@SenSanders 1) What a crock. We are the public. @VivekGRamaswamy read that bill and gave the salient parts to us HERE, on X. We knew we needed to know what was in it b/c y’all are crooked. We were proven right.
@SenSanders @VivekGRamaswamy 2) @elonmusk provided the vehicle to share it on because he follows and respects the #1stAmendment. Obviously, you and your corrupt cronies wish the 1st amendment did not exist, b/c THAT is what allowed your corruption to be disseminated. The rest is history. Get used to it.
@SenSanders @VivekGRamaswamy @elonmusk 3) We are not going away. Every bill will be analyzed. Those of you who continue to put forth #PORK will need to find other employment. Comprende?
@JoshStein_ @markrobinsonNC is a much better choice for governor. He was in the trenches right after the hurricane hit while @JoshStein_ and @RoyCooperNC were AWOL.
@JoshStein_ @markrobinsonNC @RoyCooperNC 2) @markrobinsonNC was saving students’ lives and the lives of their families rather than attending fund raisers for his campaign or, as in the case of #GovCooper, actually sending e-mails trying to slow down the rescue efforts until after 11/5!
@JoshStein_ @markrobinsonNC @RoyCooperNC 3) I want a governor who cares about ALL the people in this state. Not one who decides the deaths of some would help his party win an election. At least that is how it looks at both the state and national level.
If you still do not have adequate shelter, you can stay warm if you make this kind of campfire.
Place 5 logs in the pattern shown. First: clear ALL debris from the area where you plan to have your fire.
2) Make sure you can put out your fire if you have to during the night with a bucket of dirt or water.
Build a small fire in the middle.
Arrange 2” logs in a wagon wheel arrangement around it.
Let the ends catch, then pull them back until the heat is at the level you like.
3) Arrange your sleeping area near your wheel and enjoy your warm night. You may have to get up and shove the logs closer to the middle, but you will not have to gather sticks, etc. until morning.
I used this on a survival hike myself years ago. It works great.
@DNC is getting desperate. A raid at #PresidentTrump’s home!?!?! After trying to trap him for 7 years? Must be hoping they will find his campaign plan on that computer.
@JamesMartinSJ@breeadail@ArchCordileone@SpeakerPelosi Are you purposefully and daily #sinning? Your actions are not allowing #Jesus to protect us. Yes, the sin of non-believers is rampant and awful and would result in these disasters IF WE WERE NOT PROTECTING OUR country. BUT because many of us are acting just as badly,
@DonaldJTrumpJr this will be long, so follow the thread, please. 1/
2/ From a friend on FB:
Why aren't the mainstream stations covering the ongoing Capitol Hill Briefing of Afghan Vets now representing us in Congress explaining what is happening in Afghanistan right? If FB censors this, they are silencing the voices of men and …
3/ …women who fought in Afghanistan for our military and then entered public service in Congress.
These are some of the most exceptional humans representing our country with honesty and with the truth of experience. Their stories are compelling and every media station not…