Canada kidnaps Indigenous kids into foster care and then fails to protect them from sexual assault. IUDs for kids is not a solution...
On top of that, this person pushes the debunked narrative that sexual assault is predominantly Indigenous-on-Indigenous violence in Indigenous communities, therefore blame Indigenous people.
This is a racist colonizer lie...
Besides, nowhere in #Canada's laws may a crime be ignored by authorities if it was perpetrated by an Indigenous person against another.
Reality is many crimes against Indigenous people are ignored by authorities, regardless of perpetrator identity.
I was informed today that social workers in BC have forced Indigenous children under the age of 10 to have IUDs inserted by doctors.
Within the last decade. Then they failed to ensure these children have follow up care.
#Canada is committing genocide against Indigenous nations.
In what reality does a social worker believe the appropriate response to a nine year old in foster care who is at risk of STATUTORY RAPE is NOT TO PROTECT THEM, but to force that child to be subjected to an IUD insertion?
Between this tweet and the one above it in that thread, the verdict is:
"It's the voters and policy, not Canada!"
No, it's Canada. The Charter and human rights laws cannot ameliorate tyranny of the majority without some fiction of Canada as a legally responsible person...
If we fail to hold #Canada accountable for crimes it commits b/c "voters", then we allow #Canada (or other states) to have supremacy over, or immunity from, the obligations of a legal person.
A mistake b/c then no one is accountable, and tyranny of the majority thrives...
No one is accountable b/c blaming voters is an empty judgement.
Abbotsford School District deserves minor kudos for quickly bringing an investigation.
However, most of us want a plan to prevent this happening again.
I hope @AbbotsfordSD is prepared to rise to the occasion.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of actions they need to take...
.@AbbotsfordSD needs to acknowledge that this conduct is harmful to kids, particularly #BIPOC kids.
ASD needs to communicate that they:
1⃣ understand the risk & harm to all the kids;
2⃣ will take steps to undo the damage done; and
3⃣ will prevent this from happening again...
Recently @rjjago quoted the Green Party leader in an OpEd:
“The government is prepared to spend far more on pipelines than on climate action. It is as though we really believe in reconciliation for Indigenous people but first we need to build a few more residential schools.”⤵️
⤴️@ElizabethMay's comment implies a root problem of her party: Indigenous nations are props to the Green Party, to be used when convenient, to the point of making completely disproportionate, unrelated, and clumsy comparisons between genocide & climate crisis.⤵️
⤴️Climate crisis is very bad, but genocide is immoral violence aimed at a people with the intention to destroy them.
Genocide has not ceased in Canada (foster care, MMIWG, police oppression, and many other evils).
The immorality of these two problems should not be confused. ⤵️