He still has night terrors about it. He'll randomly wake screaming "Baconator!!!"
Just as a bit of a preface. The Wendy's Kumite is how Wendy's selects its next menu item. Each combatant is one hypothetical menu item.
The winner of the tournament's food they were "given" becomes the newest menu item.
What? You thought a committee or some shit did that?
Left was chosen after he filled out one of those restaurant surveys. Actually, I shouldn't say one. I should say around 3,200 surveys. Each one said "I want free food!!!!" and then had provocative art and our address/phone number.
It reads “You two are literally destroying this neighborhood. No one wants to buy a house on a street with rotting corpses impaled. The smell also is depressing. Please tell us why you’ve slaughtered beloved Saturday Morning characters en mass?
Clean this up or else!”
“Are we the assholes?” I asked Left.
“Uh. Was there any doubt? We spend our days slaughtering and drinking.”
“I think this might have gone too far.”
“It’s either we continue on or we get jobs that pay well enough to buy food. Good luck with that!”