We've gone gold! 100 unique arts and metadata generated by AI are dropping 25th September with the first collection "World Cities"! Check the mint page here: worldcities.aiphotos.art
Unique traits generated by GPT-3.
GPT-3 was trained on the context of talking about cities and then proceeded to generate metadata (traits and description) for each one of the 100 cities available in this collection.
Unique art generated using high-end deep learning focused GPUs.
We have used cloud GPUs to run deep learning AI which received the name and description of each city and then generated a unique PNG for each of them. All images do not have any human interference.
Stored on-chain for eternity.
Both the art and metadata are stored on the @ArweaveTeam protocol. A guarantee that no human can mess with AI-generated data for all eternity.
It will be released on 25th September as a fair mint to everyone that wants to apply. Each one will be priced at 1 SOL, as per GPT-3 suggestion: