81) Sen. Doug Ericksen was on Trump’s transition team & served as communications lead at Environmental Protection Agency. Ericksen was a vocal opponent of COVID restrictions, saying he would introduce a bill opposing vaccine mandates.
83) Roger Dale Moon, unvaccinated false prophet & pastor of Revelation Fire Ministries in South Carolina said “You have the power to say, ‘This is Not how my Life will end. God is my strength… I will live a victorious life’” He died shorty after contracting #COVID19#Spreadnecks
84) William Hartmann, member of Wayne County Board of Canvassers, refused to certify 2020 election. He spread conspiracy theories & referred to #COVID19 as "wuflu,” suggesting Democrats were using pandemic "to scare the public." He died 11/30/21
85) Veronica Wolski, a Trump-loving, QAnon-conspiracy-spewing #COVIDIOT, took to a Chicago bridge to spread anti-mask / anti-vaccine “never comply” message. She died of COVID. Lin Wood threatened the hospital if they failed to prescribe horse dewormer (ivermectin).
86) Lisa Barker Wise, an anti-vaxxer & Registered Nurse, died of #COVID19. Her brother claimed they refused to treat her because she was unvaccinated and that those “orders came from the White House.” Her husband is on the School Board & voted against mask mandates.
87) Kelly Ernby was a prosecutor, Orange County @GOP central committee member, and candidate for California Assembly. She was a vocal opponent of vaccine mandates: “There’s nothing that matters more than our freedoms right now” she added. She died of #COVID19
88) Bob and Sue Walter were married for 44 years. Unvaccinated, they both tested positive for #COVID19 shortly before Thanksgiving 2021 & died quickly, just two days apart. Sue died on November 30, while Bob - who was on a ventilator - died on December 2.
89) Doug Kuzma, right-wing podcaster on F.R.O.G. News Network (Fully Rely On God), pushed QAnon conspiracies & anti-vaccine rhetoric. He caught #COVID19 at “Reawaken America” QAnon superspreader conference in Dallas featuring Lin Wood, Mike Flynn & the My Pillow Guy
90) QAnon star Cirsten Weldon told fans not to get vaccinated & said Dr. Anthony Fauci “needs to be hung from a rope.” She claimed #COVID19 vaccine killed people and yelled at those in line: “The vaccines kill, don’t get it!… This is how gullible these idiots are.”
91) Dean Kohn was former lead singer of Christian heavy metal band Barren Cross. He called himself a “born-again Christian Evangelist” and was pastor and former Radio Show Host. His Facebook timeline was pro-Trump and full of anti-vax disinformation. He died of #COVID19 at age 55
92) Kelly Canon, anti-vax & anti-mask, promoted Trump’s “Big Lie” & celebrated a vaccine exemption posting “No jabby-jabby for me! Praise GOD!” She attended a quack “COVID symposium” superspreader event. A few weeks later, she owned the libtards and died of #COVID19
93) Meat Loaf said, “the masks we’re all wearing are useless. They don’t stop you from getting #COVID19,” missing the fact we #WearAMask to protect others.
He added, “If I die, I die, but I’m not going to be controlled.” He could have gotten vaccinated, but he “won’t do that.”
94) Washington State Trooper Robert Lamay was fired in October for refusing to #GetVaccinated. He recorded video of himself “signing out” & telling Governor Jay Inslee to "kiss my ass.” Fox & other conservative media outlets invited him to speak. He died of #COVID19
95) With anti-vax truck drivers embarrassingly making headlines in Canada, @sorryantivaxxer posted a plethora of these unvaccinated #Spreadnecks dying of #COVID19. Imagine how many they infected on their travels.
96) UPDATE - December @CDCgov data: Unvaccinated people over 65 are 52X more likely to be hospitalized from #COVID19 compared to fully vaccinated/boosted. 46x higher for adults 50-64.
Major differences across all age groups, including 12-17 year olds.
97) This rabid anti vaxxer and Faith Unveiled Network founder, Paul Oebel, used his show, “Truth Unveiled,” to spread lies and disinformation about vaccines, called the pandemic a hoax, and spread quack cures.
He died after taking up ICU space for nearly 2 months.
Lisa Shaffer worked for 20 years as a Registered Nurse in Marshall, TX. She submitted a 7-page, handwritten religious exemption request where she wrote "freedom is dying.”
99) Marc Saulnier was a trucker, antivaxxer, “Stop the Steal” Trump dead-ender, and Republican candidate for Congress (Georgia 2). His Facebook account was full of anti-Biden, pro-Confederate propaganda, and COVID disinformation. He died of #COVID19 on February 8.
100) Washington State Trooper Robert LaMay was fired after he violated his Oath of Office and defied a state vaccine mandate. In his “last sign off,” he told Governor Inslee to “kiss my ass” and went on Fox “News” to spread disinformation. He died from #COVID19.
101) Meet Gina “Ginacat” Joan McMaster, 61, of Granite Canyon, WY. This right-wing, Trump-loving, anti-government 3 percenter, January 6th insurrectionist, & anti-vaxxer died of #COVID19. Her husband was “casting away” the “demons” who wanted her to get vaccinated.
1/10: Pass Universal Background Checks:
33 states don't require background checks for all gun sales. Close the Gun Show Loophole & expand background checks to include magazines and ammunition.
2/10: Close the Charleston Loophole:
Each year hundreds of thousands of potentially prohibited people buy guns from licensed dealers without a completed background check. Extend the time to complete one.
2 - On Ronald Reagan’s birthday, it’s fun to remember how he took my dead father’s social security survivor benefits away from my struggling single mom, taxed social security to pay for massive tax cuts on the rich, & how Republicans are pushing for more!
3 - On Ronald Reagan’s birthday, it’s fun to remember how he reclassified KETCHUP as a vegetable to cut funding for school lunches while he transferred billions to the top, exploded deficits, and widened income inequality with his trickle down idiocy.
Republicans have spent decades trying to abolish gov’t agencies including EPA, FDA, & FBI, pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy & big oil, eliminate minimum wage, slash Medicare, & dismantle Social Security.
Marco Rubio getting honest on the Republican play book: Cut taxes on the rich, use their resulting deficits as ammo against Democrats and an excuse to gut programs like Social Security and Medicare.
1) As Russian forces close in on the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, and face brave resistance, I wanted to share a short story of my mother, a Freedom Fighter from another brutal Russian invasion: Hungary, 1956.
She taught me freedom is not free. History repeats.
2) The Soviet Union occupied half of Europe after WWII & built a very real iron curtain right down the middle. Ignoring agreements, Stalin redrew the map and installed puppet governments. He even took a piece of Hungary & annexed it to Ukraine, dividing families for decades
3) Khrushchev’s "secret speech" in February 1956, denounced the crimes of Stalin and his cult of personality. This "de-Stalinization" led reformers across the Eastern bloc to openly express their discontent with Soviet occupation and oppression.
2) In 1987 Soviet diplomats & KGB arranged a Moscow visit. On his return, Trump spent $100,000 on full-page ads criticizing US foreign policy on “why America should stop paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves."
3) Trump’s love affair with authoritarianism & dictators is nothing new. Trump saw breakup of Soviet Union as weakness, praised communist China for massacre at Tiananmen, & praised China’s Xi for becoming “President for life.”