As most of you know, I'm teaching Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation this Fall. This is a Masters-PhD level class which I opened to students and scholars from outside of FLACSO (and Mexico). Syllabus here:…
While there is literature on fieldwork (and field notes/fieldnotes, whichever spelling you prefer), and on ethnographic fieldwork, I feel like there's never an "orientation" on how to write good field notes. Here's a partial bibliography I compiled.…
Weirdly enough, I sometimes forget what I've published, particularly on qualitative methods. Well, here is an editorial I wrote on how you can use fieldnotes to prompt you to write, particularly when you're feeling blocked. Pay attention to what I cite.…
Over the past three weeks, in my #AIDCFLACSO21 class, we have covered Coding, Theming and Writing Field Notes and Analytic Memorandums. These are classic components of qualitative text analylsis, and I discussed them in great depth. I believe that's part and parcel of QDA.
But I want to emphasize what Maxwell 2013, p. 91 says: "there is no cookbook for qualitative methods". I keep telling my students that qualitative analysis is extremely iterative. We try something, we code one way, see if it "sticks", code another way, reframe, rethink.
In my #AIDCFLACSO21 class, I went over what I believe is the core of a field note: I use a notebook, and on one side, I write my observations of whatever I am studying, alongside with the date and time. I make detailed notes (also noting on the left hand side of the page)...
Usually, the left hand side of the field notebook pages serves me to note my own emotions, the context, etc. This is not an uncommon approach (left hand side "emotions/context", right hand side "phenomenon we are observing") but others may use a different approach to mine.
As most of the respondents to my question of whether they would allow someone else to see and re-code their field notes noted, field notes are extremely personal, and may contain personal data that can be sensitive (all responses were AMAZING).
But in my view, that's also part of why it's so hard to teach how to write good field notes: many/most of us may not be willing to show anybody else our field notes (for privacy/sensitivity issues, but also because they are primarily for us). And yes, despite good books on FN.
On to the topic of good material to teach how to write good field notes: I used to ONLY love Van Maanen's Tales of the Field, as it was an incredible book on how to write ethnograpy.
Over the course of the years (and after reading dozens of books)...
To note: ALL three books are excellent on the topic of ethnographic field notes. None disappoints.
Now, here's the thing: you can teach how to write field notes, and how to write GOOD field notes, but then there's the question of how do you write good ETHNOGRAPHIES?
As I have taught my #AIDCFLACSO21 my own personal bias is that a field note and an analytic memo are DIFFERENT
Several authors agree with me (fieldnote is a record of my observations, analytic memo is a reflection of what I recorded in the fieldnote), including Saldaña 2013, p. 42, from where drew this quotation.
Here's my personal view (RPV): we need to teach GOOD fieldnote writing.
But to teach how to write good fieldnotes we also need to educate our students on how to write excellent ethnographic prose. For that particular purpose I have two suggestions:
1) Read A LOT OF ETHNOGRAPHIES, particularly book-length.
2) Read books on how to write ethnography
For (1) I always recommend @rznagle 's "Picking Up". And, although not an ethnographer per se, @christyzen 's "Just Water" (2nd edition) also makes me want to write as well as Christiana does.
Ghodsee does something rarely done (from what I've read): she walks you from your fieldwork notebook scribbles to producing great ethnographies. Excellent book.
Narayan is spectacular in how she crafts narratives, but she also offers EXERCISES. "Here, this is how you do THIS in your writing". Her writing is very didactic and easy to absorb.
Teaching Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation has already changed me and the term is not over yet. I have been able to spend a lot of time pondering and thinking about the craft of teaching how to do good qualitative research, and it has benefited me enormously.
So, my take home suggestions. If you want to learn how to write good field notes:
1) Read books on field note writing 2) Read books on writing ethnographies 3) Read well written ethnographies 4) Practice writing field notes 5) Practice writing analytic memorandums.
6) Practice writing scholarly outputs.
Hope this thread is helpful. I'll make it into a blog post.
</end thread>
Addendum: you can read my thread on @rznagle 's book here - I should really make it a blog post for my Reading Notes of Books.
Rarely has a book captivated my sould like Robin's has. @maxliboiron's Pollution as Colonialism is also an incredible read.
Creo que me voy a aventar un hilo de #RPVTips sobre motivación para concentrarse a escribir y algunas estrategias que utilizo para romper con la desmotivación.
1) La desmotivación nos pega a ABSOLUTAMENTE TODOS Y TODAS. Si hay alguien que les dice que NUNCA se ha sentido desmotivado/a, yo expresaría mis dudas. A mí me ENCANTA escribir, me FASCINA leer, y AMO lo que investigo. Y sin embargo, hay ocasiones en las que siento desmotivación.
2) En mi opinión (basada en mi experiencia propia, más de 20 años de dar clases y 13 de escribir sobre la experiencia de investigación y escritura académica, y de dar talleres, cursos y seminarios sobre estos temas), la desmotivación viene frecuentemente de sentirse abrumado.
This is part of a much larger debate on private versus public (publicness theorists in the public administration literature rejoice!) - a private company offers what has been widely adopted as public infrastructure. HOWEVER it is not a public entity, so can't be governed as such
The first scholar I read on why Facebook should be considered public infrastructure was @zephoria and I don't know if she has advanced this argument any further (I read her circa 2009, I think?) - but the reality is that global adoption of FB and WA doesn't mean that there is...
... any entity that can govern it in a way that continues to provide a public service to citizens. This is a huge problem in the global environmental governance literature too. UNEP is widely thought of as THE agency to govern the global climate. But @mivanova proves it's not.
Una de las desventajas de que la carrera de Historia esté en Guanajuato y no en León es que no existe una historia política de la ciudad en la que se plasme cómo los intereses corporativos en la forma del PAN han mantenido el control y el pésimo gobierno de la ciudad.
La verdad, el mejor alcalde panista que yo recuerdo fue el finado Eliseo Martínez Pérez. Que después se deslindó del PAN, por cierto. Llegó Bárbara Botello del PRI después del desastre de Sheffield rompiendo dos barreras: regresó el PRI a gobernar León y era una alcaldesa.
Obviamente, los priístas no dejan de ser priístas, y Bárbara siguió los pasos de su partido, con el consecuente regreso del PAN, en este caso, de López Santillana, que ha brincado del gobierno del estado al municipio y de regreso. Cuándo habrá gobernantes en León a quienes sí ...
En el #ColoquioMétodosCualitativos de ayer, muchas personas de la audiencia solicitaron bibliografía. En este hilo voy a poner una serie de bibliografías que he desarrollado.
Aquí compilé alguna bibliografía para poder ayudarles a ustedes (y a mis estudiantes de #AIDCFLACSO21 Análisis e Interpretación de Datos Cualitativos) con sus diarios y notas de campo.
En este hilo voy a discutir un poco los libros de la serie #DebateRenovado publicados por la @FlacsoMx
Yo llegué a FLACSO México relativamente recientemente entonces estoy leyendo estos volúmenes, creo yo, desde una perspectiva fresca.
Empiezo con sociología.
Este volumen, editado por la Dra. Ligia Tavera Fenollosa y el Dr. Nelson Arteaga Botello, está disponible en librerías (yo lo compré en las librerías del Fondo de Cultura Económica)
Me parece muy alentador que se debatan los enfoques sociológicos.
Este volumen de Debatir la Sociología NO pretende ser un resumen de teorías sociológicas. No es un compendio de estructuralismo funcional, el debate agente-estructura, el interaccionismo simbólico y la teoría del conflicto.
Acabo de tener una reunión con un estudiante que me hizo pensar en que necesito escribir un hilo de #RPVTips sobre El Acertijo (The Puzzle), lo que nos interesa comprender, entender con nuestra investigación.
Por ende: ABRO HILO.
¿A qué se refiere el concepto del Acertijo (the puzzle)? El Acertijo se refiere a aquello que nos intriga, lo que nos hace pensar "hmmmmm". Un fenómeno que no logramos comprender del todo pero que se nos hace suficientemente interesante para investigarlo.
Hay muchos debates en la ciencia política y en la investigación social sobre si debemos o no usar El Acertijo como un dispositivo retórico para encuadrar nuestros estudios. Ciertamente, como Bernard, Wutich y Ryan 2017 demuestran, hay varios tipos de preguntas de investigación.