They’re back….crafty devils left the bullhorns at home and brought COWBELLS. @MayorWu maybe you stop being a dictator, talk to @EdforBoston and call a City Council meeting for #NoVaxMandates
No quit. “Who is the Mayor? @MayorWu or @JoeBiden, #Soros ” Wu is devoted to DC narrative. Bright side w/ these moms you’ll never have a chance to be called “SleepyMichelle”
“Warriors come out and playyyy” er sorry they just wanna talk. Why don’t you just talk to ‘em @MayorWu ? They seem nice.
You guys getting rhetorical at this hour? Nope @MayorWu definitely doesn’t #BackTheBlue (Well except the days she gets the police limo to work) @BostonFRU
Somehow I think @MayorWu is really gonna to regret cracking down on bullhorns. Mad run on ‘em down at Daddy’s Junky Music. 🐄🔔🐄🔔🐄🔔🐄🔔
“Well hello dolly! It’s so nice to be back where we belong” Watch the #novax moms throw up the sweep block on the liberal limousine #WheresTheEmergency
Oldie but goodie: “Calling Dr. Wu” My Mayor is not my doctor, right @MayorWu@EdforBoston . Why don’t you hold a hearing and pass a law Doctor Dictator?
#Massachusetts lawmakers just voted to use tax dollars for a million-dollar PR campaign attacking the life-saving work of Pregnancy Resource Centers with lies and harassment.
#MondayMotivation#WuTacticalForce in place Sir. The WTF as @bostonpolice call it, is ready to roll. 5 cruisers, 2 Paddywagons must protect emperor queen @MayorWu from the commoner’s gaze. For the love of Pete, Popeye Doyle didn’t have this many cruisers to take down the Frog.
Stay tuned despite a wintry mix #WokeInWuville will be broadcasting this am.
Word just in from the producers of #WokeInWuville start time 7:45am I’ll drop the link…Live callers welcome 617-698-4918