Looking forward to hearing what should be an interesting debate from an illustrious panel on what contents of the #LevellingUpWhitePaper will really mean for local & regional policymakers #PolExEvents
First speaker Mayor @BenHouchen opens his talk saying that the #LevellingUpWhite Paper was never going to please everyone due to "different people wanting different things". However, welcomes the fact we now have definition for #LevellingUp & list of govt priorities #PolExEvents
Houchen says we now need to see a delivery plan ASAP. Gives his priority as the future of #Devolution - which now has a "sliding scale" between County Deals & creation of more Combined Authorities. Says we need to see clarity around devolution in rural areas #PolExEvents
Turning to funding, Houchen says that he was surprised at just how many separate funding pots Combined Authorities bid in to. Says White Paper "correct" to say devolved powers need to "earn" funding responsibilities - says Govt needs to explain how trust is earned #PolExEvents
On the role of private funding, Houchen says that there is a greater role for the private sector - especially devolution of deregulation etc. Gives example of #Devolution of #BusinessRates to drive regional investment outside of London & South East #PolExEvents
Houchen says we already see "competition in the private sector" in various areas (eg Manchester for IT, London for financial services). Believes that competition over tax regimes could be "transformational" in regional economies #PolExEvents
Finally, while Houchen welcomes generally good ideas the White Paper, he says there is still some further clarity needed around funding and delivery #PolExEvents
Next speaker @HazelBlears2 welcomes the 12 missions as "covering the things that are important" for the future of the country, but wonders if twelve is "too many to be meaningful" #PolExEvents
Blears also notes that #LevellingUp is similar to the New Labour's commitment to reducing regional inequalities which led to the New Deal For Communities, the SureStart programme and City Deals. #PolExEvents
While the investment needed was more expensive upfront, Blears says that the Blair government realised that it was cheaper in the long run as we saw the ROIs #PolExEvents
Blears says further funding is needed, but recognises that "cross-Departmental funding" can often be hard to get. Says this will require "a strong centre" from Downing Street will be required to make it successful #PolExEvents
Blears also welcomes the #Devolution commitments in the White Paper. Says it is important that "decisions are made as close to the people they affect as possible". Warns Govt needs to ensure these new structures are "streamlined & transparent" to gain public support #PolExEvents
On funding, Blears says people needs to get creative on funding models. In particular she proposes blending models of #SocialInvestment along with mainstream impact investment schemes & encouraging "Pension Pots With Purpose" to increase sustainable investment #PolExEvents
Blears also says that investment in people will be just as important as investment in infrastructure. Not only will this include investments in skills, but also supporting the increase of community owned assets to "help people help themselves" #PolExEvents
Finally, Blears welcomes the commitment of #Arts and #Culture to drive #LevellingUp. Blears says this will help beautify our places while growing local economies & unlocking talent & inspiration #PolExEvents
Next speaker @Jesse_Norman opens by saying that the #WhitePaper is a "thorough document" which contains analysis & #history. However, says it also has "statist elements", particularly in the field of R&D. Believes there should be more room for the private sector #PolExEvents
Norman says that there also may be a tension between HMT's role of acting as the "bank manager" of Govt spending vs the need to invest in places. Believes Govt should be more of a convenor to build local networks of private & public investors to drive #LevellingUp. #PolExEvents
Citing his own constituency of #Herefordshire, Norman says there is lower rates of public capital. Highlights the work done locally to invest in skills, and welcomes the recognition of the new Hereford University in the #LevellingUp White Paper #PolExEvents
Norman agrees with Houchen that there needs to be more "earned autonomy" over financial devolution. In particular, there needs to be joint work between BEIS & MLUCH to create local networks as "champions for local entrepreneurship" #PolExEvents
Norman also agrees with Blears for the need to invest in "people as well as infrastructure". Concludes saying that a private-public investment plan for skills could help transform local economies which will #LevelUp people & plug skills gaps in local economies #PolExEvents
Final speaker @OrmerodPaul opens his speech by saying the #LevellingUpWhitePaper received an "unfairly skeptical reception" as there were some good ideas to be gleaned from it #PolExEvents
On previous panellists' comments on market forces, Ormerod says that many regions had become "trapped" in a low-wage economy due to businesses "being hooked on cheap labour", which is where Govt intervention was needed to grow the economies #PolExEvents
While Ormerod acknowledges that there was little in the way of new moneys or schemes announced in the White Paper, he observes that the WP finally offered an "innovative framework" on what Levelling Up meant and how the Govt planned to address the challenge #PolExEvents
Ormerod also welcomes the Missions, as it shows that the Govt understands that it will need a targeted plan to deliver on #LevellingUp. Also repeats Blears' comments on highlighting the importance of Arts & Culture in economic growth #PolExEvents
On #Devolution, Ormerod welcomes the commitment to devolution of decision-making. Says while "local people may not always get it right", it is much more difficult to "grow a region from within" with a "top-down identikit set of policies" so local knowledge is vital #PolExEvents
On timescale & selecting places, Ormerod notes 🇩🇪 spent €2trn over 30yrs and has still not fully "levelled up" the country. Says Govt is right to begin investing in places that have already shown initiative as a "starting point" for what will be a long-term project #PolExEvents
The webinar now moves on to a Q&A session #PolExEvents
On the White Paper's ambitions on education, Houchen says White Paper not as detailed on training as DfE is "anti-#Devolution". Says the Dept needs a "radical shakeup" to deliver on #LevellingUp, but that is "an argument for #Westminster not #MetroMayors. #PolExEvents
However, Houchen does say that DfE's hesitancy is having a negative impact on #LevellingUp. Gives example of the #Freeport - says his MCA know that the new jobs are coming, but they dont have the powers to ensure they will have a skilled workforce #PolExEvents
On #FiscalDevolution, Houchen says he believes that the "genie is out of the bottle" for a more tailored local rate of tax devolution - says at present rates have to be "net neutral", but predicts we may have local authorities taxing certain sectors to support others #PolExEvents
The next Q is on the creation of #MetroMayors & how to ensure "all Mayoralties are as successful as London" at driving public & private investment, Houchen argues he spends big % of his job talking to private investors #PolExEvents
Houchen says that, for him, the #LevellingUp agenda is about unlocking private sector potential in "left behind areas". Gives eg of #Freeports as public money funding the building of infrastructure to unlock that private investment & deliver long-term growth #PolExEvents
Houchen says that one of the "biggest unspoken aspects of Devolution" is the fact that it is introducing of competition between the regions, which is an opportunity that #MetroMayors should take advantage of #PolExEvents
Ormerod says its unfair to compare other Mayors to London as other #MetroMayors not embedded. Cites #Manchester, where Burnham won every ward in elections despite significant % of Conservative Cllrs also returning as sign strong local leadership is "coming" elsewhere #PolExEvents
Blears says that tackling intra-regional inequalities will be a big part of delivering on the #LevellingUp agenda, and this is where strong local leadership is needed #PolExEvents
First panelist @KatieSchmuecker looks at the White Paper from the issue of #Poverty - says this is "not a White Paper for Poverty". The word only mentioned 9 times, mostly in the context of #FuelPoverty & international comparisons #WhatNextForLevellingUp
Schmuecker says #LevellingUp will not be achieved unless we meaningfully improve prospects of those at the bottom. Is sceptical that high productivity automatically means higher wages. Cites London which is the most productive, but most unequal, region #WhatNextForLevellingUp
Looking forward to what should be a very timely discussion on the IFS's latest research geographic inequalities in labour market outcomes & how this may present challenges for the Govt's #LevellingUp agenda #IFSEvents
Franks recognises that #LevellingUp will only be delivered if we focus on multiple factors of #inequalities - age, gender, education, public services, jobs - not just place #IFSEvents
With the publication of the #LevellingUpWhitePaper, today, I'm looking forward to what should be a timely discussion on how Govts could work with the Private Sector to deliver on the #LevellingUp agenda #IfGlevellingup
First speaker @SCCI_Sara says there is an "extreme appetite" from businesses to work with the Government. Notes that in #Stafordshire in particular, there is a sense of relief that spatial strategy & local economies are "on the agenda at last" #IfGLevellingUp
.@greatermcr's John Wrathmell agrees. Says that the #CombinedAuthority has been concerned about #LevellingUp the region "before the government invented the phrase" & says that wanting to increase opportunity for all should be a "clear goal" of any Govt #IfGLevellingUp
First @EmmaCraddock89 & @bloody_spoonie give a brief overview of the "Periods In A Pandemic" project- focusing on how women, girls & people who menstruate have managed their menstrual health during the pandemic #PeriodsInAPandemic
Williams says that the project sought not only to inform how #PeriodPoverty initiatives have adapted and could improve during the pandemic, as well as centre the voices & experiences of those affected in the policymaking debate #PeriodsInAPandemic
Looking forward to learning more about why there is vaccine hesitancy, and why #Coronavirus misinformation has spread so readily in the UK's black community #CV19Conspiracies
Speaker @Psych_Tush opens her presentation by stating that this presentation is part of a wider research project in helping to formulate a #Coronavirus response tailored to the specific needs of #BAME communities #CV19Conspiracies
Vandrevala highlights that the #Coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately impacted #BAME individuals. Notes that this was known to the public & policymakers early on in the pandemic #CV19Conspiracies
Looking forward to an interesting debate on the extent as to how #Wellbeing considerations can (and should) inform our major post-#Coronavirus policy decisions. #LSEPublicPolicy
First speaker @SteveBakerHW says that he originally approached the debate's topic with a degree of skepticism - claims "nothing would affect my welfare in a negative way more than the Government deciding they know best how to make me happy" #LSEPublicPolicy
However, Baker says he now understands that the debate is more about the idea that everything that Parliamentarians do should be about improving the lifelong wellbeing of their citizens & the pragmatic debate should be about how best to do this #LSEPublicPolicy