds for #Covid19 patients & more than 10,000 people are waiting at home to die without treatment. Ordinary Japanese citizen does not have access to PCR tests because the goverment wants to eliminate the risk of finding more cases.
To this very day, only 25% of our entire medical workforce has been vaccinated and only with the FIRST dose. The high-risk elderlies are still on the waiting list and ordinary citizens would not have access to vaccines until early June at the earliest.
2021年4月14日,東京五輪の開催まで100日と迫った日に,英国で180年の歴史を誇る医学誌『British Medical Journal』(BMJ)がEditorial(論説)を発表した。世界的権威ある医学誌の論説とあって,国内外のメディアはこれを広く取り上げた。 note.com/tkatsumi06j/n/…