EVERYONE needs 2 read the @capitolhunters thread. If you still believe in our country & Democracy, I implore u to give 20 mins of ur time & go through their thread with ur family. Pay special attention to Officer Fanone's testimony & the pain in his voice
Watch the new 10min Youtube video in the 2nd tweet of the thread & ask yourself why would ANYONE in congress not want to get 2 the bottom of what happened on #Jan6th & wks of preparation and incitement leading up to the insurrection. #SeditionHunters
Many people & groups like @capitolhunters, @SeditionHunters, @visionsurreal & ourselves have volunteered 100's and 100's of hours archiving, reviewing & piecing together videos, events and people leading up to #jan6th. We do it for Democracy & Officers Fanone, Goodman, Dunn ect.
There r many unsung heroes from #Jan6th that haven't gotten recognition. Officer Huff in the Rotunda saved the life of at least one rioter that was nearly trampled. He also took charge of clearing the Rotunda of VERY violent militia members from 1st breach
Everyone should read these threads & understand what it clearly demonstrates: in the midst of rage and violence, there were individuals in the shadows who were calmly following a plan, & guiding the mob 2 try & prevent a peaceful transfer of Democracy on #Jan6th h/t @SethAbramson
We know of at least 2 people that came from the 1st breach on the West (Senate) side at ~2:13 pm & advanced to the East side Columbus doors, over powered the lone female officer there protecting the door & breached that door allowing dozens more in at ~ 2:26 pm. #SeditionHunters
Read all the threads by @visionsurreal who has tirelessly uncovered connections between leaders of the coup, the motivations and planning that went into the weeks and days leading up to the #CapitolCoup and the involvement of people like Gen. Michael Flynn
Here is our thread from Oct 6th focusing on the first breach of the Capitol from the west on the Senate side and that mere mins were involved in finding the right unreinforced windows and doors. @January6thCmte@RepRiggleman@RepLizCheney#SeditionHunters
Thank u House of Representatives, @January6thCmte & @BennieGThompson 4 holding Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress. No one should be above the law & EVERYONE involved with the planning & execution #Jan6th#CapitolCooup should be found & held accountable
This is another excellent thread in the past week by @DempseyTwo that provides some really interesting insight and background on a lesser known character, Joe Oltmann, who was also in the Willard Hotel Giuliani War Room. #SeditionHunters
Please know there too many well deserving #SeditionHunters to thank..almost anyone using the hashtag has contributed to the process. They all deserve thanks & many good reporters like @ryanjreilly@MacFarlaneNews and @sandibachom as well that have really taken this on as a focus
This is a good one to end the thread on. It provides an amazing perspective of the day and the shear magnitude of what the Captiol and DC Metro police faced down. #SeditionHunters#CapitolRiots#Jan6thCommittee
Seems like an inauspicious start to Trump's Truth Social media site. Hours after the press release it is defaced by Anonymous. And he is also apparently going to take this "idea" to be publicly traded in the US stock market via an #SPAC mechanism. #socialmedia
Whats an SPAC you ask? I hadn't heard of it either. Apparently its a new means 2 take an entity that has no real business to the public markets instead of the traditional means of an IPO. Given Trump's biz record of multiple bankruptcies, it seems little like a ponzi scheme 2 me
Digital World Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: DWAC) a publicly traded company now with Trump Media & Technology Group via an SPAC at an EV of $875 million with a potential additional earnout of $825 million. Subject to regulatory and stockholder approval.
INCREDIBLE new reporting. Proud Boys crew breached the top of the NW scaffolding stairs at ~ 2:07 pm, then ran, yes ran, to the only two unreinforced windows in the Capitol building complex. They breached the Capitol 1st at 2:11 pm #SeditionHunters#OSINT
Numerous videos just prior 2 these images show a couple dozen people, many in tactical gear, running towards this small obscure alcove at the Capitol bldg on the Senate side after they fought their way through a police line at the top of the NW scaffolding steps. #SeditionHunters
New reporting by @adamgoldmanNYT on the very odd internet traffic between a Trump registered domain, Alfa Bank in Moscow, Spectrum Health and Heartland Payment processing back in mid 2016. It continues to baffle researchers and the Intel community ... 1/14
A previously non-public intel report by Daniel J Jones has now been unredacted & publicly available as a court doc in an ongoing lawsuit. @briankrebs reported on this last week and has a link to the full document in his article ... 2/14 #infosec#infoOpskrebsonsecurity.com/2021/09/lawsui…
Oddly this mysterious 2016 traffic before the election was between a Trump registered domain, Russian Alfa-Bank, Spectrum Health & Heartland Payments & was the focus of the Durham investigation touted by Trump & his supporters. Durham's findings resulted in more questions 3/14
When MAGAworld hates science because something doesn't fit their theocratic / autocratic world view ...but then later claims to understand science when it now does fit ...you get Pfizermectin. Anti-viral in testing by Pfizer is NOT even remotely similar structurally 2 Ivermectin
Oh & in case its not clear, MAGAworld coined the drug name Pfizermectin and not Pfizer. I don't think Pfizer has even come up with a brand name yet. Don't know and don't care at this point. Just that this conspiracy came up a few days back during our Ivermectin research. #disinfo
Since there seems to be a new found interest in science by MAGAworld here is our Ivermectin thread from last week. Enjoy!! And make sure you are stocked up on adult depends.
Decided 2 display a snapshot of the discussions pro-Kremlin #hamilton68 v1.0 trolls had over the first 23 days of Sept in 2018-2021. We highlight the top 4 relevant words / hashtags used in decreasing shades of blue & 4 relevant words highlighted in red for comparison. #infoOps
Quick refresher on Hamilton68 & the accounts we reverse engineered from the original #Hamilton68 v1.0 dashboard first run by @SecureDemocracy in 2017. We have collected hundreds of troll / bot accounts since 2018 & categorized them in 8 subsets. #infoOps