Similarly, there are women who know they are women, and women who believe they are men, and they need the same kind of medical care, things like breast exams and cervical cancer screenings.
But Britain's #NHS has chosen to screw the situation up, by lying in the medical records.
The men who believe they are women have their records marked 'F'-for-female under sex. So they get reminders to have their non-existent cervices checked for cancer, while NOT having their very real prostrates checked. This makes them feel good, but kills some of them.
Similarly, the women who believe they are men get reminded to come in for a prostrate prod, but not a cervical exam. Again, more deaths.
All this could easily be avoided by actually marking patient records male or female in accordance with biological reality. That won't happen.
Stonewall UK is instead determined that medical records continue to lie about some people's sex. Which endangers all of them, and kills some. To mark the records accurately would disturb some people's fantasies about themselves.
Now, this attitude isn't universal. An online acquaintance of mine is trans, and she told me she damn well wants her doctor to treat her as the male she is for purposes of medical care.
But some people would rather die than face the reality that their "gender" =/= their sex.
So Stonewall wants the #NHS to engage in #DoubleThink, and come up with some plan to remind trans people to get the care they need while still pretending they are of the opposite sex. What they need are The Magic Words®.
Somehow, somewhere, there must exist The Magic Words that will persuade a trans "man" to get "his" breasts and cervix and other plumbing checked out properly without having "him" mix with those awful female people, who are known to have #cooties.
Somehow, someway, it must be possible to give a woman proper medical care while pretending she is a he.
The same is true for the trans women. Must somehow get the message to them that they need to have their dicks and balls examined occasionally, while
still going along with their fantasy of being female.
Being a nasty bastard, I find this endlessly funny. 'Well sure I'm dying of a cancer that could have been treated if caught in time, but at least nobody ever misgendered me!' 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'll let you in on a secret. The Magic Words don't exist. There is no way to give people health care that is biologically appropriate to their sex while pretending they are "really" of the opposite sex.
The claim that when a man feels "I am a woman" he literally IS a woman is flat out #insanity.
The fact that many people believe this shows their is something severely wrong with them, psychologically.
And the fact that this insane claim has conquered the #Progressive movement shows there is something wrong with Progressivism, philosophically.
#Progressives should have reacted to these claims with laughter, believing them to be an elaborate joke. When they realized the ideology was serious, they should have felt stunned surprised that anyone could believe the equivalent of people thinking they were Napoleon.
This is a great illustration of Surowiecki's contempt for those who disagree with him about the #vax. Hilariously, he is the author of THE WISDOM OF CROWDS, but has decided the #AntiVax crowd has no wisdom at all.
Let's examine his sneers, as he tells us what we ought to think.
We should be opposed to Monoclonal Antibody therapy, because it isn't FDA approved yet. Implicit in this is the idea that one can't evaluate the FDA or its decisions intelligently. We are just too stupid for that
(unlike other crowds, which are oh, so wise).
He claims MAB trials started just before those of the #vaccines. I turn to Wikipedia,…, and find that MABs were developed in 1975, and the developers won the 1984 Nobel Prize for Medicine that achievement.
Seven years ago, my late wife was experiencing severe abdominal discomfort, and we sat in the ER for hours until a bed was located. Turned out she had colon cancer, and needed emergency surgery. There is nothing unusual about such cases.
@eagle4congress I too have gone to the hospital in severe discomfort and waited hours to be admitted and diagnosed for treatment, and all before anyone ever heard of the #Covid virus.
Chris stated that people were being "turned away" at FL ERs, and was asked to provide the names of hospitals
He doesn't. Instead he provides one case where a child had to wait, then be transferred because the hospital's pediatric surgery cases weren't up to the challenge. There is no statement from the hospital system about their ERs turning people away.
Sorry, but he's right. The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that ongoing open hostilities or actual armed rebellion must be taking place for treason to occur. The traitor must make war against the U.S., or actively aid the foreign enemy/rebellion during hostilities.
"Time of war. Treason by aiding the enemy can't be committed during peacetime; there must be an actual enemy for the traitor to aid. The requisite enemy designation typically requires a formal declaration of war."
I DID click the link, and noticed that the article defines the "fully" vaccinated in such a way as to minimize deaths from Covid after vaccination. Somewhat dishonest, that.
.The vaccinations are going to be tested. THE EUA WILL BE THE TEST. Based on what little we know now, the results will be very bad for some children, especially boys.
This is one of the reasons I keep talking about World One, World Two, and World Three.
The parents clamoring to get their children enrolled in these trials are operating in World Two, the world of belief and emotion. They are terrified of the Great Killer Covid Virus®, and believe the Great Savior Vaccinations® will slay the evil virus monster.
Behind this is a belief, that it is possible to go through life without taking risks.
But the #CCPVirus is in World One, the world of physical law. In World One, the vaccinations have risks of harm, and will till we know far more about them, probably for decades to come.