Our reponse to the IPCC AR6: Scientific establishments are starting to say what climate activists have been saying for decades: we are beyond the precipice, our only hope is a political revolution.
Climate tipping points are already breached, our weather violently disturbed, our food supplies at risk, our water endangered, our homes threatened, and our prospects for survival under siege.
Terrifyingly - this is the conservative view, the inescapable reality wrapped in a soft and agreeable tone. The truth is we have been murdered in our sleep, our futures stripped and sold like assets, gambling chips in the games of billionaires.
Things really could not be more serious, yet our corrupt and incompetent political leaders have done next to nothing, beyond continue subsiding the very industry that is killing us. They were only interested in getting re-elected and we're all paying the ultimate price.
But no more. As the climate continues to fall apart - as is inevitable - we will come together. We demand an end to fossil fuels. We demand that the climate criminals in power are held to account. We demand our rights, our lives, our future.
Scientists must make their voices loudest and be willing to make genuine and substantive personal sacrifice (arrest, imprisonment, extended hunger strikes and so on) - if those with the privilege to understand the crisis are unwilling to take action, how can we expect others?
Paris has failed. We cannot stay below 1.5 degrees in any model analysed. The report only considers “plausible” decarbonisation models. There may yet be a chance to save ourselves from annihilation, but that would require political revolution and is not considered by the IPCC.
The faster we decarbonise, the better nature can adapt. The faster we put carbon into the atmosphere, the less carbon can be absorb by the biosphere. The more we heat the planet, the more likely natural tipping points are to drive us to high temperature climate extremes.
Climate changes already incurred are irreversible: sea level rise, ocean acidification, and deoxygenation (meaning the death of some ocean ecosystems), ice loss.
Decarbonisation is a prerequisite for maintaining a liveable planet.
Should we trust the report?
Thousands of scientists have contributed to this report with no financial investment in its conclusions - the essence of the report is factual and accurate.
However, this is the "Intergovernmental" PCC - governments are beholden to big money donors, and they have demanded the dilution of findings from the IPCC before. The “summary for policy makers” should be considered the most optimistic projection possible, until proven otherwise.