Hi @checkupcbc, it strikes me that your guests & callers are treating the convoy as a grassroots protest & not a highly orchestrated political strategy on the part of large interests. Sure, such interests easily harness free-floating anger, but their money & agenda come first.
@checkupcbc Yes, some are upset about the pandemic, some are racist & hate-motivated, others may have other grievances, but it looks as if they're all being easily recruited by good corporate strategists. I work as a strategist & I recognize the signs. There's money behind this. Follow it.
@checkupcbc In short, your frame of 'are the divisions in Canada growing more extreme' is a false frame. The frame should be 'how are large interests harnessing Facebook to create astroturf movements like Yellow Vests & the convoy to advance their own interests, usually resource extraction.
@checkupcbc In climate change and environmental work, we call this the "extractivist far-right." We already know which corporations/"institutes" are behind Canada/BC Proud, Yellow Vests and all kinds of other interlocking efforts - and often they mobilize members through racist scapegoating.
@checkupcbc Of course members of the convoy will immediately denounce this theory as false - they think they met up with others through Facebook, and in their view this is an organic movement. And to some extent that's true. They have no idea how this got orchestrated.
@checkupcbc I expect the public broadcaster which I and the rest of us support through our taxes not to legitimate this convoy as real or grassroots, but instead investigate its funding & obvious foreign involvement. Where's your expert guest on that?
@checkupcbc Right-wing corporate interests, not content with the degree to which they've captured govts, & perhaps interested in further dereg'n/subsidy of oil & gas, use these astroturf attacks as a way of warning govts: see what we can do? Give us what we want or it'll be worse next time.
@checkupcbc I think many Canadians were taken by surprise by this convoy. Most of us working on climate change/enviro/Indigenous rights issues were not. We've been strategizing re: the extractivist far-right for *years." Sample slides from a zoom mtg 2 yrs ago:
@checkupcbc And who's behind the convoy, Yellow Vests etc? Who's been helping harness and whip up racism, white supremacy and free-floating grievances in the service of corporate agendas? Who's turning these wheels? Let's get less naive about this, fast. #cdnpoli
@checkupcbc Lastly, a recent comparison of extractivist far-right vs progressive NGO expenditures on Facebook ads in 2019 over the rail blockades. See the disparity?
Far-right: 182 ads = $108,000
Progressives: 12 ads = $1,300.
@checkupcbc The solutions to some of these problems are obvious. I'll leave it to you to fill those in here.
But CBC? Get it together please.
@checkupcbc I'd also like to draw people's attentions to ResourceWorks - a kind of lobbying entity involved in this in BC. Watch their public palaver on #FairyCreek and other issues. They're like a mini Fraser Institute focused entirely on resource extraction in BC. Near top left.
The woman pictured in the middle of that diagram, one of the bridges between the funders on the left and the 'movements' on the right, is Vivian Krause whom we know has a relationship with oil and gas (regardless of denial)
Oh and I left out the most obvious point because it seemed too obvious, but perhaps it's worth saying: the pandemic and its mandates are just a pretext for the newest battle in a long-running war that long preceded the pandemic.
Some solutions: Tax the hell out of billionaires/ near billionaires. There's a dangerous quantity of cash sloshing around the global economy, large enough to buy govts.
Regulate Facebook & any other platform into a crater. They're allowing - & profiting from - this organizing.
Get some Canadian govt scrutiny on the money flowing from Canadian and other groups into these astroturf movements. Manning Institute and every other group in the diagrams above.
For added evidence that the convoy is backed by the extractivist far-right/oil & gas (thanks to @MSwaggernaut for this)
@MSwaggernaut Here we go: one of the donors to the GiveSendGo for the convoy lists their address as the postal code of CNRL, @CanadianNatural Resources, one of largest oil and gas producers. cnrl.com
Final note: Conservative Party of Canada is clearly tied up in this convoy mess (as are many other players, incl many in US & beyond). But let's remember, even @BCNDP has poured fuel on this fire, using racism in the service of resource extraction:
@adriandix@CDCofBC@VCHhealthcare For context: y'day BC Children's Hospital openly denied #CovidIsAirbone on Twitter. VCH's Patty Daly seems to feel a need to support them today. We knew VCH was peddling droplet dogma, but this is bold. VCH can't protect us if they deny the virus's proven route of transmission.
If Dr. Bonnie Henry or @AdrianDix use the term "mild" in this 3 pm press conference of theirs, I will lose it. It wasn't "mild." It was dangerous, painful & terrifying. Sure, downplay a virus with unknown long term effects, high rates of #LongCovid, deaths high & hospitals full.
@adriandix In ten minutes @Protect_BC will be livetweeting this BC COVID press conference. If you saw their last livetweet, you'll know it's worth following along. Sharp. #bcpoli
"They are now making it difficult to test people in hospital - they're refusing to authorize PCR tests on people who become symptomatic. There's a NAAT PCR machine in ED but inpatient can't use it without special authorization.."
..I ran this past a nurse who replied: "And we all know why that is! Families are threatening to sue if their relatives get nosocomial [hospital-acquired] COVID" ie. from infected patients placed in the same room. Hospitals covering rears? If you don't test, there's no proof...
Respond to this news please, @adriandix. You're the health minister! I have an elderly aunt with a broken hip, with preexisting heart trouble, in a Vancouver hospital in a shared room with a Covid patient right now. She has stayed uninfected all pandemic, but it won't last now.
And is this not BC's Health Minister in an N95 under a surgical mask, at a press conference? How is that acceptable when visitors to @Fraserhealth hospitals are forced to remove N95 masks? #bcpoli
@Fraserhealth These are the same hospitals where COVID patients are being crammed into the same rooms as uninfected patients.
The feds need to step in. The BC govt is incapable of managing this pandemic competently, transparently, & in a manner that protects the rights of Canadians in in BC.
"SARS: A costly error" - very interesting Globe article from 2003, detailing the mistakes made by public health authorities in Toronto, notably Dr. Bonnie Henry. They were mistakes driven by non-health-related calculations. #bcpolitheglobeandmail.com/news/national/…
‘More than 27,000 people were quarantined in Toronto's two SARS outbreaks, one in March and April and the second in May & June, according to @AP. AP put the number of deaths in the Toronto area at 39, including a nurse who died’
via @heynursekat cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspecti…
We imagine that Canada has socialized medicine and the US does not, but has anyone noticed that this appears to have flipped with respect to the pandemic? There's often more equitable access to testing, vaccines, treatment & supports in the US: #bcpoli
Chelsea's thread details supports offered to Covid patients by NY public health. They seem almost fictional from a BC POV. I said this to CBC when they interviewed me about the difficulty of getting access to the rapid tests I needed to try to protect elder family members here..
I have family in Washington State. All of us are surprised by BC's relative lack of access to easy care and tools for pandemic management. They're frequently sending news of relative ease of finding rapid tests (often free), free PCR testing, and faster vaxx/boosters in WA vs BC.