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Jan 5th 2022
1. Today marks #1000Days #Assange was imprisoned in #Belmarsh,after 9yrs of #ArbitraryDetention.Since 2015,I've been fighting a trench warfare to obtain the full documents on the case.I'll keep fighting,however if you have them,please share them SAFELY:…
2. if you need to check that my #SecureDrop complies with the security requirements which makes it suitable to share documents safely, please check the @FreedomofPress directory:
3. what I need:
- the FULL correspondence between #US,#UK,#Swedish,#Australian authorities on Julian #Assange and the #WikiLeaks journalists
- any relevant document on the #CIA attempts to poison/kidnap Julian #Assange and the #WikiLeaks journalists
Read 5 tweets
Feb 22nd 2021
Early Childhood Development (ECD) = critical period with consequences for lifetime. A thread:

The brain grows and develops in complexity at a phenomenal rate in first 2-3 years: forming new connections at an astounding rate of >1million per second! Pic Source: The Urban Child Institute
The baby's brain comes with a blue print: genes, but needs critical components to achieve its potential: 1. Nutrition 2. Protection 3. Stimulation The first #1000Days and a bit beyond are crucial for Nature and Nurture to play their role Pic Source: UNICEF
1. Nutrition: Mother's breast milk (and her nourishment) and wholesome age appropriate complementary food from 6 months is crucial Pic Source:
Read 9 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
PM Modi Independence Speech & Coverage of Different Sectors in Equity market for the future (key highlights)

@dmuthuk @unseenvalue @Prashanth_Krish @nooreshtech @rohanmehta_99 @drprashantmish6 @Vivek_Investor @ms89_meet @Capital_Artist @SaketLohia5 @contrarianEPS

(Thread) Image
Next independence day Bharat would be entering 75th year of her Independence.
For coming 2 years focus is towards Big steps & Reforms
- Farming sector
- Medical Sector
- Infra sector
- Defence sector
- Education Sector
- Optical Fibre connection
- Energy Sector
Bharat varsha had been put to a lot may tests towards its sovereignty but the desire of independence has crushed all such oppositions.
Countries with expansionist policies were not able to fulfill their aim when it came to conquering bharatvarsha.
Read 25 tweets

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