Mon night on @TheFeedSBS NSW Police Officer McDermott said he respected my ‘opinion’ but I needed to know that @nswpolice WERE taking action on the vast majority of cases reported, that they WERE providing protection to ‘victims’, that they were WINNING & should be acknowledged
2/ for getting the ‘vast majority’ right. He said @nswpolice ARE supporting ‘our victims’
He said if the ‘narrative gets out’ that police are giving a bad service then ‘who will go to the police’?
I didn’t get the opportunity to reply to this misinformation at the time so ...
3/ firstly 80% of assaults are not reported at all-the ones that are the police see are the worst ones. Usually cases with the most evidence. Yet somehow, of the 32K reported, only 15K resulted in a charge. #notwinning#auspol#EnoughIsEnough
4/ Even after charges are laid. Up to 17% of them are withdrawn. 11k out of 15k were found guilty in NSW
6/ Less than 20% of women seeking police services is NOT an indication women don’t want justice. That’s like saying “you didn’t go to must not want a holiday!”
Women DO want security, but know won’t receive it ..that is the REAL reason they don’t come
7/ The lives of women such as Hannah Clark and Kelly Wilkinson & children like Luke Batty & Charlie Mullaley are testimony to this
8/ This should not be about putting out a warm & fuzzy “narrative”. It’s not about providing a good story to draw women in.
It should always be about providing survivors with the truth.
1/ I am a WOC & I advocate for Coercive control laws. The systemic racial & misogynistic injustices in this system are abhorrent. Current laws have been written by white men, these laws will be different in that they reflect the experiences of women. We need to draw a clear line
2/ between wanting to abolish the entire criminal justice system (abolitionism) & wanting to deny criminalising this one specific behaviour. None of the abolitionists have argued that CC is dangerous. The fight should remain with the oppressive system - not the women that seek to
3/ highlighting the problems with current laws that are written by men to protect men. There are no specific Domestic Violence laws. These will be the first ones that acknowledge the unique nature of violence against women in the home. Some women will always need to draw on a
Thread: Outside Parl House tonight @davtw2@FeeBenson
22 candles, to remember the 22 women lost to gender-based violence this year. It’s too easy to pretend these devastating losses are an inevitability. This is the lie our govt wants us to believe.We can stop these deaths if we
1. Ensue safe houses & enhanced security for women to escape to 2. provide extensive trauma based psychological care for her & the children to enable healing & separation 3. Start believing women when they report abuse 4. Start believing the children who report abuse
5. Stop facilitating the myth that women make up allegations of abuse as a strategy 6. Help women to secure evidence with cameras & recording devices 7. Accept evidence of treating practitioners over independent medical examiners 8. Recognise the literature that demonstrates
1. APOLOGIES long and TRIGGERing thread.
Murder/ psychopathy/ #familyviolence
“He told me I wasn’t going to be with anyone else he told me I was going to die”
Police / lawyers think these things are said in anger or frustration. They tell victims to “block him” or “report him”
2.But victims recognise the PSYCHOPATH they live with. They’re not wrong. They know him. They wish they were wrong & are forever trying to talk themselves into believing it’s their fault. To imagine otherwise is even more horrific @CCCBuryStEd@thecrimeanalyst@JaneCaro
3. They are not exaggerating. They are not neurotic or crazy.
These women have lived day in & day out with them & know what he is capable of.
If she fears her life- she is correct in her assessment. It should never, EVER be dismissed. @MFWitches@earthma23@davtw2@FeeBenson
Thread. His adult daughter was terrified of him. When her house was listed for sale he deliberately booked an inspection so he could intimidate her walking through her home. He turned up at his ex wife’s yoga class, where she saw him behind her in the mirror. #coercivecontrol
John Edwards had abused 6 former partners & 8 children. There were restraining orders on him. But he was given no jail time & allowed a gun license. Whilst in the family law court the Independent Children’s lawyer insisted he be allowed to pick up his son & take him to school
1. This is completely normal in #trauma!Laying down memory is a complex process & so is “retrieving” memories.
It’s unfortunate when memories that come flooding back are so horrific bc it can be like experiencing the event all over again for the second time, but yes (cont)
2. those memories can come flooding back DECADES later.
Whilst devastating, on some level it can make things make so more sense, but also sometimes add to feeling of confusion as to whether event really happened.
3. It can make you doubt yourself even more which is tragic. It can feel like the brains cruelest of jokes. When those memories return we often prefer to doubt them as the content are so painful. A good clinician will not make u feel like a liar. @dhanyajmani@angelo_virgona
Thread 1. OK It would be Great if ppl understood that when a person is assaulted or under threat, particularly children or other vulnerable-they go into a ‘freeze mode’. It is a well-described SURVIVAL technique- to dissociate from reality in order to maximise chances of survival
2. That there are still people who would question a child for not fighting back against an adult, or a woman afraid her rapist may kill her after he’s ‘done’ is testimony to just how far we are from truly understanding the impact of trauma. It is a male concept - that a true
3. Victim of assault would scream or fight back. This is absolutely, 💯 untrue. The human “body” makes the decision about how to approach a risky situation & a predator that is bigger,stronger is going to cause the smaller individual to choose a path that best allows survival