Is it at Von Behring and Kitasato who were the first to discover that immunization of animals with diptheria and tetanus toxins resulted in soluble substances in the serum that neutralize these same toxins making them harmless?
(3) Even within a GC-derived response, if you genetically label PCs prior to GC formation, you still get Long-lived plasma cells during this nascent extrafollicular response
(2) Inflation: induction of memory [CD8+] T cells that increase in frequency over time to >10% of the entire T cell pool in blood and higher abundance in peripheral tissues (e.g. liver and lung)
(3) First reported (to my knowledge) in a mouse model of CMV (MCMV)
2/Kagan and co. address the outstanding question: How can you activate and program a dendritic cell to promote protective (including antitumor) immunity?
Same as, why have DC-based vaccines and all cancer vaccines failed thus far?
3/The key is in keeping the DC alive and active during stimulation.
Most adjuvants (e.g. LPS, alum, polyI:C) induce pyroptosis which (while triggering local inflammation) limits the activity and costimulatory potential of a dendritic cell
Most studies and perspectives focus on one mechanism of tolerance and few have seriously considered all these together in the context of T cell differentiation.
We attempted to draw a conceptual framework for the known tolerance checkpoints at each stage of the T cell lifespan
In summary, we present 6 main tolerance hallmarks: