"Everybody knows that pestilences have a way of recurring in the world… There have been as many plagues as wars in history, yet always plagues and wars take people equally by surprise"

-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
"Those words were written by the French writer Albert Camus in his classic novel La Peste – The Plague – in 1947. 74 years later, they have a disturbing prescience"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial

@DrTedros "Outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics are a fact of nature, and a recurring feature of recorded history, from the Plague of Athens in 430 BCE, to the Black Death, the 1918 influenza pandemic and #COVID19"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "But that does not mean we are helpless to prevent them, prepare for them or mitigate their impact.

We are not prisoners of fate or nature"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "More than any humans in history, we have the ability to anticipate pandemics, to prepare for them, to unravel the genetics of pathogens, to detect them at their earliest stages, to prevent them spiralling into global disasters, and to respond when they do"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "And yet here we are, entering the 2rd year of the most acute health crisis in a century, and the world remains in its grip"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #COVID19
@DrTedros "This pestilence – one that we can prevent, detect and treat – continues to cast a long shadow over our world"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #COVID19
@DrTedros "Instead of meeting in the aftermath of the #COVID19 pandemic, we are meeting as a fresh wave of cases and deaths crashes into Europe, with untold and uncounted deaths around the world"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "Although other regions are seeing declining or stable trends, if there’s one thing we have learned, it’s that no region, no country, no community and no individual is safe until we are all safe"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #COVID19
@DrTedros "The emergence of the highly-mutated Omicron [#COVID19] variant underlines just how perilous and precarious our situation is"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "#SouthAfrica should be thanked for detecting, sequencing and reporting this variant, not penalized"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "Omicron demonstrates just why the world needs a new accord on pandemics: our current system disincentivizes countries from alerting others to threats that will inevitably land on their shores"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "We don’t yet know whether Omicron is associated with more:
-severe #COVID19 disease
-risk of reinfections
-risk of evading vaccines.
Scientists at WHO & around the 🌍 are working urgently to answer these questions"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "𝐖𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞-𝐮𝐩 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥; 𝐰𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐮𝐬"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #COVID19
@DrTedros "But Omicron’s very emergence is another reminder although many of us might think we are done with #COVID19, it is not done with us.

We are living through a cycle of panic and neglect.

Hard-won gains could vanish in an instant"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "Ability to end #COVID19 is a test of our ability to prevent & respond effectively to future pandemics, because the same principles apply:
Courageous & compassionate leadership
Fidelity to science
Generosity in sharing R&D
Unshakeable commitment to equity & solidarity"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "If we cannot apply those principles now to tame #COVID19, how can we hope to prevent history repeating?"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "We cannot end this pandemic unless we solve the vaccine crisis.

In less than a year, almost 8 billion vaccines have been administered around the world – the largest vaccination campaign in history"-@DrTedros #COVID19
@DrTedros "More than a year ago, before the first vaccines were approved, WHO and our partners established the @ACTAccelerator, #COVAX and C-TAP to facilitate equitable access to vaccines and other life-saving tools. And we have shown that these mechanisms work"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator "#COVAX has now shipped more than 530 million vaccine doses, including more than 200 million doses in the last two months, more than it shipped in the first seven months of this year"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #COVID19
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator "Last week, C-TAP and the @MedsPatentPool finalized its first licensing agreement with the Spanish National Research Council; a transparent, global and non-exclusive license for a serological antibody test"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool "Earlier this year, we also established a Technology Transfer Hub for mRNA Vaccines in #SouthAfrica, to facilitate local production and regional self-reliance"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool "But a year ago, as we began to see some countries striking bilateral deals with manufacturers, we warned that the poorest and most vulnerable would be trampled in the global stampede for vaccines.

And that is exactly what has happened"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool "More than 80% of the world’s vaccines have gone to @g20org countries; low-income countries, most of them in Africa, have received just 0.6% of all vaccines"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "We understand and support every government’s responsibility to protect its own people.

But #VaccineEquity is not charity; it’s in every country’s best interests.

No country can vaccinate its way out of the #COVID19 pandemic alone"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "The longer vaccine inequity persists, the more opportunity this virus has to spread and evolve in ways we cannot predict nor prevent.

We are all #InThisTogether"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #VaccinEquity

@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "We call on every Member State to support the targets to vaccinate 40% of the population of every country by the end of this year, and 70% by the middle of next year"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #VaccinEquity
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "103 countries still have not reached the 40% target, and more than half of them are at risk of missing it by the end of the year, simply because they cannot access the vaccines they need"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #VaccinEquity
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "Even as some countries are now beginning to vaccinate groups at very low risk of severe disease, or to give boosters to healthy adults, just 1 in 4 #healthworkers in Africa has been vaccinated"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #VaccinEquity

@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "With emerging evidence of some waning vaccine immunity against infection, it’s clear that in future, countries will need tailored booster strategies"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #COVID19
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "WHO’s position remains that #healthworkers, older people and other at-risk groups must be vaccinated first in all countries before those at low risk of serious disease, and before boosters are given to already-vaccinated healthy adults"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #VaccinEquity
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "There is no doubt that vaccines have saved many lives and helped to quell the #COVID19 pandemic in many countries. Countries that have achieved the highest vaccination rates are now seeing a decoupling between cases and deaths"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "But in too many countries & communities, the bright light of 💉 has also become a blinding light to the continued need for other tools to stop this virus spreading, to stop it overwhelming our health systems & to stop it killing"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "Vaccines save lives, but they do not fully prevent infection or #COVID19 transmission.

Until we reach high levels of vaccination in every country, suppressing transmission remains essential"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "We don’t mean lockdowns, which are a last resort in the most extreme circumstances. We mean a tailored & comprehensive measures that strike a balance between protecting the rights, freedoms & livelihoods, while protecting the health & safety of the most vulnerable"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "#COVID19 has now killed more than 5 million people. And they’re just the reported deaths. The excess deaths caused by the virus, and by disruption to essential health services, are far higher"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "An unknown number live with post-COVID condition, or long-COVID, a condition we are only beginning to understand"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #COVID19
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "Health systems continue to be overwhelmed. Millions have missed out on essential life-saving health services for noncommunicable diseases and mental health.

Progress against HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and many other diseases has stalled or gone backwards"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "Millions of children have missed out on vaccinations for other life-threatening diseases, and months of education"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "Millions of people have lost their jobs, or been plunged into poverty.

The global economy is still clawing its way out of recession

Political divisions have deepened, nationally and globally.

Inequalities have widened"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "Science has been undermined. Misinformation has abounded.

And it will all happen again unless you, the nations of the world, can come together to say with one voice: never again.

At its heart, the #COVID19 pandemic is a crisis of solidarity and sharing"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "The lack of sharing of information and data by many countries in the early days of the pandemic hindered our collective ability to get a clear picture of its profile and trajectory"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "The lack of sharing of biological samples hindered our collective ability to understand how the virus was evolving"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "The lack of sharing of personal protective equipment, tests, vaccines, technology, know-how, intellectual property and other tools hindered our collective ability to prevent infections and save lives"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @ACTAccelerator @MedsPatentPool @g20org "And the lack of a consistent and coherent global approach has resulted in a splintered and disjointed response, breeding misunderstanding, misinformation and mistrust.

The fabric of multilateralism has been frayed"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
"#COVID19 has exposed & exacerbated fundamental weaknesses in the global architecture for pandemic preparedness & response:
-Complex and fragmented governance
-Inadequate financing
-Insufficient systems & tools
Voluntary mechanisms have not solved these challenges"-@DrTedros
"The best way we can address them is with a legally binding agreement between nations; an accord forged from the recognition that we have no future but a common future"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"Nations coming together to find common ground is the only way to make sustainable progress against common threats. It’s not perfect & a panacea. It takes compromise – no one gets everything they want – but that’s better than so many missing out on what they need"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "In 2005, the WHO @FCTCofficial came into force, the first international treaty negotiated under WHO. An independent impact assessment of the FCTC in 2016 found it has contributed to significant and rapid progress in protecting people from exposure to tobacco smoke"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros @FCTCofficial "The WHO @FCTCofficial is the legal bedrock of tobacco control, which countries have used to implement new measures, and to defend those measures from legal challenges"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @FCTCofficial "The bottom line: the implementation of the @FCTCofficial has helped to save more than 37 million lives and counting, and global prevalence of tobacco use has declined from almost 33% in 2000 to 22% today"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @FCTCofficial "The impact assessment found that without the @FCTCofficial, it's unlikely that all these tobacco control measures would have taken place in such a comprehensive, coordinated & effective manner"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros @FCTCofficial "Comprehensive.
Three words that history will not use to describe the global response to the #COVID19 pandemic"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
"If countries can unite to negotiate a treaty against:
-the human-made threat of 🚬
-the destructive potential of nuclear, chemical & biological weapons
-the existential threat of #ClimateChange
-& many other threats to our shared security & well-being..."-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "...Then surely the time has come for countries to agree on a common, binding approach to a common threat that we cannot fully control nor prevent – a threat that comes from our relationship with nature itself"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "I thank and congratulate all Member States for the spirit of solidarity and the inclusive process that has resulted in the agreed text of the resolution that is before you at this #WHASpecial"-@DrTedros #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "I thank 🇮🇩, the 🇺🇸 and the other members of the bureau of the Working Group on Strengthening WHO Preparedness, and 🇦🇺 and 🇨🇱 for their leadership in developing the resolution"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "This is a historic moment. But it is just the end of the beginning. We still have a long road to travel together. Reaching our destination will take negotiation, compromise and time"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"A convention, agreement or other intl. instrument will not solve every problem. But it will provide the overarching framework to foster greater intl. cooperation & provide a platform for strengthening global health security in 4 areas"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "1️⃣ better governance.

The governance of global health security is complex, fragmented and has failed to ensure effective collective action and equitable access to vaccines and other tools"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"High-level threats need high-level political engagement, which is why we support the idea of a heads of state council, anchored in WHO, to provide high-level political leadership for rapid and coordinated action"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "I propose the council could be supported by a ministerial standing committee under the Executive Board"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"2️⃣ better financing.

Cycles of panic and neglect have created an unstable and unpredictable financing ecosystem for global health security"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"Strengthening the world’s defences demands financing that is truly additional, predictable, equitable, and aligned with national, regional and global priorities"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"A mechanism funded solely from voluntary development assistance will only increase competition for already scarce resources"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"WHO supports the idea of a financial intermediary fund established at the @WorldBank, financed by countries and regional organizations on a burden-sharing basis, and supported by a Secretariat based at WHO"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"3️⃣ we need better systems and tools to predict, prevent, detect and respond rapidly to outbreaks with epidemic and pandemic potential.

Already, the Secretariat has taken steps to start building some of those systems and tools"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"In September, we opened the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin, a new centre designed to enhance global surveillance by harnessing the power of collaborative and artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies"-@DrTedros
"Other initiatives are in development, including the WHO BioHub System, to provide a reliable, safe, predictable and transparent mechanism for countries to share novel biological materials"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"Several Member states are now piloting the Universal Health and Preparedness Review, a peer-review mechanism for enhancing national preparedness, modelled on the Universal Periodic Review used by the United Nations Human Rights Council"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"Last week, the Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens, or SAGO, held its first meeting – a new, permanent body to establish a more systematic way of identifying the source of new outbreaks"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"At the same time, we must use and enhance the tools we already have, including the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, GOARN, and the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System, GISRS, and the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
"4️⃣ the 🌍 needs a strengthened, empowered & sustainably financed WHO, at the centre of the global health architecture. With 194 Member States & 152 country offices, WHO has unique expertise, a unique global mandate, unique global reach & legitimacy"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
"But over several decades, WHO has been progressively weakened by a debilitating imbalance between assessed and voluntary, earmarked contributions that distorts our budget and constrains our ability to deliver what you, our Member States expect of us"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
"The widening mismatch between the expectations of WHO and its resources is well-known. #COVID19 must be the catalyst to rectify it. If not now, when?"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"I ask all Member States to support the proposals in the draft report of the Working Group on Sustainable Financing, when it meets again in two weeks’ time"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
"One of the greatest risks to global health security now is to further weaken WHO or to further fragment the global health architecture"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"The #COVID19 pandemic is a powerful demonstration that health is:
-not a luxury, but a human right
-not a cost, but an investment
-not simply an outcome of development, but the foundation of social, economic & political stability & security"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "In the coming months and years, other crises will demand our attention, and distract us from the urgency of taking action now.

Now is the time for all countries to make the choice to invest in a healthier, safer and fairer future"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "🌍 health security is too important to be left to chance or goodwill, or shifting geopolitical currents, or the vested interests of companies & shareholders. That means a continuing commitment to #HealthForAll, built on the foundation of #primaryhealthcare"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "I once again thank President @TokayevKZ and the Government of #Kazakhstan for its leadership in #primaryhealthcare, from Alma Ata in 1978, to Astana in 2018"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros @TokayevKZ "Albert Camus published his novel in 1947, the year before the Constitution of the World Health Organization came into effect"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
"The Constitution is, of course, itself a treaty: a binding pact between nations; a vision that recognizes that the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial

@DrTedros "But more than that, it affirms that the health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security, and is dependent upon the fullest cooperation of individuals and States"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros "Camus said that, “What's true of all the evils in the world is true of the plague as well. It helps men (and women) to rise above themselves.”"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
@DrTedros "In the aftermath of the Second World War, our forebears rose above themselves to found the @UN and this World Health Organization"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
@DrTedros @UN "Now is our moment to rise above:
-this pandemic
-the impulses of isolationism
-rivalry, suspicion & mistrust
-the near-sightedness of election & media cycles
To build on the legacy from which we have all benefited, & to leave a new legacy for the generations to follow"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros @UN "Let it be said, decades from now when each of us is nothing more than photographs and memories, that we left the world a healthier, safer, fairer place than we found it"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial #PandemicTreaty
CORRECTION: #SouthAfrica and #Botswana should be thanked for detecting, sequencing and reporting this variant, not penalized"-@DrTedros #WHASpecial
The full remarks by @DrTedros at the #WHASpecial ⬇️ bit.ly/3rkB7Uc

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More from @WHO

26 Nov
The Technical Advisory Group on SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution met today to review what is known about the #COVID19 variant B.1.1.529.
They advised WHO that it should be designated a Variant of Concern.
WHO has named it Omicron, in line with naming protocols bit.ly/3r8YrEd
The designation of Variant of Concern means:
🔴 countries should share genome sequences
🔴 report initial cases/clusters to WHO
🔴 perform field investigations & lab assessments to understand impacts, epidemiology, severity, effectiveness of public health & social measures
This new #COVID19 Variant of Concern Omicron underscores the need to accelerate #VaccinEquity and get COVID-19 vaccines to health workers, older people and others at risk who still have not received their first and second doses.

Read 4 tweets
25 Nov
WHO & @FIFAcom are teaming up for the #SafeHome campaign to raise awareness about domestic violence & support those at risk, during the #16Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.

👉 bit.ly/3CSmcSY
Across their lifetime, 1⃣ in 3⃣ 🙎‍♀️ aged 15 & over, ~736 million, are subjected to physical &/or sexual violence by an intimate partner or sexual violence from a non-partner - a number that has remained largely unchanged over the past decade.


If you are experiencing violence & need to leave in a hurry:
🏘️ Identify a friend, neighbour, relative or #SafeHome you can go to
🔀 Plan how to get there
🎒 Keep ready essential personal items to take with you

Read 5 tweets
25 Nov
🆕 Interim statement on #COVID19 vaccination for children & adolescents bit.ly/32jwBur
Countries should consider the individual & population benefits of immunising children and adolescents in their specific epidemiological and social context when developing their #COVID19 immunisation policies and programs bit.ly/32jwBur
As children & adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, unless they are in a group at higher risk of severe #COVID19, it is less urgent to vaccinate them than older people, those with chronic health conditions & health workers bit.ly/32jwBur
Read 6 tweets
24 Nov
@DrTedros "Last week, more than 60% of all reported cases and deaths from #COVID19 globally were once again in Europe. The sheer number of cases is translating to unsustainable pressure on health systems and exhausted #healthworkers"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "In many countries and communities, we are concerned about a false sense of security that vaccines have ended the #COVID19 pandemic, and that people who are vaccinated do not need to take any other precautions"-@DrTedros
Read 28 tweets
23 Nov
WHO & @MedsPatentPool announce the first transparent, global, non-exclusive licence for a #COVID19 technology, after finalizing a licensing agreement with @CSIC for a COVID-19 serological antibody technology.

👉 bit.ly/3nJQMtL
The test effectively checks for the presence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies developed either in response to an infection or to a vaccine. This represents the first test licence signed by @MedsPatentPool & included in WHO’s #COVID19 Technology Access Pool

The aim of the licence is to facilitate the rapid manufacture and commercialization of @CSIC’s #COVID19 serological test worldwide. The agreement covers all related patents and the biological material necessary for manufacture of the test.

Read 6 tweets
23 Nov
🆕 Updated guidelines on the management of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children associated with #COVID19 bit.ly/3l0vZQW Image
The updated guidelines recommend the use of corticosteroids in hospitalized children (aged 0-18 years) with this condition, in addition to supportive treatment and care bit.ly/3l0vZQW
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome is a rare but serious condition where children with #COVID19 develop inflammation affecting different organs of the body bit.ly/3l0vZQW
Read 4 tweets

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