Now this a good ongoing study in South African, #SisonkeStudy .. published in @NEJM .. studying safety data of vaccinated health care workers (HCW), with breakdown of reported adverse effects thus far.. 1/n…
Results: out of total 288,368 HCWs who received the #johnsonandjohnson#vaccine fr 17th Feb 2021 till 12th Apr 2021.. ONLY 5,898 (2%) reported adverse events.. And even from these 5,898, 4,777 (or 81%) only reported mild to moderate reactogenecity.. 3/n…
So out of the 5,898 that reported adverse events; 19% that were "not" mild to moderate.. 1,120 of the HCWs.. 50 were considered serious or of special interest with their diverse conditions as listed in Table 1 below.. 4/n…
And looking at the 50 HCWs with serious or of special interest..
12 (24%) had #COVID19 within 28d post-vaccination,
12 (24%) had allergic rxn BUT of which ONLY 1 qualify as #anaphylaxis ..
6 (12%) had neurological condition
5 (10%) had CVS Sx .. 5/n…
Other details reported adverse reactions as below.
But this interim report also notes that Rate of Adverse Effects fr Vaccination is LOW & Thromboembolic Events occured mainly in persons with risk factors like 1) obesity 2) HPT 3) DM 4) Pulmonary embolism 5) RHD 6) CVA etc
Now this is gaining traction !! #HappyHypoxia .. a situation of low oxygen saturation on the blood, which is an early indicator of impending #COVID19 deterioration !! .. 1/n
Harian Metro, 27/5/2021…
An oxygen saturation of below 95% is an indicator of a need to seek further Rx.. if the #COVID19 Px is quarantined at home.. 2/n
Harian Metro, 27/5/2021…
Oxygen saturation levels easily measurable using a #pulseoximeter .. easily available at Pharmacies. In fact, currently it's a standard item for those who are under home quarantine for #COVID19 ..
Below is what United Sikhs Malaysia is doing !! .. 3/n