2/ First let's take a look at @tombfinance, staking $TShare / $FTM LP in #autofarm@Reaper_Farm. @FantomFDN#drama caused some lower price action this month, but Tomb shows some consistent returns. Don't care about price, I care about #Compounding
3/ Next, let's look at @HectorDAO_HEC. APR is slow and steady and this project is pretty boring with very low returns. Price action continues to decline, but looks like a bottom is near. The pivot to a bank and $TOR saved the #rebase project, but we'll see what happens with $HEC
4/ Last #rebase let's talk about @nemesis_dao. The price #apocalypse has steadied, but the APY is still pretty high. With the launch of @AngelNodes, now the team is focusing on making $NEM #deflationary. Jury is out and we'll wait to see, I'm not going anywhere.
5/ Finally picked a winner with @osmosiszone staking $LUNA / $OSMO LP tokens. Really liking this so far. Wanted to get into $LUNA and the @cosmos ecosystem is a special treat. Started #Compounding $OSMO rewards into $ATOM / $OSMO LP to take advantage of #SuperfluidStaking
6/ Now onto the #NodeLife, looking at @ThorNodes with my 1 #ThorNode. Wish I would have waiting until the price crashed to purchase this one, could have had a #discount, but such is life. Wouldn't be #Crypto unless you #degen in the #red immediately and claw your way out.
7/ Next is the star of the week in @VaporNodes, where the price has been a on tear. This project, team, and community are awesome and this is a very low-barrier to entry way to enter #NodeLife and start #compounding. I hope the journey lasts, especially with @VAPORCHAlN
8/ Finally, let's talk about @AngelNodes, the better-looking cousin of @nemesis_dao. I don't have much to report right now, but my first upgraded #Node started producing rewards of ~$5/Day. I have two more currently upgrading and after 1 1/2 months, will give me the same.
9/ The winners for the week are definitely @Osmosis and @VaporNodes. #DEFI#drama is never ending. First you have @Wonderland_fi imploding, still waiting for finality on this, then you have #andrecronje having a stress induced, mid-life crisis at the ripe age of 30.Thanks #Degens
10/ Anyway, another week of me showing you what not to do, but there's promise on the horizon with some #positivecashflow.
If you like this thread, give me a follow and share the love. Will continue to report this crazy journey daily.
4-Week Summary on daily tracking. Have good data now for 1,2,3, and 4 weeks now. Also added tracking for the #NodeLife investments. Data from last week is not perfect since I was in Dubai, but extracted decent averages so numbers are fairly accurate.
2/ First is @tombfinance, staking through @Reaper_Farm. Considering I bought $Tshare at ATH, the LP staking has seen the most consistent APY and returns so far. Still down, but the LP amount is growing, which is all I care about for the first few months.
3/ Next is @HectorDAO_HEC. Price has seen a hit the last month but is stable now. They cut the APR a lot and released a lot of #DEFI utility. I have no idea how this will affect the price of $HEC, but the last month has only produced ~$20 in value. Might exit once even.
2/ It's interesting to see how the #DAOs are all figuring out how to survive. Most #DAOs have seen a 90%+ decline in price last month. As I mentioned in last week's thread, they are a great way to raise funds quickly:
3/ @tombfinance has seen the best returns so far, although I'm still down overall. $TShare price is fluctuating, but the #APR is adjusting beneficially when the price is low. Using @Reaper_Farm has been seamless and I've been happy so far.