Set a reminder for #KenneysSafeSpace! We'll be chatting about potential CRTC rules violations & what to do about it…
#KenneysSafeSpace How To Lodge A Complaint:

So Step 1 is to contact the Station:
Looks like John Vos is Program director for 630CHED & 770CHQR. Here is his email which can be found on their websites:…… Image
The 2nd step is to give Corus a few days. There isn't a guideline for how long you should wait on the CRTC site but they recommend submitting the report within 4 weeks so a week seems like enough time for a response from a responsible broadcaster trying to represent our community Image
It's the Program Director's job to reply to broadcast complaints in a timely manner
Step 3a is lodging a complaint with the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council if your complaint isn't resolved by contacting Corus.

Complaint Form here:… Image
I doubt this will be a problem but just in case: Step 3b Report any advertising violations to Ad Standards here:…
Read the Ad Standards Code before you do:… Image
Step 4 "If you have already filed a complaint with the CBSC and received a response from the broadcaster, but you are not satisfied with the response, you can ask the CBSC to rule on the matter by completing the Ruling Request Form."…
Step 5 File a complaint with the CRTC within 4 weeks of Broadcast… Image
That was way more confusing than it needs to be. Make sure to follow the steps or they'll start you from Step 1
Also, be prepared to leave your contact info in the hands of the station you are reporting
It's worth noting that the CRTC are not the bad guys & they do not respond to complaints with shitty language so be on your best behaviour if you want to see action from your complaint Image
If you're still with me then congratulations! I think we're all certified bureaucrats now? /s
See you in our #KenneysSafeSpace @ 11am on Saturday! Right after Kenney does his own Safe Space on Corus at 10am…
Prepping CBSC Codes to watch out for while listening to #KenneysSafeSpace on Corus
I don't think they WILL violate these Codes but I think it is possible. Especially when doing a live call-in show.
Radio stations are responsible for EVERYTHING they broadcast, including callers
You can view the CBSC Codes here:



Equitable Portrayal…

Journalistic Ethics…

Journalistic Independence…
Here's a handy 🧵 of potential Codes that I think could be violated by #KenneysSafeSpace on Corus by either the broadcaster or callers:
I'll be recording and clipping the show after out #KenneysSafeSpace on Twitter:

I'll be posting relevant violations to each Code below that I think they violated.

This is my opinion based on studying & working in Radio Broadcasting.
Clause 2
"programming contains no abusive or unduly discriminatory material or comment which is based on matters of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or physical or mental disability." Image
Clause 3
"refraining from exploitation and by the reflection of the intellectual and emotional equality of both sexes in programming"

Equitable Portrayal (we'll be digging into this a little later in the 🧵)… Image
Note section (3) of Clause 5. "analysis and comment is clearly labeled as such and kept distinct from regular news presentations" Image
Clause 6 is the one I will be looking out for:
"full, fair and proper presentation of news, opinion, comment and editorial is the prime and fundamental responsibility of each broadcaster. This principle shall apply to all radio and television programming..." Image
Clause 6 cont...
"...whether it relates to news, public affairs, magazine, talk, call-in, interview or other broadcasting formats in which news, opinion, comment or editorial may be expressed by broadcaster employees, their invited guests or callers."
Clause 7
"the necessity of presenting all sides of a public issue"
"treat fairly all subjects of a controversial nature. Time shall be allotted with due regard to all the other elements of balanced program schedules, and the degree of public interest in the questions presented." Image
Clause 9
"particular care shall be taken ... to ensure that programming on their stations does not contain:
(a) Gratuitous violence in any form, or otherwise sanction, promote or glamorize violence;
(b) Unduly sexually explicit material;
(c) Unduly coarse & offensive language." Image
Clause 11 I sincerely doubt this will be a problem
"when programming includes mature subject matter or ... coarse or offensive language, or other material susceptible of offending viewers, broadcasters shall provide a viewer advisory"

VA Appendix… Image
Clause 12 in case they decide to do a contest on-air Image
Clause 13 (a)
"telling the advertising story so that these shall be simple, truthful and believable, and shall not offend prevailing community standards of tolerability." Image
Clause 13 (c) (we'll be digging a little deeper into these a little later in the 🧵)

The CAB Violence Code…

Advertising Standards Canada…

CRTC Code for Advertising of Alcoholic beverages… Image
Clause 14
(a) Broadcasters recognize that they are responsible for the acceptability of advertising material they broadcast.

(b) shall ensure that advertising material within a newscast is clearly distinguishable from the news information Image
Clause 14 cont...
(c) there is no influence by advertisers, or the perception of such influence, on the reporting of news or public affairs, which must be accurate, balanced, and objective, with fairness and integrity being the paramount considerations governing its reporting. Image
That is all for the CBSC Code of Ethics. Now we're moving on to the CBSC Code of Violence…
Snack Break!
"Good time to save your work, Puppet!" -my profs yelling at me from beyond the diploma

I'll continue the Potential Code violations 🧵 once I've grabbed some food.
In case you were wondering if the CBSC Codes needed updating to 2022 ImageImage
The Canadian Association of Broadcasters' Code of Violence:…
1.0 Content
"shall note air programing which:
-gratuitous violence in any form
-sanctions, promotes or glamorizes violence" Image
I sincerely doubt anything on #KenneysSafeSpace will violate any of the Codes of Violence from the CAB. It would take a really stupid program director to make this simple mistake and John Vos doesn't strike me as an idiot
Basically the Code of Violence says (paraphrasing) "don't show graphic violence before 9pm, if you do show a warning after every commercial break. Also no violence against women, animals, or specific groups." ImageImageImage
That's the just of the Code of Violence. Now for the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ Equitable Portrayal Code…
2. Human Rights
"ensure that their programming contains no abusive or unduly discriminatory material or comment which is based on matters of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or physical or mental disability." Image
3. Negative Portrayal
"refrain from airing unduly negative portrayals of persons with respect to race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or physical or mental disability." Image
Things I will be watching for in #KenneysSafeSpace on Corus:
4. Stereotyping
5. Stigmatization and Victimization
6. Derision of Myths, Traditions or Practices
& 7. Degrading Material ImageImageImageImage
9. Language and Terminology
seems like something to look out for as well Image
That's all I can find from the Equitable Portrayal Code that may apply to #KenneysSafeSpace on Corus. You can review it here:…

Please comment below if you think we should keep an eye on something else mention in the Code.
The other 2 Codes on don't seem relevant to #KenneysSafeSpace as it is not journalism
We'll see how this week's show goes for Kenney & add in relevant Codes if the show breaks them…… ImageImage
That is it for potential Code violations from the CBSC. Next up is the Advertising Standards Canada Codes & the CRTC Code for Advertising of Alcoholic beverages……
I find it very difficult to believe they will violate these. Radio ads tend to go though 3-4 people before they get on-air. The Creative Directors at each station are usually responsible for reading ads and making sure they don't violate any rules.
Brb intern demands ear scratches
Depending on the content of the Gov't of Alberta advertising, it may fall under "Exclusions" in the Ad Standards. Image
I think this whole show is a paid advertisement but that might be hard to prove. I doubt they will violate these rules in actual ads but I'm going to be arguing that the show itself is an ad and violates Rules 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, & 14. I'll go through each and why Image
1. Accuracy and Clarity
I think, like the UCP has done in the past, they will exaggerate everything. If you consider #KenneysSafeSpace on Corus to be advertising then they can't bullshit their way through hyperboles ImageImage
2. Disguised Advertising Techniques
This is the one I will be reporting for sure. I believe the whole 1 hour show is a paid ad for Kenney to try to win the leadership race. If they do not say "This is a paid ad from Jason Kenney" then I would consider it to be violating the Code Image
3. Price Claims
This includes bullshit lies about the Carbon Tax Image
5. Guarantees
This includes bullshit lies during his 1 hour paid ad every week Image
6. Comparative Advertising
So when Kenney mentions how much "better" the UCP are compared to the NDP or Trudeau Image
7. Testimonials is probably my favourite to look out for
Remember that inbox message @TheBreakdownAB got about staffers being given times to call in and ask questions? This is the rule Kenney will be violating when they say stuff like "I love my premier" on his paid ad show Image
8. Professional or Scientific Claims
If Kenney tries to distort the truth on COVID reporting or the Climate Crisis, for example Image
10. Safety
"must not... display a disregard for safety by depicting situations that might reasonably be interprested as encouraging unsafe or dangerous practices or acts."
So does telling everyone COVID is over count? Image
11. Superstitions and Fears
Like when Kenney tries to bullshit about the Carbon Tax to incite anger that comes from the fear of not being about to provide for your family Image
13. Advertising to Minors
So does this include advertising UCP memberships to people under legal age? (sort of joking) Image
14. Unacceptable Depictions and Portrayals
In the past Kenney has found unlawful arrests by dictators "instructive" and illegal, armed blockades of our country until the gov't overthrown as helpful. I'll be looking for stuff like that during #KenneysSafeSpace on Corus Image
That's it for the Ad Standards Codes that I think will be violated. I only think this because I believe the whole hour is a paid advertisement from the Kenney Government. I may be totally wrong. We'll let Ad Standards figure that out for us.
Next is the CRTC Code for broadcast advertising of alcoholic beverages
Unless Kenney has a new brewery I'm unaware of I doubt this will be a problem. That being said, if he does mention alcohol on his paid ad show then these rules apply… Image
Other worthwhile Codes & Regulations:

Broadcasting Act (S.C. 1991, c. 11)…

Radio Regulations, 1986 (SOR/86-982)…

Broadcasting Information Regulations, 1993 (SOR/93-420)…
Conditions of licence for commercial AM and FM radio stations…

Corus Radio Company's June 2017 Licence Renewals Decision 2017…
It's worth noting that Corus has to adhere to all CRTC regulations. They must reply to all legitimate complaints or address them and why they didn't reply when it's time to renew their licences in 31 August 2024
If you're with me this far then congratulations! We have basically all the knowledge required to apply for our own radio broadcasting licence.

Your bureaucrat powers are growing!
That's all the potential codes/rules/regs I can find that I believe may be violated. Let me know if you find more and we'll discuss it in our #KenneysSafeSpace on Twitter at 11am just after #KenneysSafeSpace on Corus…
I seriously can't believe that anyone thought it was a good idea for Jason Kenney to do a show on terrestrial radio with so many potential rules to be violated when he could just do a Twitter space or YouTube live show
Since the Corus announcer called #KenneysSafeSpace a "News Show" I guess we have to go through the Radio Television Digital News Association of Canada’s Code of Journalistic Ethics…

The 🧵 continues
Rule 1 covers accuracy of news, retractions and corrections Image
2 Fairness covers how news should be free from bias. You'll note it says "We will clearly distinguish news content from advertising and other forms of sponsorship"

This applies bc the announcer said it was a "News Show" Image
3 Independence
"We will oppose any political attempts to influence our journalistic decisions"
I dunno, this just seems relevant somehow 🤔 Image
4 Integrity
"We identify clearly any part of our news coverage which is rehearsed or recreated"
So those staffers he's allegedly getting to call in? Image
5 Respect
"We will avoid sensationalism" Image
That's what I could find from the Radio Television Digital News Association of Canada’s Code of Journalistic Ethics that I believe was violated.

I am basing this off of the fact that the announcer for Kenney's new show called it a "News Show" several times
To Continuing the 🧵 now with what I thought were violations that can be reported to the CRTC and the CAB.

I go through the complicated process of filing a complaint at the beginning of this 🧵:
Potential Violation:
This first clip is of the announcer telling us a this is a "News Show"

This isn't a rule violation but everything Kenney said must now be looked at through the Code of Journalistic Ethics

I think the whole show is violating rule 2 by pretending to be news
I also think the whole show is an ad for Kenney's leadership race that he's expecting to win and an ad for the 2023 election. Base don that, the show is breaking Ad Standards Codes as well. Most notably Code 2: Disguised Advertising Techniques
Potential Violation:
"a government in Ottawa that is often hostile to Alberta's interests"

This statement breaks so many regulations for so many reasons. Let's look at it from the Journalism Code first because they are the ones calling it a "News Show"
That is a huge accusation to say the government of Canada is hostile towards Alberta's interests. That also breaks this Code of Journalism:

And this Code of Ad Standards:
Whether this is an Ad for Kenney's political career or his new News Anchor position for Corus, I believe he is violating several Codes that could be reported to the CRTC just in that on statement
Lots more to come. That's just 2 clips of like 20 lol
Just posting what I have rn so I don't lose my work. If you find more rules that apply to these that I missed please comment!
Potential Violation:
The Announcer asked "Are you looking to use this show, is this the opportunism for Premier Kenney?"

Fucking yes it is. This is an ad for Jason Kenney's political career
If it's not an ad then it is being presented as a News Show & requires so much fact checking that the moderator isn't doing
Not only that but he is accusing journalists that ask him questions regularly to have their own motives for asking questions and aren't asking the same as "ordinary Albertans"

He's making sensationalist claims and Corus is not presenting a fact-check or another view
If Jason Kenney really wanted to host an accessible show there are waaaay more efficient ways with accountability that he could guarantee the callers weren't plants.
For example, hosting a Twitter Live Space. The reason he doesn't do this is because they can't have staffers use their personal accounts because that would be obvious they're plants.
And he can't have staffers use their alt accounts because people would ask why he would take a question from a troll account and not a reputable source who has spent the time to gain credibility on the platform in Edmonton
Jason Kenney's comms team chose to do a radio show because it is the only format with credibility that can take "ordinary Albertan's" calls without being able to verify if it is a planted staffer question or a legitimate question.
This is so he can do an easy question period and seem like he's the guy for the job.

He's not. This is a desperate and transparent tactic of someone who is clearly losing the protection of their bubble.
Here's a few hints for those keeping track: the softball questions are probably staffer plants. The questions that sound like they're being read are probably planted staffers.
Again, if you see more rules I missed please leave a comment
Potential Violation:
This clip is so full of Sensationalism I don't know where to begin.
Jason Kenney is grouping "the left" in here. He has, throughout this entire broadcast, vilified "the left"
He even brings up Trudeau, Biden & Obama to stoke the fears of his base
He also accuses the entire "radical left" of being in on the Coastal Gaslink attack last month
He thinks "the left" is coordinated

Who wants to tell him?
This entire speech, while, as the Allan Commission can tell you has some easily verifiable and Googleable facts about foreign funding, is a sensationalist speech to try to stoke hate towards Kenney's enemy: "the left"
If Jason Kenney really, truly, actually believed, like Sonya Savage(jk she don't care), that foreign funding "influencing our domestic policies regulations and sometimes even the regulators themselves" (to quote Savage) then we would have a commission into:
1) our media outlets, which have significant foreign ownership and have the power and history of meddling with our elections

2) our Oil & Gas branch of the Energy Industry which is heavily owned by foreign corporations and also donates to "groups"
Foreign funding influences our politics ALL THE TIME. I guarantee you I'm more mad about it than Jason Kenney.
Another propagandist technique that Kenney used here is calling the Oil Industry our "Energy" sector. Energy is SO MUCH MORE THAN OIL. Our Energy Sector is being held hostage by foreign owned corporations that can't let go of record profits, tax cuts, and subsidies Image
Why is it Anti-Albertan to take funding from foreign donors and not Anti-Albertan to be owned by foreign corporations?

There's a question "accessible" @jkenney will never answer on his show
Corus needs to fact check this "News Show"

This person is reading a question
I think based on the setup it could be one of the plants @TheBreakdownAB warned us about()
It could just be an older lady writing her thoughts because she's a regular on call-in shows
If it's proven she is a staffer with a prepped question then I think it violates like every CRTC Code of Ethics
The problem, no it's definitely the feature as Jason Kenney chose this format, is there's no way to verify who these callers are or if they're even "ordinary Albertans"
Anyone can call into a radio show and say they are whoever they want. The radio station keeps your phone number on file and writes notes about you, but if there's a plant that doesn't try to be controversial (swear, yell, rant, etc.) they'll never know
And that's the problem
We have to keep calling this show out for not being credible, accessible, or factual. No politician should be allowed to influence our media like this. He has 4 other platforms I can think of where he can make himself more accessible that don't involve this
For example, The #AbLeg limits the time on his "press conferences" aka his Facebook conferences
They don't have to
They choose to
They also limit each reporter to 1 question and 1 follow-up
They choose this
Accessibility is not the goal. The goal is to limit questions and the ability to follow up. Journalists have access for the Premier to answer follow-up questions. The "ordinary Albertans" that called this week don't
And we can't verify they are actually "ordinary Albertans"
I'm gonna be keeping track of the people I notice reading scripts during #KenneysSafeSpace
While reading a script isn't a clear indication of a staffer plant, it's a worthwhile thing to lookout for
The announcer calling it a "News Show" again. He does this 4 times total during #KenneysSafeSpace
To me, that confirms they are promoting this as a "News Show"
I covered the implications of this and the potential violations a little up the 🧵
Potential Violation:
Here Kenney makes Sensational claims as well as telling one side of a very biased situation. He also vilifies Quebec and tries to make them seem like an unreasonable enemy of Alberta
I believe this statement by Kenney violates just about every CRTC Code of Ethics, journalism and Advertising. It is making Sensational claims and does not have someone there to fact check or provide a balanced view on the subject covered. The moderator also had no points to add
Kenney's statement made it seem like the "global energy crisis" is Quebec's fault
Your Province. Your Premier. is an ad for Jason Kenney's political career

Still more violations to come. I'll load them as I finish them #KenneysSafeSpace
Potential Violation:
Here Kenney says "nobody's playing with pensions"
I believe he is lying, however, I have not been following the pension fiasco. There are others in #ABLeg who would be able to tell you. Maybe an @abndpcaucus member?

These are the CRTC Rules I believe he is violating:

Potential Violation:
Here Kenney says "to hit the pause button on the NDP's highly politicized curriculum" in response to @DrAGrace_cyhtt's question

This is the exact reason why this show should not exist. Jason Kenney is using it to spout his political ideology.
This is a "News Show" and this is biased af #KenneysSafeSpace
This is what the moderator was supposed to be looking out for. His job is to make sure this biased opinion has another point of view. This clip violates like every CRTC Code in existence and imo is the perfect example of why this show is the biggest mistake Corus has ever made
"I- I don’t accept a lot of the- the premises in your question there"
-Jason Kenney to @DrAGrace_cyhtt
Potential Violation:
This is so full of CRTC Code violations. It's another PERFECT example why Corus was sooooo fucking stupid to allow Kenney to have a "News Show"
This statement is biased af. It does not have an alternate view. The show definitely did not have someone from "the left" that Kenney keeps vilifying. They presented this as a "News Show"

To me this clip is a perfect example of a politician directly influencing our media
@DrAGrace_cyhtt actually did an amazing job at calling out all the lies that Kenney said to their question. I recommend you check it out before starting the complaint process:
Your Province. Your Premier. is THE PERFECT example of a politician directly interfering with media. This will be studied at broadcasting schools as the biggest mistake a broadcast company has ever made for years to come
More clips on the way
Potential Violation:
Another statement riddled with so many violations it's embarrassing
This statement is so full of ignorance. If Kenney really, truly, actually wanted to have "an accurate and objective reflection of who we are as a society and how we developed" then we would learn about Indigenous genocide in schools

Check out @RISEdmonton if you'd like to learn about the Blanket Exercise. It's an intense way to experience a taste of Canadian history told from an Indigenous perspective. This is 100% not taught in schools & should 100% be taught in schools…
Calling it a "News Show" for the 3rd time. No violations with this statement. They are clearly identifying it as a "News Show" which means everything falls under Codes of Journalism Ethics. I go into the implications a little up the 🧵
Potential Violation:
Here Kenney vilifies municipalities now and insults their integrity with the moderator continuing to not moderate

A "News Show" by Corus
Edmonton's City Council "Consult" that Kenney mentions in here was open to literally everyone. You didn't even need to leave an email to limit how many times 1 person could respond. He is clearly breaking
Kenney is using this show to directly attack municipalities and spout his political ideology

Rules Violated:
He breaks everything I mentioned in the last Rules Violated here:
This is not a violation but I have so many questions

Who is stopping him from seeing her sing?
How is Kenney leading, nay, pioneering the way back to freedom?
Why can't he see her sing when they're at home?
Does he only smile when she sings?
What does he think is happening here?
"Folks, this might be our last energy boom" -Jason Kenney

This is my favourite quote of the show
Only a few more left!
Potential Violation:
When Kenney says they are "investing more than ever"
Potential Violation:
When Kenney says "we inherited the most expensive health system in Canada"
Potential Violation:
When Kenney says "I agreed with the convoy protesters in my opposition to the federal vaccine mandate"
He didn't denounce any of the violence that the Convoy protesters used, the weapons found, the charges laid for Convoy attendees that were found to be plotting to kill RCMP officers, nor the MOU which wanted to overthrow our gov't

Using violence to overthrow our gov't is treason
I guarantee you if ANY other political party had been spearheading the convoy like the UCP and CPC were then Kenney would have been shitting on anyone trying to make the distinction he is trying to make

By supporting the convoy in any way you support them all the way
One more potential violation to go through for Kenney's March 12th show on Corus!
Potential Violation:
This clip is Kenney advertising for his leadership review/race and the 2023 election he thinks he's gonna win. This is something the moderator should have caught.
I don't agree with the person Kenney is berating in this statement. Racism is hate fueled by stupidity and ignorance. He needs to be called out for such ignorance and hate.
Kenney's statement is, however, against Journalism & Ethics Codes because it's a "News Show"
He mostly spouts UCP ideology. Where is the airtime for all the other Alberta political parties? Or the guy he was accusing of trying to bring down the UCP? That seems like a big accusation that needs a follow-up, Wayne Nelson, moderator of this "News Show"
My thoughts on Corus' first week of #KenneysSafeSpace:
This show violates sooo many rules of ethics and integrity. It is THE PERFECT example of a politician directly influencing the media, advertising outside of elections, and of a moderator not doing their job

It needs to go
Now we have to report these violations. Be sure to follow the steps I laid out in the 🧵 here exactly or the CRTC will send you back to Step 1:
Also, check out our #KenneysSafeSpace every Saturday @ 11am, right after Kenney does his Corus show:…

We record each of Kenney's 10am shows & go through the potential violations in our Twitter Space @ 11am

I later ✂️ & 🧵 them for easy reference
Link to Next Week's 🧵 where I'll be ✂️ing potential violations from Kenney's March 19th Corus Show:
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More from @SomeCanadiaNews

Mar 10, 2022
Great News #yeg Climate Activists!
@CJEdmonton & @350Canada are hosting a Climate Action this Saturday March 12 @ 2pm!
Join 1000s across Canada demanding the fed gov't passes a bold #JustTransitionAct
Meet at @R_Boissonnault's office DT Edmonton

More Great News #yeg Climate Activists!

A @350Canada Climate Action is organized for Riverbend Square this Saturday March 12 @ 11am!

Fun street theatre outside @Jeneroux's office!

Great News #yyc Climate Activists!
@350Canada is hosting a Climate Action this Saturday March 12 @ 10am!
Unite @ChahalGeorge's office Calgary to call on the gov't to put people before profits & ensure a #JustTransitionAct leaves no person behind

Read 4 tweets
Mar 9, 2022
I'm not a radio expert. I left the industry 9 years ago after I tried to transition and was treated like a black sheep by everyone I thought was my friend. I came out to someone who claimed to be the HR rep but was really just the gossip queen of the office.
This was a few weeks after I told my radio commercial writing boss that I was anti-theist and refused to write commercials promoting religion to which he replied, "Tough shit. I don't like the guys at this Ford dealership but I still write for them."
And that was a few weeks after he called me into his office to rewrite a commercial for a flower shop because I had flowers being choked out by truck fumes as a joke to which he said, "You can't make that joke. Our biggest advertisers are truck dealerships"
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12, 2022
#FreedomConvoy2022 just show up in #yeg and counter protesters are rocking it!
The Glenora Club security is telling at counter protesters to get off the road
Read 34 tweets
Feb 11, 2022
Meanwhile, at the #FreedomConvoy2022 in Coutts / Milk River, Alberta a dog was detained by police for skateboarding. Some guy from Facebook(our audio analysts think he may be Diddy Kong based on his laugh ), has a clip /s
"Freedom Fred" managed to escape police custody and started ramming onlookers with his skateboard while police watched /s
The dog tried to escape the area but quickly turned around when he realized he was surrounded by police /s
Read 5 tweets

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