AB is in the #DeltaWave
Daily cases doubling time: 9.8 days
At this rate we can expect:
5000 daily new cases on Sept 14
8000 daily new cases on Sept 21
(pls see confidence intervals on the graphs)
5-8K daily cases is when we might expect ICUs full
... 1/
The link between cases and severe illness is not broken.
The ratio is different. But the correlation stays.
In UK, hosp:cases ratio is now reportedly 4x lower.
In Israel this ratio is now 2.5-3x lower than in the 3rd wave.
In AB our ICUs were full at 2000 daily cases.
2000 x 2.5 = 5000
2000 x 4 = 8000
Hence, we could expect to have ICUs full at around 5000-8000 daily cases.
Reminder: exponential growth
From 2000 to 8000 daily cases it't just 2 (two) doubling times.
2000 x 2 x 2
It goes fast.
As fast as from 50 to 200
Elementary school children are not vaccinated. They don't have any "personal shield".
Protecting kids only by "vaccinating their adults" won't work.
If we'd have conditions exactly like last Sept, but w/ Delta and vaccine 60% efficient against transmission,
we'd need to vaccinate 95% of *total* population to control the community transmission (get R to 1)
We need both vaccines AND public health measures.
We need TTI,
mask mandates (KN95 and up)
air filtration
We can’t vaccinate our way out of the pandemic.
We need both: Vaccines AND Public Health (PH) measures.
It was barely possible w/ original variant (A). W/ Delta, both PH measures and vaccines became less effective (B). But combined – they may still work.
Theoretical model:
Even if vaccines are only 60% efficient against transmission & only 75% eligible people (64% total) get vaccinated, by combining PH measures & vaxx we may still be able to control the spread (C). Barely.
But if by allowing the reckless spread we culture a variant 2x more transmissible than Delta → our current strategy (i.e. acting only when ICUs get full) won’t work anymore.
Our tools: PH measures & vaccines will not be effective enough to quickly halt the exp. growth (D)
Alberta: Current measures made the growth rate less extreme.
B117 is doubling now every 20 days instead of every 7 days.
It's still very fast - similar to doubling time in the 2nd wave (18 days)
Current measures are insufficient to bend the curve downwards.
Ln scale graph 👇
At this rate we can expect:
3,000 daily new cases on May 12
4,000 daily new cases on May 22
This wave is worse than the fall one.
2nd wave: at 1877 daily cases we had 100 ICUs
3rd wave: at 1860 daily cases we have 146 ICUs, and *we are still growing*
That's *despite* many people being already vaccinated. W/o vaccines it would be even worse.
B117 grows exponentially in AB *since 3 months*.
Doubling time as of Mar 14: 11 days, R=1.29
That’s fast. During AB fall surge cases were doubling every 18 days.
At this rate AB may have:
Apr 19, 1000 daily new cases,
May 03, 2000 daily new cases
Future effects of reopenings and vaccinations are not included in this projection.
Reopenings will speed the growth up.
We don’t know exactly how effective the vaccines are against transmission.
Let’s assume 60% effectiveness:
Then, in order to break the exponential growth of B117, i.e. to reduce its R from current 1.29 to 1.00, 38% of people would need to be vaccinated.
We are not there yet.