"The idea that humanity actually *could* go extinct required a lot of ideas to come together. First you needed to know that species go extinct. This wasn't clear until [the discovery of fossil Mastodons]."
- @anderssandberg of @FHIOxford at SFI today:
"It's not just that the end of the world could be caused by a bad political decision. In principle, the *right* political decision or technology could *avert* these risks. In the 19th C, it was a considered merely a matter of natural causes."
- @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford) at SFI
"There are also trans-generational risks, and there may be pan-generational risks."
"[Humans] care about continuity. Many of the things we do don't make sense unless we care about our children and our children's children, etc. And it's important to keep our options open...it's very hard to go un-extinct."
"The asteroid: in many ways, it's the nicest form of #ExistentialRisk because it's well understood. We have data that tells us how likely they are, we have the big dinosaur killers mapped out. This is the most well-managed existential risk we have."
- @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford)
"Most people will say it's unlikely that a #pandemic could wipe out an entire species because as people die out, the pathogen can't spread. Unfortunately, amphibians prove otherwise, because immune populations can act as a reservoir."
- @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford) at SFI now
"#ClimateChange will make things hard, but it won't be the end of the world. What worries me is the systemic #risk: a world struggling with the effects of climate change will be less-prepared to deal with other things that come up."
- @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford) at SFI now
"During the Middle Ages, you couldn't have a war that could kill everybody. It's only become possible over the last century...a 'beautiful' demonstration of how an otherwise-intelligent species can place itself in trouble."
- @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford):
"Unlike the @LosAlamosNatLab physicists, the @CERN LHC physicists responded way too late [to justify the safety of their experiments]. ... Ideally, with these low-probability risks, you want several overlapping arguments."
- @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford):
"It doesn't necessarily have a scintillating conversation partner to be risky. If you have systems that can autonomously change the world, that's a risk for us."
"It's not necessarily that we can't do something to [avert a given risk]. It's that we have incentives *not* to do something."
- @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford)
How to avert a catastrophic cascading failure in food production: @anderssandberg (@FHIOxford) works on the board of @ALLFEDALLIANCE to devise transitional strategies to bridge major disruptions.
"Most of these global risks are complex systems problems."
Betweenness centrality, heavy tail distributions, emergent effects, correlations between infrastructural layers, and other nonlinearities make catastrophic risk a perfect area of study for #ComplexSystems science.
ICYMI, this week's SFI Seminar by Fractal Faculty Stuart Firestein (@Columbia) on "what started out ass a very simple-seeming problem [re: #olfaction] and turned out to be very complicated":
"Everything we know about the world comes through these little holes in our head and the skin covering our body, processed through tissue specialized to interpret it."
"The thing to notice about [sight and hearing] is that they're [processing] fairly low-dimensional stimuli."
"Even a simple smell is composed of a VARIETY of molecules, and these are high-dimensional from a chemical point of view. And it's also a somewhat discontinuous stimulus. How do we get from this bunch of molecules to this unitary perception of something like a rose?"
"A key feature of this is talk is that we make sense of what each other are saying IN PART by what they say, but ALSO by what we expect of them."
"Language transmits info against a background of expectations – syntactic, semantic, and this larger cultural spectrum. It's not just the choices of make but [how] we set ourselves up to make later choices."
"I think what really drives [the popularity of the #multiverse in #scifi] is regret... There's a line in @allatoncemovie where #MichelleYeoh is told she's the worst version of herself."
"I don't think we should resist melting brains. I think we should just bite the bullet."
"When you measure the spin of an electron, or the position...what happened to all of the other things you could have seen? Everett's idea is that they're all real. They all become real in that measurement."
- SFI Fractal Faculty @seanmcarroll at @guardian theguardian.com/science/audio/…
"At the level of the equations there is zero ambiguity, but the metaphors break down. The two universes it splits into aren't as big as the original universe. The thickness of the two new universes adds up to the thickness of the original universe."
"One way to represent the kind of #compositionality we want to do is with this kind of breakdown...eventually a kind of representation of a sentence. On the other hand, vector space models of #meaning or set-theoretical models put into a space have been very successful..."
"Humans are prone to giving machines ambiguous or mistaken instructions, and we want them to do what we mean, not what we say. To solve this problem we must find ways to align AI with human preferences, goals & values."
- @MelMitchell1 at @QuantaMagazine: quantamagazine.org/what-does-it-m…
“All that is needed to assure catastrophe is a highly competent machine combined with humans who have an imperfect ability to specify human preferences completely and correctly.”
"It’s a familiar trope in #ScienceFiction — humanity threatened by out-of-control machines who have misinterpreted human desires. Now a not-insubstantial segment of the #AI research community is concerned about this kind of scenario playing out in real life."
- @MelMitchell1