A research that I’ve been doing for months reveals an unbelievable string of misinformation of the public by @nytimes, @TLHumanRights@kittykurth, his lawyers and Belgian lawmakers.
1. Not Rwandan Citizen 2. Human Rights Activist 3. Saved people at Milles Collines 4. Kidnapped 5. Tortured 6. Denied Lawyers of his choice 7. Subjected to sham trial
I will be demonstrating-with proof-that none of this is the truth
This is a passport application signed by #Rusesabagina himself in July 2004. The application is accompanied by a payment slip to @rrainfo - also signed by Rusess.
Art 25 of the Rwandan Constitution stipulates that no one can be deprived of Rwandan nationality of origin.
Organic Law N° 29/2004 of 03/12/2004, as modified to date, stipulates how one loses Rwandan Nationality: Art. 20: Renouncing Rwandan Nationality:
Art. 20: Renouncing the Rwandan Nationality must be recorded:
- with registry of civil status in Rwanda
- at Rwandan Embassy/Consulate for residents abroad
and published in Official Gazette
Rusesabagina was sending money to a terror organisations in Eastern-DRC #FDLR
Western Union slips below, show #Rusesabagina transfering money to one "Lambert Banza Banga" -aliases of #FDLR Col. Habiyaremye Noel.
Noel was arrested by late Burundian Gen.Adolphe Nshimiyimana while travelling there to collect the money and seek Burundian support to attack Rwanda. Adolphe wasn't interested in war.
Rusesa often used proxies to send money to #FDLR, one day he made a mistake, sent it himself..
In letter below, the government of Burundi informs their Rwandan counterparts that they have arrested two terrorists who had entered Burundi fraudulently.
You can see the Names of Banza Banga Lambert - a man who was receiving a few days earlier, money from one Paul #Rusesabagina
When they were transferred to Rwanda, Col.Habiyaremye Noel-alias Banza Banga Lambert and Nditurende Tharcisse-alias Hatali Mulinde Henri sung like Celine Dion, revealing all the #FDLR plots. Tharcisse revealed that he was working for @VictoireUmuhoza-a #thread that I will do next
Rwanda then dispatched a Judicial Commission to Burundi, to request the Burundian Bank 'Bancobu' to confirm the money transfer between Rusesabagina and the two #FDLR terrorists.
Further evidence was collected in searches conducted at Rusesabagina's residence in Belgium by the Belgian Police under the supervision of a Rwandan Judicial Commission, which travelled there at several occasions. #Rusesabagina's electronic devices were seized for investigation
During the Genocide against the Tutsi, France warned the Rwandan government that if it attacked Hotel 1000 collines, UN would have to intervene. - #Duclert
More pages in #Duclert Commission's report show that France was showcasing Hotel des Milles Colline as one of existing safe havens for Tutsi to prevent the UN from sending troops to Rwanda to stop the genocide. An earlier book by Jacques Morel (title below) had highlighted it too
'The individual concerned wasn't held in custody anywhere nor arbitrarily deprived of liberty... He was not forcibly transported..."
Just to go back to point 3 - on #Rusesabagina's heroism: In this link below, he confesses that he made Tutsi refugees at the hotel des milles collines pay during the Genocide:
But the most incriminating video remains, without a doubt, this one, where he officially declares support for an armed group and calls for military action against Rwanda:
Anyway, back to point 5. Was #Rusesabagina tortured upon arrival to Rwanda?
Absolutely NOT! The opposite is true. Rusesabagina was afforded unusual favors that have been kept secret to this date..
As soon as he realised he had been lured to Rwanda he was very cooperative.
That same evening, Prosecutor General and the Head of RIB feared that a man of his age might not handle such 'shock of his life'. They feared he'd have a stroke,a heart attack or both, so they went to visit and appease him.
"We are so and so, you are home in Rwanda, do not fear"
To put him at ease, they asked:
-"Care for some wine?"
-"Can I?"
-"Yes, you are home erega"
-"Oh thanks, yes I wouldn't mind"
-"How about food? What would you like to eat?"
-"I'd fancy goat stew, it's been a while.. and some bananas"
A waiter from Lemigo Hotel was standing by..
And on this, I'll take a short break and do some work. Back in the evening. Have a great Saturday all..
Those who are awake, let's go! Twagiye...
If #Rusesabagina was tortured, then this man was his torturer: Faustin Twagirumukiza, a carrier hotel butler, Everyday he brought room-service to Rusess.
I spoke to him, he is impressed by Rusesabagina's 'food and beverages' credentials.
Lawyers complained;
- why aren't all our clients treated like this?
The next day, #Rusesabagina was vaccinated for COVID-19.
So when the Rusesabagina family complained about his 'diet' in the media, it is after he'd been enrolled in the system, and transferred to prison regime.
The hotelier was too sad to say goodbye to Lemigo's menu, discovering "Nyirangarama" prison catering -a five star too, if you speak to inmates.
@RwandaInBelgium chose to keep quiet and entertain torture intrigues, his wife too, both spoke to him on day one as he was sipping wine
All that was before #Rusesabagina's trial was taken off his hands, his lawyers fired. @nytimes muzzled @Lattif and the 7 lies invented
Political attachés showed up wt medicine and demanded it be fed to #Rusesabagina
"Are you diplomats, pharmacists or doctors?" the warden asked.
A belgian lawyer turned up on a tourist visa, demanded to be allowed to represent #Rusesabagina. He was told Bar associations operate on reciprocity worldwide. If Rwandan lawyers can't represent clients in Belgium, Belgian tourists can't in Rwanda. He left, called a press conf.
#Rusesabagina was allowed to see a doctor at King Faycal hospital-the best in Kigali. He was prescribed treatment for his heart conditions, etc. He spoke to his wife everyday. But his daughter took to televisions, claimed their father was kidnapped,tortured,denied medicine,food..
New lawyers were hired for #Rusesabagina by his family and some western-based NGOs, they decided to maintain that he wasn't Rwandan.. Western parliamentarians jumped on the bandwagon, made statements repeating the seven lies, called for international sanctions on Rwanda...
Upon accession to power, President Tshisekedi wanted to be seen as tackling the protracted armed conflict in Eastern #DRC. So he declared a "State of Emergency" in North Kivu and Ituri.
State of emergency means the region is run by the army, most civil rights are suspended.
State of emergency also means a hefty budget sent to Eastern DRC and managed by the army.
Problem: According to a parliament audit, of the $74M released from state coffers, only $23M (32%) can be accounted for, most of it (2/3) vanished in thin air.
Thrilled to be invited among journalists to visit #Rwanda-n troops deployed in Cabo Delgado to support #Mozambique army in fighting the Islamic state-linked terrorist group.
Results on the ground are successful, relationships with civilians, exciting and the country, beautiful!
Upon arrival in Nacala, we were received in the boardroom by commanders of @Rwandapolice and @RwandaMoD for a briefing..
It is impossible for #BobiWine be president. I like him, and I think it may be time for change in Uganda. But other than musical entertainment, I think he never stood a chance and I wouldn't wish him on my 46 million neighbors and most youthful people in the world.
Just imagine for a second what a #BobiWine victory would look like: in Uganda. Who would declare it, who would organise his swearing-in, who would guard him, who would write his speech, and most importantly, what would he do with it? What does he know about leadership?
On Ideas and Representation:
Other than his spouse, I haven't seen any well read, dignified, high profile person speaking on his behalf -not that it is common in Ugandan politics, and other than emotional soundbites I haven't seen them make any sound, coherent political thought.
This attitude, this statement are wrong at so many levels. Whoever said this, thinks like this and acts like this does not deserve to be paid with my taxes.
It’s a #Thread!
But first: a manager who thinks clients are stupid is the one who is stupid!
The city of Paris is burning because of leaders like these who look down on the citizens.
When you have monopoly, you can’t expect excellence. If there is a mindset issue, it is within these underperforming institutions. Someone needs to kick their arses.