You have repeatedly implied that the situation at Coutts is not in your control as you have no control over the RCMP in Alberta, & it's the RCMP's responsibility to enforce the law.
I understand as Premier or any MLA, you should not meddle in the day to day business of the RCMP and must avoid any conflicts of interests, etc.; however, in the Provincial Police Service Agreement dated April 1, 2012, between Alberta and Canada, Section 7.1:
"For the purposes of this Agreement, the Commanding Officer will act under the direction of the Provincial Minister in aiding in the administration of justice in the Province and in carrying into effect the laws in force therein".
I believe that means Minister Savage (@sonyasavage) absolutely has a say in how the RCMP operates as the province's police force - so...if you want the law enforced as you claim you do, Premier, ask Minister Savage to do her job.
I am shocked we continue to see this lawlessness unfold at the border and elsewhere in the province.
Your government (@UCPCaucus) continues to fail us at every turn: Billions lost to ripping up crude by rail contracts, a billion plus lost by KXL commitment, tens of thousands of surgeries/procedures cancelled/delayed due to "open for summer" Wave 4,
(con't) many millions of dollars of economic impact from border lawlessness, lack of courage to enact Bill 52, the creation of Bill 81, collapse of rural healthcare, a reckless lack of respect for our teachers, doctors and nurses during a pandemic, etc., etc.
I try but cannot find one thing your government has done to benefit all Albertans. Please send your list & inform me.
Stop your political nonsense, stop blaming others, find some integrity, & do what's right for the long-term interests of all Albertans.
Oilers News conference:
"Elon Musk has bought the team and taking them to another dimension."
(1/4 )
"Hello, new employees of #SpaceX. As part of a new player and management bonding trip, you will get to fly on the Falcon, our great spaceship. No, no, Connor, you stay here with me at the controls. Bon voyage, Chia et al."
McDavid proceeds to push THE button Elon tells him that sends the entire Oilers organization to Pluto, minus McDavid. Musk relocates Edmonton to Houston.
"Houston, we no longer have a problem."
Ladies and gentleman, your NHL Houston Oilers...