この時点で死傷者は確認されておらず(no information on the dead and injured)、放射線の状況にも変化は見られなかった(no changes in the radiation situation)。各原子炉は施設側の運用員により維持されていたが、施設自体はロシア軍により占拠(occupied)された状況にあった。
但し、施設の管理運用は引き続き施設要員によりなされ(Operational personnel monitors the state of the power units)、ロシア軍は施設全体を占拠はしたがその運営管理はウクライナ側に引き続き任せていたことが伺える。この局面で「control」を取り戻すということは占拠を解くことを意味する。
On March 4, 2022 the Mayor of Fukushima (@hatabohk) published a message about the situation in #Ukraine as nuclear power plants were, being attacked by the Russian forces. The message was then re-posted as a tweet. Here is a provisional translation. city.fukushima.fukushima.jp/hishoka-h/goan…
"In violation of international law, Russia has committed the outrageous act of invading Ukraine, killing and wounding many civilians, and has even committed the extremely dangerous and barbaric act of attacking a nuclear power plant."
"Engaging in an act to artificially cause a catastrophe of a nuclear accident is absolutely unacceptable. "
"Russia should cease its attacks on nuclear power plants at once and withdraw from Ukraine immediately.",
#GONZO appears to base his assertion on dozen of newspaper articles that #Asahi retracted in 2014 about false testimonies of a novelist who claimed to have participated in raids that #forcefullyrecruited Korean women, which was considered only one of many sources by historians.
As indicated in #Asahi’s independent committee report & other media reports, Asahi only retracted the articles that pertain to these false testimonies and did not retract their conviction that #comfortwomen were #forcefullyrecruited one way or the other. asahi.com/shimbun/3rd/20…