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Apr 4th 2023
Local Business Consulting Services Catalytic Consulting Inc…
More #about "#Local Business #ConsultingServices Catalytic Consulting Inc:

Brian Plain | Catalytic Consulting Inc
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D116 Marlborough, MA 01752
(508) 203-1776… #MA #Local #Business #Consulting #Services #Catalytic #Consulting #Inc"
Find additional information #about our independent company #providing business consulting services, in Massachusetts, online today, at "Catalytic Consulting":…
#CatalyticConsulting #MA
Read 16 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
🧵For all those interested in #SOE & #BritishEspionage #history, a visit to the red-brick #StErminsHotel in #London is a must. Situated in the heart of #Westminster, but hiding on Caxton Street, my map reading skills were sorely tested. Not till I admitted defeat, did I find it. Image
I wandered in - somewhat frazzled - declared my interest, & was swiftly treated to an impromptu tour by the munificent concierge. It began here: the grand staircase in the hotel lobby. The pictured door is said to conceal a secret tunnel that leads directly to #TheHouseofCommons. Image
'#MI5 & #MI6 each occupied a floor of the hotel during #WW2...' said the concierge. Indeed, #SIS made the hotel their Section D HQ, then #SOE arrived in the guise of the 'Statistical Research Department'. 'This way,' said the concierge, ushering me away from the lobby to this... Image
Read 8 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
Find “Marlborough Insurance Agents” At Lunova Insurance: Find Marlborough Insurance Agents At Lunova Insurance “Auto, home, and business owners’ insurance agents in Marlborough MA 01752 at Lunova Insurance” Lunova Insurance Offers (HOME...…
"Find local, #trusted, and #independentMA auto, home, or business owners' insurance agents (#near you in Massachusetts online & local) at #LunovaInsurance:
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195… #MassachusettsInsuranceAgents"
Read 8 tweets
Jul 1st 2022
Today in Ireland (tomorrow in @ABDiocese) we celebrate #StOliverPlunket: the Archbishop of Armagh, he was the final martyr at #Tyburn London in 1681. He was beatified in 1820, and canonised in 1975. In 1997 he was made the Patron Saint for peace and reconciliation in Ireland…1/
…yet in @RCWestminster there is still no place in the #Westminster Ordo for this #UltimaMartyr, & senior martyr, of all @TyburnMartyrs. Such a focus of international unity, who even has a 1924 mosaic by a Russian outside #StPatrick’s Chap in @WestminsterCath, surely deserves..2/
…an annual Memorial in the Ordo of the diocese where he gave his life? His Letters are gold… #StOliver himself potentially threads together Armagh, Westminster & Europe in a unique way. It is sad to see him neglected in the diocese where he suffered. 3/
Read 3 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
⚡️ #Scotland is awash with natural resources. We produce five times the oil and gas we require and yet every price rise makes us poorer. We can already keep the lights on using renewable electricity alone.

💷 The price of wind or water has not gone up but #Westminster prices Scottish electricity on the international price of gas.

⚠️ Our problem is that our resources are controlled by international capital - London pockets the revenues and Scots pay the bills.

👆 That is why we have huge levels of fuel poverty in our land of energy plenty.


Join the ALBA Party:

Read 3 tweets
May 19th 2022
Tomorrow I receive my #UniversalCredit twice a month I receive £293.00. I have a shortfall in #HousingCrisis of £54 per month , paid my bills . I have bought £14 of food. I now have £6.21 left until 6th June . #DUP get back and form an executive .
I also just remembered my next #UC will have to be used for oil . I rely on friends and my 68 yr old father . Im also disabled and had to return my #motability car as I could not pay for fuel. My car gave my some freedom . Since #covid my anxiety is unbearable @RobinSwannMoH
So I reached out to @CommunitiesNI for support . However money for people in crisis is needed now. I have to wait up to 10 days for a call not for money . #DUP get back to work #UniversalCredit #Westminster Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Today, Thursday 10 March, we are deploying Live Facial Recognition technology in #Westminster from 12.00hrs.

(1 of 3)
This technology helps keep Londoners safe, and is used to find people who are wanted for violent and serious offences, and those with outstanding arrest warrants issued by the court.
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Read more about our use of the technology here:…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
Looking forward to hearing what should be an interesting debate from an illustrious panel on what contents of the #LevellingUpWhitePaper will really mean for local & regional policymakers #PolExEvents
First speaker Mayor @BenHouchen opens his talk saying that the #LevellingUpWhite Paper was never going to please everyone due to "different people wanting different things". However, welcomes the fact we now have definition for #LevellingUp & list of govt priorities #PolExEvents
Houchen says we now need to see a delivery plan ASAP. Gives his priority as the future of #Devolution - which now has a "sliding scale" between County Deals & creation of more Combined Authorities. Says we need to see clarity around devolution in rural areas #PolExEvents
Read 37 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
1-Don’t get me wrong, I’m v pleased that @UKParliament are now taking #COVID seriously & doing SOME of the simple things we know ⬇️ transmission.

#Masks #SocialDistancing #WorkFromHome

Assuming everyone working on the estate is >18, the vast majority will be doubly vaccinated.
2-So tell me, why are pupils (largely unvaccinated), education staff & families of both not afforded such protections?
I searched the #DfE website HOPING for advice on 😷s, social distancing, options for CV/CEV pupils & staff to work/learn from home, ventilation?
3- But NOTHING, just👇🏼from @nadhimzahawi in the last few days re LFTs, NO MENTION of any other mitigations at all.

#COVIDVaccination has only just begun in the 12-15s, so what are CV/CEV pupils, staff & those with CV/CEV family members to do?

Maybe the @UKHSA can help….?
Read 10 tweets
Aug 27th 2021
1. #Travel #Holidays #CabinAirQuality #Flights

For many years I have been commenting abt the air we breathe on #aircraft and have been and continue to be politically active on this very important issue for #Passengers & #Aircrew. Image
2. #Travel #Holidays #CabinAirQuality #Flights

This continuous thread will be added to as & when I discover new issues that #Consumers should be aware of. At this stage I will simply point you to my new book: Gaspers; a potential source of information!…
3. #Travel #Holidays #CabinAirQuality #Flights

To give you a flavour of the issues at stake, read this #BBC report of a diverted transatlantic flight and its affect on the occupants of the aircraft, their findings and the #airline's response…
Read 18 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
#Minkgate The head of #Denmark's Medicines Agency, Tanja Erichsen Faints During Announcement.
- When you constantly lie for witch doctor Gates, Voodoo about drugs, treatments, and limitations, the 'Bad Karma' can come and stop your breath suddenly.…
#COPENHAGEN, April 14 - Results of investigations into the #AstraZeneca-associated blood clots “showed real and serious side-effects,” Danish health agency head Soren Brostrom told a news briefing.
What do we do when we encounter the truth?
- Are we afraid of it?
- Do we run from it?
Read 8 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
Students at Pimlico Academy school are leaving school early because of the protest today.

They are staggering the different year groups out.

Embrassing day for school hierarchy powerful day for students who made the school stand up and pay attention.
Just spoke with to two year 11 students @ #PimlicoAcademy

They said the school avoided the elephant in the room + said nothing to the students, sent an email to the parents saying they would close early + the leadership (the reason for the protests) hid out of sight all day
2/5 They said problems started with new head teacher 'who seemed to be on a mission'.

He tried to implement Christian hymns, tried to over-emphasis 'British values' in a manner that alienated senior staff who left and were subsequently replaced by like minded ideologues.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 25th 2021
Michael Davitt, refugee, physically disadvantaged, revolutionary, agrarian agitator, parliamentarian, journalist, author and servant of his people was born #OnThisDay 175 years ago in Sraide, #Mayo

@davittmuseum @visitmayo @mayotourism @MayoTrails @MayoDotIE #GlobalIrishNation
2) Davitt was born during the #GreatFamine into a family of #Irish speaking tenant farmers who were evicted from their land when he was just 4 years old

3) Landless, Davitt’s family were now economic refugees and opted to leave their home first to #Liverpool and then onwards to Haslingden a cotton milling town in #Lancashire
Read 21 tweets
Nov 19th 2020
About #pledges, elected legislators and listening to diverse opinions: we are concerned that our representatives at #Westminster & in the #Senedd don’t adopt positions which eradicate the reality of same-sex attraction & the protected characteristic of #sexualorientation 1/14
Some MPs, for instance, have endorsed the Labour ‘LGBT+’ Pledge. We give the benefit of the doubt; maybe they haven’t thought it through. We hope the #Senedd, looking at a forthcoming Action Plan allegedly about us, makes sure it considers our views in putting it together. 2/14
We want training for #RSE teachers, including the importance of watchful waiting, rigorous #safeguarding & refusal of #transingawaythegay. NSPCC guidance is clear about #secrets 3/14
Read 14 tweets

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