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Sep 14th 2022
Two’s Two’s Two’s - Excited to share our study finding evidence of 2 major subtypes of obesity. Hope these can eventually help support more accurate understanding, diagnosis & treatment of #obesity and #diabetes.
Two patterns of Twin discordance – All started with data-driven finding of 2 major patterns of MZ twin discordance using a dimensional reduction approach. Thank you @TwinsUKres for pioneering cohort and generosity of your staff, funders and participants!…
The discordance patterns suggest two forms of human phenotypic plasticity. Type-A = adipose only | Type B = adipose, lean mass, and #insulin co-discordance. Interestingly, Type B shows far more #epigenetics differences suggesting developmental programming.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 27th 2021

Check: Is #BMI of your child healthy?…

Global prevalence of #obesity doubled b/n 1990-2005 steep ⬆️ in school age kids
1 in 5 Indian child is obese - predicted 17 million will be by 2025
Ill effects of #childhoodobesity
Immediate - ⬆️BP/Cholesterol, joint/muscle problems, gall stones, heartburn, diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea
+ anxiety, depression, bullying, low self esteem
Long term - Risk of adult obesity/severe obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers
Make it fun! - sport/dance
Get the family moving
Hr/Day of moderate to vigorous #physicalactivity
1/week strengthening (climbing/jumping)
Trade 'Sit-Time' for 'Fit-Time'…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
It's almost the end of national #obesity awareness week so here are some facts for you from the WHO:
1. Obesity is a form of malnutrition
2. #ChildhoodObesity is most prevalent in developing countries
3. Globally, there are more people who are obese than underweight
Which begs the question WHY? Why is obesity becoming an issue that affects more and more low/middle income countries in which starvation and communicable diseases remain a leading cause of death? Is it greed? Or is it something more sinister?
In recent years, opioid addiction has ravaged the USA. It is responsible for homelessness, increase in crime rates, & a number of premature deaths. The sad thing is that many opioid addicts started out with perfectly legal prescriptions from their doctors. So whose fault is it?
Read 8 tweets
May 23rd 2020
THREAD. 1. New research shows @DHSCgovuk #childhoodobesity plan proposals to restrict advertising on TV, online, social media and price offers are exactly the areas 11-19 most recall, & could be useful contribution to tackling this issue.
2. Current regulations meant to protect children from seeing all this marketing are often failing, & even when breaches of rules are exposed, as with @KelloggsUKI & Pringles ad on #PEWithJoe this week, @ASA_UK lets companies off the hook…
3. Meanwhile, we've been even more of a captive audience for new #junkfood marketing tactics during lockdown, as this excellent blog from @CernyCaroline at @OHA_updates eloquently and brilliantly explains:
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