#ESETresearch investigated Donot Team’s (also known as APT-C-35 and SectorE02) #cyberespionage campaigns targeting military organizations, governments, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, and embassies of countries in South Asia. welivesecurity.com/2022/01/18/don… 1/5
A recent report by #Amnesty International links the group’s malware to an Indian cybersecurity company that be selling the spyware to entities in the region. 2/5
ESET’s investigation spans from September 2020 to October 2021 and details variants of the yty malware framework used to target entities in Bangladesh 🇧🇩, Sri-Lanka 🇱🇰, Pakistan 🇵🇰 and Nepal 🇳🇵. But also embassies in the Middle East, Europe, North and South America. 3/5
The group has consistently targeted the same organizations for years and it’s possible that the attackers have compromised the emails accounts of some of their victims to send #spearphishing emails with documents containing #malware. More details in our blogpost. 4/5
The #WhisperGate malware discovered by Microsoft contains MSIL stub commonly used by commodity e-crime malware. We observed samples using the same stub that drop different malware families such as Remcos RAT, FormBook and others. #ESETresearch 1/5
We believe that attackers used FUD crypting service from darkweb to make #WhisperGate malware undetected. This service has been abusing cloud providers like GitHub, Bitbucket, Discord to store its payload in encrypted form. 2/5
Automatic detection MSIL/TrojanDownloader.Agent_AGen.FP was made 4 days prior to the attack in #Ukraine 🇺🇦 based on samples with similar MSIL stub used in an unrelated campaign. ESET solutions successfully detected stage2 malware but stage1 was not observed in ESET telemetry 3/5
#ESETresearch identified malicious MS Excel documents automatically downloaded upon visiting the websites of cryptocurrencies #HotDoge, www.hotdogetoken[.]com, and #DonutCatBSC, www.donutcatbsc[.]com. Opening the document led to stealing the victim’s private information. 1/6
We contacted @HotDogeTokenBSC and provided them with the information to remediate the threat. They resolved the issue and the websites no longer serve the malicious documents. 2/6
We attribute this campaign to the 🇰🇵North Korea-linked APT group #Kimsuky. The Excel document contains a malicious Excel V4.0 macro that uses the #Squiblydoo technique to download and execute an XML file with a VBS scriptlet. 3/6
@adorais@0xfmz In the first half of 2020 alone, 4 previously unknown malicious frameworks emerged, bringing the total, by our count, to 17. This sparked our interest into doing this research. 2/7
@adorais@0xfmz This work allowed us to formalize what defines an air-gapped network malware and to propose a terminology to accurately describe the various components at play. 3/7
#ESETresearch discovered a trojanized IDA Pro installer, distributed by the #Lazarus APT group. Attackers bundled the original IDA Pro 7.5 software developed by @HexRaysSA with two malicious components. @cherepanov74 1/5
Attackers replaced win_fw.dll, an internal component that is executed during IDA Pro installation, with a malicious DLL. The malicious win_fw.dll creates a Windows scheduled task that starts a second malicious component, idahelper.dll, from the IDA plugins folder. 2/5
Once started, the idahelper.dll attempts to download and execute a next-stage payload from https://www[.]devguardmap[.]org/board/board_read.asp?boardid=01 3/5
Modules are under development and provide #remoteaccess to the operators, collect credentials + serve as a proxy server. To do this, #FontOnLake uses modified legitimate binaries adjusted to load further components, its presence is always accompanied by a #rootkit. 2/6
The sneaky nature of #FontOnLake tools, along with advanced design and low prevalence suggest usage in targeted attacks. #ESETresearch believes its operators are extra cautious as almost all samples seen use unique C&C servers with varying non-standard ports. 3/6
Join #ESETresearch at #vblocalhost! Starting today, you can watch @RighardZw in a live presentation looking at internal attack scenarios and highlighting issues that have remained “foolishly ignored” for years (Thu 20:00 - 20:30 UTC). 1/4
On Friday, @zuzana_hromcova will walk the audience through the current landscape of IIS threats – ranging from traffic redirectors to backdoors – and share the essentials of reverse-engineering native IIS malware (Fri 17:45 - 18:15 UTC). 2/4