@mentions@sparrowos32@Fiorella_im It's the mass vax-*everybody* program--incl those <.4% IFR) whose immune systems would have neutralized & learned whole virus & provided a reservoir of stronger, non-specific immunity, that is increasing the chances for mutation.
@mentions@sparrowos32@Fiorella_im If return to, *forever*, masking, lockdowns, etc. perceived necc, it's b/c vax program--reliance on vax as replacement for natural immune system--is *failing*. Ignoring that & doubling down w boosters will only exacerbate further. You'll *never* be fully-vaccinated, or face-free.
@mentions@sparrowos32@Fiorella_im At any rate, unvaxed ppl are *not* the cause of these problems. We have made a reasonable decision based on scientific analyses (incl those of vax adverse fx) that should be respected & investigated, not ridiculed & censored. If science were really the main interest.
@adistantpeople 1st: thx for responding reasonably! I'll try to reciprocate.
I'm sure 31 in TN is much less than 5%! Anything close to that even CDC would shut down the program immdiately. They shut down swine flu vax in '76 after 53 deaths nationwide.
Current death reports from these vax are >12K(tot) 6K(US), still <1%, though 12X reports from all vax since 2000. Death rate (IFR) of Covid is <1% for all <65yrs (CDC best est) or <80yrs w/o underlying condition (Stockholm U.)., All-ages ranges bet .1-1.5%. (not easy to find)
If any of these stats surprise you, think why, given constant media "coverage." Also these vax did not promise *any* % immunity. Was that not made clear to you? Were you led to expect something else from "vaccine"? Something that might justiry forcing it on people?
Here's Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explaining how the spike protein that *the vax makes your body produce* induces blood clotting. If you are not *sure* and able to explain there's NO risk of this, you can't *mandate* vax & create a regime of segregation.
This is ONE example of problems many scientists have identified. If you are not SURE. AND able to explain there's NO risk of this,
& you support a regime of discrimination and segregation.for millions of people who choose not to take it (including me and 62% of black New Yorkers), then wtf--really WTF! are you doing?! THAT IS NOT "LEFTISM"!
The gaggle of rushed-to-market #covd19#vaccines constitute unprecedented mass human medical exeperimentation.
UK Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) is "urgently seekimg an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process *the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs)*."
Because "its planned procurement process for the SafetyConnect programme..would not have concluded by vaccine launch" (i.e., safety testing was rushed and skipped), MHRA is concerned about the "direct threat to patient life and public health" from these ADRS.
First, his cancellation of the attack on Iran. Now this. If Senate Rs start turning against #Trump on #impeachment, it's b/c of THIS--because he's not a reliable enough trigger-puller for the neocon warmongers of both parties. #Syria#impeachment#Turkey nytimes.com/2019/10/07/us/…
Of course, even he can't get completely out of the neocon grip. Note that US troops r NOT being withdrawn from #Syria, only "pulled back." i.e., they won't fight a Turkish invasion, but will be there as tripwire should gov of Syria try to take back control of its own territory.
Because the #Kurds, now seeing what fools they were to ally with the US, will now likely negotiate a resolution with #Syria which they would much prefer to Turkish occupation.
@DougHenwood@katiecannon2@srlie True that MMT does not explain the production and appropriation of *value*. It's an explanation of how *money* works. But that's a lot, since money--esp fiat currency--is a very powerful tool & is the primary expression of value in capitalist society.
@DougHenwood@katiecannon2@srlie Why fiat currency has been and will be used in reactionary ways until and unless we learn to use it in progressive ways--as something that is social and political in origin.
@DougHenwood@katiecannon2@srlie They are using it to fund wars & enable banksters profits & speculation. We have to use it as a social utility that enables producing what we consider necessary & valued goods & services. And we can! What's stopping us is political, not economic. MMT makes that visible.