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May 22nd 2022
@JamesMartinSJ @breeadail @ArchCordileone He is doing his job. Read what happened to #Annanias & #Saphira. @SpeakerPelosi at least is being given time to repent. They were carried out dead for lying to God.
@JamesMartinSJ @breeadail @ArchCordileone @SpeakerPelosi Read #Deuteronomy. If you have asked #Jesus to be your #Savior, but are not walking in obedience to Him, although you are saved, your purposefully #sinful actions have a consequence. We have been grafted in #Abraham, and the #curses for his seeds’ disobedience are ours, too.
@JamesMartinSJ @breeadail @ArchCordileone @SpeakerPelosi Are you purposefully and daily #sinning? Your actions are not allowing #Jesus to protect us. Yes, the sin of non-believers is rampant and awful and would result in these disasters IF WE WERE NOT PROTECTING OUR country. BUT because many of us are acting just as badly,
Read 5 tweets
Sep 18th 2018
@KieseLaymon @Occidental Hey Kiese: I'm handling something now for my (disabled) dad. I'll write u back later, bro. I'm a v nice person -- u can fact-check w God. 😉 But I will not allow #ZinziClemmons to get away w her drive-by to kill #JunotDiaz's career. JD didn't forcibly kiss her. #apologizetoJunot
@KieseLaymon @Occidental Hey Kiese: Too bad we're connecting abt this #JunotGate fiasco, as u're a smart brother I'd love analyzing culture w/. Listened to ur talks. Interesting kings/queens pt @DukeU. I fact-checked #Trayvon's parents' book passage @Essence for terrific exec editor, JM. U & I 4 justice!
@KieseLaymon @Occidental @DukeU @Essence Justice: This #JunotGate fiasco started May 4 @SydWritersFest when ur 30-something #WOC writer friend #ZinziClemmons took mic & publicly accused #JunotDiaz (@mit_cmsw @BostonReview @PulitzerPrizes) of harming her 6 yrs prior. ZC then tweeted JD had cornered & forcibly kissed her!
Read 24 tweets

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