#AntimicrobialResistance is a manmade disaster.
It is amongst the top 10 public health threats facing Humanity.
Available data analysed (for 2019)
4.95 M Deaths
189 M Years of Life lost thelancet.com/journals/lance…
Global burden of the disease due to AMR is huge, highest in Africa and South Asia 2/n
MRSA, Cephalosporin resistant E coli, Klebsiella are highly prevalent and Pan drug and XDR superbugs are fast emerging 3/n
What needs to happen?
National and global level measures:
Investment in new antibiotic development, clean water and sanitation as well as reduction of non human use of antibiotics (farming) has to happen on a global scale
At physician /hospital level: 1. Infection prevention and control 2. Rational prescribing : Including not prescribing antibiotics for any short febrile illness, which is most often a viral infection 3. Self audit OP prescriptions and cut down 4. Educate your patients
At the patient level: 1. Never buy antibiotics over the counter without a current prescription 2. If I prescribe an antibiotic to you - Please ask me:
'Why do I think you maybe having a bacterial infection?'
'Is this antibiotic really needed?'
What do we know from South Africa
-7% of infected kids needed hospitalisation
-18% of all hospital admissions were paediatric
-Paediatric admissions peaked prior to adult admissions
- 0 to 4 group needed most admissions
2/n South Africa (Contd)
- Short admission (mean of 3.2 days)
- 92% needed only ward care (NO HDU/ICU)
-25% needed some oxygen
- 6% needed ventilator care
Overall: early sharp increase in admissions especially 0-4 yo, but most needed short hospital stay and did well.
3/n UK data (so far)
- Positivity rate highest in Preschoolers (<6Y)
- 7% of <6Y infected
- <4 yo more admissions than any other paediatric age group (X3 other children)
- Slight increase in paediatric admissions compared to earlier wave (for every 100 now 107)
Childhood #Asthma: not unusual to see some wishing it away. It’s stigmatised and poorly managed. Knowing triggers that can be avoided is the first step. Children need personalised Rx plan
Let us take up:
1.Can you prevent #Asthma? 2. Can you cure Asthma? 3. Will my child get 'addicted' to inhalers? 4. You have prescribed steroids!! 5. Can I try alternative medicine/no medicine?
1.Can you prevent #Asthma?
Primary (Preventing it all together)
Not much, but these help:
Breastfeeding - protective, regulates immune and allergic responses
Avoiding obesity/Overweight + wt loss/healthy wt in children with respiratory symptoms
Avoid exposure to/smoking
Early Childhood Development (ECD) = critical period with consequences for lifetime. A thread:
The brain grows and develops in complexity at a phenomenal rate in first 2-3 years: forming new connections at an astounding rate of >1million per second!
The baby's brain comes with a blue print: genes, but needs critical components to achieve its potential: 1. Nutrition 2. Protection 3. Stimulation The first #1000Days and a bit beyond are crucial for Nature and Nurture to play their role
1. Nutrition: Mother's breast milk (and her nourishment) and wholesome age appropriate complementary food from 6 months is crucial