POPPYCOCK. This false electricity panic must stop. This is nuclear/hydro industry-created panic, for these sectors' own benefit. It's as bad as "WE NEED MOAR SUPPLY" in housing. And it's Clean Energy Canada touting it, as usual. (Thread) #bcpoli#SiteCthestar.com/politics/feder…
If you want to understand the future of electricity you should listen to grid experts, not the industries that stand to profit from massive increases in electricity generation: #NuclearEnergy & #BigHydro. Please read this thread before continuing: #SiteC
Before continuing I want to say that I am disturbed that @SFU, my alma mater (@sfuCMNS), houses Clean Energy Canada under @SFUDialogue / Shauna Sylvester. CEC has done nothing but produce false, greenwashing cover for industry, incl #SiteC. Nuclear & Big Hydro are not "clean."
@SFU@sfuCMNS@SFUDialogue You would think if you were a group called "Clean Energy Canada" you'd also be touting energy efficiency & conservation - by far the cheapest, cleanest, most ecological source available, easily equal to #SiteC. BC & BC Hydro have barely scratched the surface of it.
But crickets.
@SFU@sfuCMNS@SFUDialogue That is, there are enough energy savings in electricity conservation in BC that it would equal the megawatts that #SiteC would produce (if the dam is ever able to function, which is debatable). Further we can add that same amount again by taking back our Columbia R entitlement..
@SFU@sfuCMNS@SFUDialogue And again #bcpoli doesn't need to build more electrical capacity (see thread in 2nd tweet). We need only manage peaks in load, with better, smarter grids & local generation.
This MOAR!! cry from industry needs to be stifled. It is, quite frankly, self-serving PR. #SiteC
@SFU@sfuCMNS@SFUDialogue BC currently (no pun) produces about 70 terawatts of electricity & can use only about 50 of those TW, and we export the rest at prices often lower than it costs to produce it. We have so much we're paying IPPs not to produce, & then spending $16-20bn on unneeded #SiteC on top.
@SFU@sfuCMNS@SFUDialogue Clean Energy Canada needs to knock off the MOAR! cry. What are its ties to nuclear & #BigHydro? We can't afford to destroy any more rivers & downstream ecosystems for energy we don't need.
It's like crying "MOAR housing supply!" without stemming speculative investment/AirBnB/&c
I'm going to try to live-tweet it, or at least the highlights. Do you have questions for Dr. David Fisman or Dr. Amy Tan? Attach them to the tweet quoted here (don't reply to my tweet or they won't see it) #bcpolifb.me/e/1tgbo68Fb
Dr. @DFisman talking about the fact that he seems to be able to speak more freely about BC #covid19BC issues than many scientists, doctors and others in BC can. @AmyTanMD saying we're going to chat about #Omicron and other issues today. Starting with the new variant:
I still can't believe Bonnie Henry called Covid "endemic" today.
The US CDC gives a very clear definition of endemic but the fastest way to tell whether a disease is in a pandemic or endemic state is to ask if it's crushing the healthcare system. If yes: it's a pandemic. Media: please ask Henry to define "endemic."
People DM'd me about this tweet & have let me quote them here anonymously: "So around Sept a lot of public institutions including ours stopped having pandemic response plans. The mandate was to adopt a “communicable disease plan.” These are bizarre & Orwellian to read because.."
"Rapid tests are not being used in BC’s school system or recreational settings at this time, however, the province said that could change depending on transmission levels."
Yes, let's wait until things get very bad, instead of preventing that
..Here's the chilling contradiction:
BC govt has a program for asymptomatic rapid testing for private industry that it has been running the whole time it has been telling the public that rapid tests weren't useful for asymptomatic testing. #bcpoliterracestandard.com/news/mining-co…
So, @BIVnews is platforming forest industry whining by a resource extraction shill, Stewart Muir (ResourceWorks). I hesitate to link to it, but here it is, and then I'll rebut it. biv.com/article/2021/1…#OldGrowth forests #FairyCreek#bcpoli
@BIVnews ..Forest expert says: "Since 2005, 35 sawmills in BC’s Interior & 9 on the coast were permanently shuttered, along with ~ half the coastal shake & shingle mills, & 1000s of jobs were lost with these closures all without a ripple or a blip to BC’s GDP or the total BC labour force"
@BIVnews .."The forest industry needs to downsize by many more mills and jobs than Muir is parading here. We can only hope COFI’s [Council of Forest Industries] prediction will come to pass. Communities will rebound if we conserve all old growth now." #oldgrowth#bcpoli
This briefing by independent experts on the value of covid rapid tests is in 2 minutes. Tune in to the livestream on any channel at this link. #bcpoli#Covid19BC protectbc.ca/livestream/
Dr. @VicLeungIDdoc debunking the myth (one we've heard from Dr Henry) that rapid antigen tests for covid "aren't accurate" - they are extremely good at detecting that people are in the infectious phase, better in fact than PCR tests due to rapidity of result and ease of use.
@BCUtilitiesCom@resistmegadams As anyone who has been following this knows, there are some serious erosion problems with the #SiteC river diversion tunnel outlets. BC Hydro has been fluctuating the river a lot to accommodate the repairs - & locals have noticed that. Recall from March
@BCUtilitiesCom@resistmegadams ..Relevant section on the tunnel problem from today's #SiteC report: work "involves re-mediation [sic] of two areas where the shotcrete has detached exposing the underlying rock surface in order to mitigate deterioration of the exposed rock surface and remaining shotcrete"